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October 30th, 9:00

"Found ya." Bob said with vicious intent. I froze. How did He find me? I thought my spot was good!

I stood staring at him, confused when suddenly a large knife arose from his hand. I backed up, staring up at him with a few tears in my eyes. What the fuck..Where'd he get that?! How long has he had it!? Am I going to die..? I watched as he raised the knife in the air, pointing its blade right at me. I tensed up, preparing myself to be stabbed, closing my eyes and clenching my fists. But alas, no stabbing came. He had frozen with his knife in the air, staring at me. What the hell is he doing? I thought he was going to kill me?

"Come with me." Bob demanded. I stared in confusion, tilting my head. "What? You just tried to kill me!" "I said come with me, Darlin'." He grabbed my hand and tugged me from my hiding spot. I tried to pull away, tugging backwards. But with the luck I had, it'd be easier to dislocate my arm than get free. I quickly gave up, letting him drag me towards... CandyClub? Why were we heading towards CandyClub? He continued smiling, like he had for the hour we'd been together out here. It didn't ever flinch, didn't ever change. That is, unless he was looking at me. Every time he looked at me, his smile grew and his breath pounded his teeth heavier than before.

Once we got to CandyClub, Bob threw me in front of him and stared. He silently examined me. I looked around. I'd already gotten candy from here tonight. I looked around. Kevin was not here. Where was he? I walked up the aisle, turning back towards Bob. "Wh-Why are we here?" I stuttered, trying to find my words and spill them properly. "Treat yourself." He grumbled. "But..Why? I didn't win." I stammered. Bob directed his eyes toward the candy in the small pastel colored shop. He took a deep breath in. I just know he enjoyed that sweet stench. He closed his eyes for a second, then opened them and looked back at me. "In a way, you did. Now, treat yourself, Darlin', before I do." Before he does? what does that mean? I shivered from the cold breeze that blew through the opened glass door. Bob continued to stare, so I knew I could no longer sit and stall. I turned towards the counter where Kevin usually was and walked forward. "Kevin?" I peeped, leaning over the counter. He jumped up from below the counter with a box in his hands. He looked confused, as usual. "Oh! Hello, Y/N!" He beamed with a smile, "Back so soon?" He set the box down, grabbing some more candy and handing me a bag before walking around the counter and right up next to me. Kevin and I had known each other for a while, and I was a loyal costumer of his. He was used to seeing me around a lot. Not a surprise I showed up an hour later wanting more candy. He bent down next to me and stocked some more candy on the front of the counter. I bent down too, tilting my head playfully at him and smiling as I picked up some of the freshly stocked candy and placed it in my bag. "Sorry, front counter has the candy i like the most." I chuckled, smiling and standing up again. He stood up and grabbed another box, placing more candy around. "You know what Y/N, it's late. Go ahead and take that for free." He stated, keeping his back turned as he placed the candy on the shelves. "Oh, uhm, you sure?" I wondered aloud. "Yeah," He smiled, "Of course!"

With that, I turned around to walk out. I'd almost completely forgotten about Bob, who was nowhere in sight. I sort of panicked, but realized he was still only a stranger. I shrugged and walked out of the store, only to be met with Bob again. He'd been standing outside. Weird. Especially since he'd trapped me earlier and raised a knife to my face. I ignored it, ignored him, even, and started walking home. Apparently at some point struggling to get free of Bob's grasp, I'd managed to hurt my ankle. Probably because I was stumbling around and stomping the ground trying to pry my hand out of his. He stayed put, chewing on something. I could only imagine what it was, and frankly, I didn't want to know. I kept walking down the sidewalk, my ankle continuously felt worse. I pushed through. The hurt ankle? That's too cliche. I gotta play it off cool. I mean, what if he wants to attack me again? I'd be extra vulnerable if he knew I was hurt.

