My Lover is a Serial Killer

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October 31st, 11:25 pm

(might be a longer chapter ^.^)

I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. 

I didn't even know I'd fallen asleep. It was 11 o'clock, rain was pounding my roof. It fell so hard that it sounded as if it were going to break through my roof. I bolted up, slightly freaked out. There was a horrible knot in my stomach. Something felt wrong. It was just then that I realized my bedroom door was wide open. I hadn't left it like that, did I? I hadn't fallen asleep with my door open, did I? I never do.. My moment of thinking was interrupted by a loud, house rattling bang from the sky. My room lit up with a bolt of lightning that flashed through the gloomy dark night sky. I was visibly scared. I hated storms. And even worse, the knowledge of a serial killer out there somewhere, one that has freshly murdered people, one that knows where I live is...terrifying. I shivered in fear, soon getting up from my bed and shuffling to the open door. I had horrible vibes, didn't even want to be out of bed. But, I mustered up the courage and grabbed my door, closing it. I sighed, closing my eyes in relief. That overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety melted away as it fastened into its latch. But, I didn't know that I was being watched the whole time. I glanced up with my hand on my chest, only to be surprised with a giant figure looming over me. At first all I'd noticed was a darker blob in the corner behind my door, until large eyes and a giant toothy grin appeared on the figure's face. I stepped back, tripping over something in the darkness. Lightning flashed through my room once more as the figure took one heavy, loud, hollow step at a time toward me. I panicked as I saw the light red face of the figure in the lightning. Dragging myself away, I managed to keep backing up until I reached my bed and quickly climbed up onto it, hardly blinking at the figure in fear of losing sight of it. Maybe it's all a bad dream? Maybe I'm not going to die? I cowered on my bed and watched as the lightning struck again, this time lighting up my room for a moment longer. It was lit up just long enough to see the large red figure scraping a knife against a sharpener, that'd explain the scraping noise that was emitting from its every step. I suddenly stopped shaking, my eyes extra focused on this figure. 

"Bob..?" I wondered aloud, still focused on the figure. It suddenly stopped moving. The scraping of the knife on the sharpener had stopped, and all had gone quiet until a large roar of thunder interrupted the silence. "Do you know..." He trailed off, suddenly going quiet and taking another step forward. He was now directly in front of me, slowly stretching out his arm and placing a finger under my chin to lift it up. We were now face to face. His finger was still forcing my head up toward him and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "..That I love you.." He huffed with hot breath. The lightning lit up the room once more, revealing his sadistic grin and cold eyes. I scoffed at him and backed away, only to be pulled closer. He wrapped his large arms around me. I could only imagine the psychotic thoughts running through his sick mind. Maybe he wanted to smell me, taste me. Maybe he wanted to eat me..kill me...dismember me like he had the three others tonight. The several ideas of his intent had me begin shaking and chattering my teeth together in fear. He must have felt me shaking, because during his hug he leaned his head closer to my ear and said, "Don't worry, Darlin'. I'm not gonna hurt ya." These words ceased to comfort me as I had felt the cold touch of his blade on my back. If he wasn't going to hurt me...Then why was he holding me at knife point?

I finally gave up, and allowed him to do as he pleased. He put his knife away as I'd nearly gone limp in his arms, my nose buried in the crook of his neck, taking in the scent of fresh blood and cheap cologne. I sighed, accepting it. I didn't want to. I'd trusted him at first thinking that maybe he wasn't as dangerous as he was rumored to be. Maybe creepy, but until I witnessed it for myself, I didn't think he'd really murdered people. He seemed a bit too kind for it, too calm. But when he raised that knife at me the other night, it made me wonder. Finally, I opened my mouth. "..Why..?" Bob hesitated before saying, "I'm not sure. Something in your eyes keeps you safe. I would have had your limbs on a silver platter by now if it wasn't for the glimmer of trust that you have in me."  I took it in for a moment. He'd wanted to kill me..? But I was just so lucky as to trust him for one night...And it changed his mind? "What.." I hesitated, "..What makes me different from your other victims..?" Bob grabbed my shoulders and pulled me backward so we were once again face to face. I stared at his large, empty eyes with a pleading glare, hoping for an answer. He kept that signature smile. Just when I thought he'd stare at me forever, he grabbed my face and tugged me in, planting a gentle kiss on my lips that lasted for a few moments. I couldn't believe it. This sadistic, psychotic, mentally insane cannibal that dismembered three people this afternoon stalked me, came into my house, and scared me; told me he was going to kill me but ceased to do so because I trusted him? And this is what he does? He kisses me?! I let him get away with it, afraid that if I made a move he'd attack. Then, he finally answered my question. "You taste sweet. "

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