My Lover is a Serial Killer (pt 3)

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November 1st, 6:50

(This part contains some sexual themes, careful reading! ^.^)

I began walking down the street with my phone in hand. Candy Street...Candy Street....What was Candy Street? "Meet me on the Candy Street" seems so out of context, so odd. There was no street named Candy Street, so I could only guess he meant the street in front of the candy shop. I was continuously checking my phone from a call or text for Streber, hoping he'd woken up by now. But every time I checked my phone, it was the same old empty lockscreen as before. I sighed, knowing it'd be another while. I can only hope he's alright. 

By the time I got to CandyClub it was seven o'clock. My legs were sore and my clothes were just a bit too thin for this weather. It'd gotten colder and some snow had fallen. And me, being my dumb self, wore a thin long sleeved black shirt, a black jacket with thin white stripes, and black leggings. I also wore my fuzzy, carmel brown ugg boots. They were the warmest shoes I had. I walked with my hood up and my hands in my pockets, not suspicious at all. After waiting a couple minutes by CandyClub, I remembered the last time we'd agreed to meet somewhere. Bob hadn't met up and instead ditched me. Maybe he was trying to make up for it? Eventually, I got too cold and peered into CandyClub. Kevin wasn't working tonight. It was just Rick. I didn't know Rick as well as I did Kevin, so I decided not to bother him. He seemed to be closing up anyhow. 7:25 rolls around. He still isn't anywhere in sight. Did I walk to the wrong spot? Or is he ditching me to murder people again? I shook my head, taking a step forward to head to a nearby coffee shop so I could escape the cold. The wind began to blow and the air was nipping at my nose. As soon I took that first step forward, though, I was grabbed around my waist. "HEY!!" I shouted, spinning around and pushing away from the person. I looked up at the tall figure. It was Bob... I think? The man wore a big maroon sweater and black pants. His eyes had those exact same black bags and icy blue tint as Bob's. I stood in confusion for a moment, examining the stranger until he spoke. "What is it, Darlin'? Didn't expect to see me out of costume?" That's Bob's voice. Gravelly with a Texan accent. I smiled without meaning too. Hell, I smiled more than I should. I should have known by the major detail he kept. Bob wore a red headband with little devil horns. That's...Adorable. 

After a bit of talking, Bob grabbed my hand. He seemed less demanding out of costume, like the devil costume was just a facade to cover a sweet, respectful and loving man. This time, I let him walk me to his desired location. Luckily it was a small restaurant that was two hours from closing. When I walked in with him, Bob immediately got us a seat and pulled my chair out for me, pushing me back in when I'd sat down. I was astonished. Flabbergasted. Not enough evidence in the world would be able to prove that this sweet man was the same one who attacked me. I couldn't believe it. He's trying his best. But..I can't get too happy over this sweet treatment. I need to confront him about Streber. He ordered food for us and then stared at me with those beautiful icy eyes for a few moments while we waited. 

"I can't believe it. Bob Velseb, the cold hearted, sadistic, cannibalistic serial killer... Invited me to dinner. And even better, he's such an amazing and well behaved gentleman." I teased. Bob rolled his eyes and put on his signature smile. "Yeah, whatever you say, Darlin'. I'm sweet to you. Don't mean I'd be sweet to your friends." He took a sip of the drink he'd gotten and glanced around the room. That was when it hit me... He looked like the man from the picture of Lila and her friends... No, no, that can't be. They were all just a couple of teenagers in that photo. Lila was only two years older than me, and that man in the photo looked to be very close to 13, my guess was 17 or 18. But now that I see Bob out of costume, maybe he was only a teenager? 15? 16? Who knows. All I know is that I'm over analyzing things. Surely that's not him. Surely he wasn't the man from the photo. I mean, out of costume, he looks to be only four years older than me, and I'm 20. Nearly 21. I sighed and tried to relax, closing my eyes and cupping my hands over my face to hide my weird expression of anxiety. I must have tuned out the world somehow, because suddenly Bob grabbed my face. He had managed to move to the seat right next to me. How I did not hear this, I am unsure. He held my face in his hands and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. No, that's not Bob. How the fuck is this the same man who murdered three people and tore Streber's arm off? How is this man a cannibalistic serial killer? How..?? I stared blankly as he smiled a warm smile and held my face, eventually planting a soft kiss to my forehead. He's so caring... Why..? "Is everything alright?" He asked. I blinked a few times before replying with a sorry excuse. "Yeah, sorry. Just a bit worried that I'll uh.. Lose my job.. I kind of ran out today while we were open and left a couple kids to watch it over. The boss has never liked me so I'll most likely get fired." After lying about it, it became an actual concern. I may not have liked the job, and I may have hated the people I worked with, but it was still my only source of good income. I can't afford to lose that. But I still want to figure out who Bob truly is. I have to focus on that. 

