The Confession

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November 3rd, 4:00 PM

When I woke up I was in my own home. I'd been asleep for a really long time. Those meds really knocked my ass out, huh? I checked my phone and was surprised with what I saw. Streber had finally called me! But, I missed it. I hastily got up and clicked on the missed call message and tapped the call option. 


"Hello?" Streber announced after a short moment of ringing.

"Streber! How is your arm doing?" I beamed. I was so excited to hear his voice again.

"Well, It's doing better than it was. Hurts a lot, that's for sure. But It's feeling better."

"How long do you think it'll take to heal?" I asked. 

"Well," Streber began, "Doc said it'll take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks to heal. Scarring will take roughly 18 months. So it's gonna be a while." 

I cringed at the thought. Streber was going to be practically disabled for a year. If not more depending on the precision Bob had made on the cut. 

"Hey Streber.." I asked, having something in mind. I should tell Streber about what happened at that jail. Well.. Should I? 

"Yes, Y/N?" He wondered. He sounded cheerful, as if he was just happy to be talking to me. I gulped, beginning to feel my hands coat themselves in sweat. I was terrified. Should I tell Streber? I mean, what would he think if his best friend suddenly confessed to him that she broke a well known cannibalistic serial killer out of jail and killed two cops and attacked another? He'd be scared of me.. He'd probably turn me in.. No, I can't do that. Not yet at least. But there is something I want to confess to Bob later this evening. I glanced over at my clock. It was only 4:16. I'll meet Bob at the old walkway to that freaky old mansion on the hill. Maybe we could walk it and walk back while I tell him some things that have been on my mind lately. 

"Hello? Y/N?" Streber blurted. I shook my head. 

"Oh, yeah. Uhm, I gotta go I'll talk to you later!" I said, quickly hanging up to avoid any questions. After hanging up I quickly left my room and walked out to my living room. Maybe I'll get me something to eat and then go hunt for Bob. As I rounded the corner that exited my hallway, I was met with Bob in his costume laying on my couch. He was fast asleep. Looks like I don't have to hunt for him. Gosh, he's so adorable. With a heavy sigh, I limped over to him and smiled as I kissed him on his forehead. Yep, he was out cold. I turned around and walked towards the kitchen, opening the fridge to look for something to eat. Upon opening the fridge I was met with a plate. On that plate was a cold, round, juicy, greasy burger. It looked so fat inducing, so full of calories, so nasty. Yet, it looked like a commercial style burger. We usually sold burgers like that up at Boys 'n' Grills. On the plate was a small card that read "Darlin'." I grabbed the plate and shrugged, taking the note off and sticking the burger in the microwave. I watched as it spun around in the dim scarlet light. I've been feeling.. Odd.. lately. As if I wanted to eat something tender. For the past month I'd had such horrible intrusive thoughts. Thoughts along the lines of murder or arson.. But, I've ignored them. There are already awful things in this town.. Monsters and cults and robbers and apparently dolls that like to come to life and commit atrocities. Plus, I'd make a pretty lame serial killer. So there's no point in letting the intrusive thoughts take over. 

After the microwave beeped I snapped out of my deep trance and hit the button, taking the burger out of the microwave and placing it on the table. I gave the burger a harsh, long stare. It was so greasy. This is sure to go straight to my thighs. With shaky hands I grabbed the burger and took a big crocodile chomp out of it. Whoa.. It was absolutely delicious. But... Something was off. I don't know if it was the tenderness of the patty or the freshness of the reheated innards, but it felt off. The texture of the patty was so tough and yet so squishy. It contained so much grease and string. Like it was fat. I could get the same texture if I took a bite out of a raw human hip or the neck of a cow. Why was it so off? Though, in a way, I think I preferred this type of meat.. Whatever it is. After finishing the burger, I limped my way to Bob and poked him awake. He jolted up with a quick response of "Yes, Darlin?" I smiled and kissed him. Such a sweet feeling of joy when our lips meet. "I want to talk about some things. Figured I'd do it during a walk. You up for it?" I grinned and helped him stand up. When he got up, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into a hug. "What is it, hun?" He whimpered. "Hah, let's just go for that walk."

