My Lover is a Serial Killer (pt 2)

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4:00 Am, Date Unknown

I woke up some time around 3 or 4 in the morning, I didn't check my phone or my clock. 

I was sweaty and the rain had slowed to a soft drizzle outside. My room was hot and something felt to be weighing down my bed. It was dark, a little too dark for my comfort. So, I did what any normal person would do and tried to get up to flick on my lamp. Slowly sitting up, I reached over to turn on my lamp. But, I realized my arm was not long enough. I stretched, trying to avoid moving as much as possible to keep my comfort. I finally gave up, and twisted my body a bit to reach further, only to be stopped by a suffocating weight. I froze, trying to figure out what it was. Because I couldn't seem to reach my lamp due to this weight, I grabbed my phone and turned the brightness up, shining it down by my waist where I felt the weight. It was there that I saw Bob with his arms tightly wrapped around me and a leg over my waist. He'd been holding onto me like no tomorrow. I blinked slowly, thoughts rushing through my brain. Then, I remembered. I'd pretty much kept him away from Lila. Right...... She must think I'm dead. 

After a while of laying there wide eyed, I decided it was time to go back to sleep. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

November 1st, 10:00 AM

October is over, Halloween has passed, and Bob was missing when I woke up. Maybe he truly is just the Halloween cannibal, because I haven't seen him all day. As I thought to myself about all of the possibilities, I slammed a meat cleaver down into a large chunk of meat. I stood like a robot, pondering at everything that'd unraveled in the past two days. First I met a creepy weirdo who made a deal with me just to play hide and seek. Then, he raised a knife at me and threatened my life. He forced me to buy candy for myself, stalked me on my way home and helped me get home after seeing me limp. He then murdered three people, took one's arm, and stalked me in my own home late at night. Lila ran over and ranted about how Bob had attacked her that night and last Halloween, and then  I had his back? Then, he slept in my bed...And cuddled me all night.. But disappeared this morning? What is going on lately...? I shook my head, chopping up more meat and making some patties, throwing them onto the grill and walking back out to take another order. I heard the familiar jingle of the doors opening, and I put on my best friendly, customer service voice. "Hello! Welcome to Boys and Grills burger place! What can I get for y-" "You're not a boy." Said a gravelly, young voice. I hated that I was interrupted for such a stupid statement. It was after rolling my eyes that I realized I saw no one in front of the counter. I placed my hands on the counter and stood on my tip toes, peering over the marble counter and finally spotting the little shit who'd said it. 

"Roy, I thought I kicked you out of here last time you ordered." I grunted, crossing my arms and raising my brow. Roy laughed as Robert and Ross walked in behind him. "And why would I be kicked out, hmmmm?" He said in a whiny yet playful voice. He had that stupid smug smile on his face again. I sighed and grabbed a clipboard."Let's see," I said in the most obvious passive aggressive voice possible, "Ah, there it is! Reynold! And this is what it says. Reynold is a loyal customer but he has been," I raised my voice in a high, fake surprised tone and raised my eyebrows, pretending like I didn't know the information I was reading, "BANNED from Boys and Grills for," I cleared my throat, once again raising my voice, "EGGING THE FRONT WINDOWS AND HARASSING INDOOR DINING CUSTOMERS."  Roy and the boys sat there dumbfounded, Roy obviously trying to think up a threat. "Hmmm, how would you feel if I got my parents in here, then?" He threatened, "They'd get you fired!" He laughed. Ross and Robert looked slightly annoyed. "Oh no," I said in the most monotone and sarcastic voice possible, "My precious job will be lost." Roy lost his smug expression and looked around at his friends who were visibly angry at him. I shot a glance at Robert and Ross, who were very kind customers of mine. "Ross, Robert, you two are very much so welcome to take a seat. And because I'm feeling extra generous today, drinks are on me today. I don't get paid enough to care what comes out of my paycheck anyhow." The boys high fived and laughed, jogging up to the front stools and hopping up onto them with big, sweet smiles. "Now you Roy," I said, "Get the fuck out." 

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