Bob and I talked and ate, he told me all about how he loves to cook and often cooks big meals for himself since he has no one to share them with. He joked a bit about how that was why he's overweight and then looked visibly upset a few times. I smiled and comforted him. Was this big teddy bear of a man ashamed of his body? Surely not. He's too confident. Either way, I reassured him that I have a soft spot for softer bodies, and he seemed to smile a lot. "You're not judgmental, are you, Y/N?" He chuckled, taking a bite of the food he'd ordered with a big smile. I shrugged and sipped my drink; sweet tea. "I try not to be. I mean everyone lives their own life, does their own thing, acts the way they want to act and become the person they want to become. As long as they aren't degrading people and showing clear signs of racism or sexism, I couldn't care less what people do. After all, the world is full of opinions. Everyone has an opinion, whether we like it or not. Just as long as they don't force their opinion upon others, who gives a shit. Let 'em live.  Personally, I like people like you. All soft, squishy. True beauty. But hey, just my opinion, right?" I had spaced out while speaking and made it longer than it needed to be. "Is that why you still care for me? Even when I've shown you how horrible I am? How cruel I am? I've murdered people, hurt your best friend. And you still chose to stand up for me, allow me to hold you in your sleep, leave you little gifts and come to dinner with me.. You're a kind person, Darlin'. I couldn't ever hurt you if I wanted to." He grabbed my hand and stood up. "C'mon, let's head home. Place is closin'." 

Bob walked me home. About half way there, he picked me up and carried me, hugging me to keep me warm. It was late when we got to my house; the sun was set and it was much colder. I walked inside. It then hit me that Bob and I had gotten this close. He had taken me to dinner, he was more talkative, kind, caring, loving. Fuck it. I grabbed his sweater and dragged him inside. "Get inside, silly! It's cold out there!" I smiled. Bob looked surprised and confused as he tumbled through the door, nearly falling over on top of me but catching himself, landing us in a hug on the couch. We both sat wide eyed for a moment before bursting into laughter. We laughed for a good minute before Bob grabbed me and speed walked to my room, pinning me to my bed with a smile. His arms were tight around my back, and he smiled while looking at me. "Haha, Bob, what are you doing?" I laughed, trying to figure out why he'd pinned me down in a hug. He was very large, Covering most of my body with just his upper half. Bob didn't answer me. He only stared into my eyes before slowly leaning in closer. My eyes shot wide open as he kissed my lips. This was only the second time he's kissed me on the lips. But this time, it was more romantic. I actually enjoyed it this time. Just when I thought the kiss was going to end, Bob twisted his head slightly, placing his hand on my arm and slowly running it up to my hand, locking our fingers together. His hand was warm and soft. I went along with his idea and kept kissing him, turning our single kiss into a whole make out session. He occasionally trailed kisses from my lips to my neck, biting me and licking his marks, kissing all over me until he felt like kissing my lips again. I was enjoying the sweet kissing until i felt his hand move from mine, hearing a scraping noise. I opened my eyes, seeing him holding his knife. 

Shit! I knew this was too good to be true!! I shoved myself further into my bed out of fear. "B-Bob what are you doing with that knife..?" I whimpered. He did not answer. "Bob?" I gripped his sweater. He still didn't answer. What is he doing? I flinched as Bob stabbed his knife into my bedside table. "I don't need this right now." He snarled, taking off his sweater to reveal a big, pale, soft stomach. It was chubby with several scars on it. There looked to be tire imprints on his chest. They looked like scars. His arms, stomach, chest; all of it was scarred. He had a dark happy trail leading from under his pants to his belly button. Cute, but what's with all of the scars? Before I could ask, Bob took my shirt off and began kissing all up and down my body. I began to fall into it, arching my back so that my chest was pushed into his face. He kissed it without hesitation. I grabbed onto his hair as he trailed bite marks up and down my stomach, my hips, neck, chest and arms. After a while of biting and kissing, he slipped my pants off. "Whoa-! I- Uh..." I panicked, grabbing his arm and staring down at his hands that were holding my pants. I crossed my legs tightly, hiding what'd been revealed. "Are you okay with this, Darlin'?" He questioned. He looked slightly worried. I thought for a second and then gave him a nod. He nodded back with a sweet smile and took his pants off. I felt nervous looking, so I kept my eyes on his. He leaned back down and grabbed my hips, pulling me up as he kissed my forehead, pushing himself into me. 

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