After a few moments of walking, I finally sat down. I heard no noise, and my house wasn't too far. I only had a few minutes left to go, but I needed a break. My ankle had gotten to an insufferable point. I must have twisted it somehow while kicking to get free. Now that I think of it, I did sort of bend it wrong. I looked up at the sky, then quickly glanced down at my phone. I'd been playing on it but didn't even check the time. 10:00. Great. It's late and I have to work tomorrow. I clicked the off button, revealing my own reflection in the dark screen. But, behind me..Was a big....Chubby.... I quickly turned around. It was Bob. I was scared, but somehow comforted?

"You were limping." He croaked. SHIT! He saw me limping? I didn't think it was that noticeable! "Eh, yeah. What about it? My home's just down there anyways." I argued, pointing down the street to my left. Bob's eyes followed my hand, staring blankly with that large creepy smile in the direction I'd pointed. Suddenly, without warning, I was lifted off the ground in bridal. I gripped his red sweater and stared in confusion. "Hey what the hell?! Put me do-" Bob placed his large red hand over my mouth. His smile stayed, and his eyes were focused on the road ahead. His hand was warm and comforting. I glanced up at him, quickly calming down and placing my hand over his, holding it to my mouth. So soft, so warm, like a little cat was over my face. I took it in, the smell of very cheap cologne and... Blood? Not sure, but it was an iron-like scent. Sort of smelled good in a way. I moved his hand away, glancing up at the stars that moved past as he walked, then back at him. "My name is Y/N." I introduced, "I'm uh, I'm 20, work up at Boys -n- Grills. Well, used to, that is. I'm bound to lose my job. Being up this late, I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow. I might even miss work. Just for the hell of it." Bob kept staring into the distance with that never ending smile. I grabbed his hand. Well, I grabbed his thumb. His hands were very large, large enough that his thumb reached right through my entire hand. "You know, you're not that bad. You're actually kind of sweet for what it's worth. I mean, carrying me because you saw me hurt? That's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me." I smiled, "Thank you." Just then, we reached my house and he stopped in front of the door. I thought I saw him smile a warmer smile than a creepy one, but I could be wrong.

Bob took me inside and walked towards my bedroom. Well, what he thought was my bedroom. He searched two rooms before finding it. When he finally did I gave him a soft giggle. He walked into the room and laid me down in my bed. He then proceeded to lift the covers over my body and begin to walk out with that emotionless smile. "Bob, wait." I whined, sitting up. Bob walked back towards me and knelt down to my face. He squinted, waiting for my next words. "Thank you so much for helping me home. I really appreciate it. I wish to repay you. Maybe we could meet again on Halloween, at Streber's Halloween party and haunted house?" Bob kept smiling, silently. "This is..Uncalled for and weird, but here." I mumbled, pulling him down by his horns and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. I would say that his cheeks lit up red, but he was fully red anyways.

Bob suddenly stopped smiling after I'd kissed his cheek. He was obviously surprised. I mean, he'd raised a knife to my face, ready to kill me. But, unfortunately, I'm a bit too kind. I have a bad habit of forgiving people too easily. "You trust me, don't ya?" He huffed, looking straight into my eyes. His pretty cyan eyes seemed to pierce through mine. "I'm not sure yet. I somehow feel safe with you, even th-" "Even though I almost stabbed you?" He spoke in short sentences and questions, as if his speech came in fragments of what he really wanted to say. "Yeah..I uh, I have a bad habit of trusting people, even when they've done me wrong. I tend to forgive easily. It's a toxic trait, if anything." Bob just stared. Not surprising. "Would you still trust me if I did...." Bob raised his knife in the air, straightening his posture and stabbing my bedside table. He swung so fast that it looked like he was going to stab me. But, it was only an illusion. "This?" I blinked slowly. "Well, you didn't stab me. So I suppose I could still trust you. You're Bob Velseb." I reminded him, watching as his eyes widened with the sudden realization that I know what he is. "You've murdered people. You've eaten them. You're a crazy, psychotic, unhinged, cannibalistic bitch. But, you helped me. You raised your knife to me, and yet did not swing." Bob blinked and directed his eyes back at his knife as if he was contemplating his own choices. "Maybe..Maybe I just have a soft spot for ya. Now, I'll see you at that Halloween party, Darlin'." Bob turned off my lamp and walked out, this time not looking behind him.

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