We began down the path to the old mansion on the hill. On the way I just kind of kept silent. All of this was going to be a bit complicated to say. At least for me it would be. The walk was silent for a few minutes before Bob spoke up. "So, what is it, Y/N?" I couldn't figure out how to say it. Let's start off slow.. "Bob.. I uh.. I have been having some intrusive thoughts for the past month or so. So, long before we even met." Bob nodded at my words and stayed quiet. "These thoughts range from the questioning of whether or not human meat would taste good or how it'd feel to shove a knife through somebody's chest. I have.. always been a violent person. Despite it not seeming that way. When I was a kid I'd catch bugs and kill them. I would strangle baby birds and watch in fascination as they wriggled in fear of their approaching final breath. I would cut the limbs off of lizards and tell my mom I'd turned them into snakes. She was always worried for me. And now, walking down a dark and isolated path through the woods with a serial killer after breaking him out of prison and murdering two cops do I realize that it was just the beginning. After I killed those cops I just.. Haven't been myself. Or, it hasn't felt as such." Bob nodded once more, this time speaking up after my pause. "Y/N, I think you are beginning to realize what you were made for. During that incident with the break out, I couldn't help but realize how powerful you seemed. You were so confident. You thought smart and fast. You knew what you were doing." He comforted. I stared blankly at the passing trees. "I knew what I was doing, yes. But that does not change that I am afraid of what I'm becoming. Every time I close my eyes all I can see is the beautiful crimson pools that spurt from the human body. Every blink.. It's all I can imagine. And right now.." I said, fiddling with my cold fingertips, "My unoccupied hands can only think of the feeling of a knife cupped within them. I want to murder people. But, I can't do that." Silence surrounded us as we walked, slowly turning around to make our way back to the road to town. "The meat on that burger," Bob began, slowly turning towards me, "Did you like it?" This was an unnerving question. I had to think for a moment. It was a bit soft in texture. Pretty similar to beef or pork in a way. It had the consistency of beef, but the slight resemblance in taste to pork. It was... Good. A subtle taste. "I liked it." I hesitantly said.  Bob scoffed in a playful manner. "That was human meat. Remember your boss? It was part of his shoulder. Burgers come from the cow's shoulder. And that patty you consumed, belonged to your dear old boss. I cooked him up before the cops got me." I had to ponder at this for a moment. I ate a piece of my boss? I ate.. Human meat? And even more fucked up, I liked it? 

When we arrived back at the house, Bob opened up the door for me and nudged me inside. "Aren't you coming in with me?" I asked, turning back to face him. The pale blue moonlight made his red face and sweater look almost purple. "I've got something I need to do. It won't take long, and it will be for you. But, you should get some sleep. While I'm out, do me a favor." Bob explained, grabbing my hand. "And what is that?" I wondered. He smiled that same old smile again. "Think on it." He ordered devilishly. "Think on it?" I raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to be my partner? Commit murders together, hunt the weak, cook human meat together. Live the cruel and devilish life I have chosen to live. It would make things much easier. Of course, you could do things completely your way. Go out and kill whoever and whenever you want to. Stalk your victims and tease them with evil intent. Play cat and mouse with your victims and live an overall free life. You are obviously very smart; smart enough to do this." He lectured me in a way that seemed almost like a bribe. And yet, I'd get almost nothing out of this. Or maybe... I would? I could live a life of sin. A free life. I could live a life in which I have no worries other than the blood I coat my fingertips with. Is it worth it? Leaving it all behind just to kill people and eat them? To toy with my victims? Is it really worth it to finally listen to these life long intrusive thoughts? Maybe... As long as I can leave zero evidence behind, I could just try it out and then return to my regular life. It's not like I'd be doomed to do it forever.... Right? 

"I need an answer by tomorrow mornin'. I'll see ya then, Darlin'." Bob kissed my forehead and walked off. 

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