First Blood

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Author's note- Sorry for such a delay on chapters! 

After post note- I am terribly sorry for any mistakes in the story! I rushed through this chapter and didn't have time to make edits since I'm currently in school! I will fix any errors soon!

November 5th, 10:00 AM

I woke up feeling just as groggy as I had any other morning. My alarm for work had gone off. Too bad I didn't have the job anymore. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, hoping to clear up the foggy smudges that blocked my vision. When I did, I glanced around my room. I felt no different. I was the same ol' weirdo I was before. Upon sitting up, I noticed a heavy weight pulling on the back of my neck. I glanced down, being met with a golden necklace. It was circular with a rectangular, curved arm on the left and right of it. It had a big, shiny, light jade, rhombus shaped gem in the center. I grabbed the necklace and stared at it for a short moment. I think I've seen Bob with this same necklace before. The night we had sex.. It was tangled in his sweater when he undressed. He got it from the cult. But.. What does it do? I'll have to ask him. 

With a long stretch and loud yawn, I got up and did my morning routine before putting on a basic outfit. Long sleeved shirt with a few other necklaces, a plain black T-shirt over my long sleeves, and some black leggings with my pink and white striped socks. I walked out to the living room and looked at the couch. Bob was reading a book. "Hey hun," I announced, peeking around the corner wall of the doorway, "What's this necklace for?"I lifted the necklace up with my thumb and pointed at it. Bob lifted his brow and smiled wide, setting his book down. 'The Cannibal's Guide To Ethical Living,' it read. He got up and slowly walked towards me. When he got to me, he lifted my chin and slowly trailed his lips down my neck, stopping at my collar bone. A shiver ran down my spine. "Immortality." He said, kissing my neck again. "Immortality?" I questioned, running my hand up to his horn and grabbing it. "It grants you temporary immortality. If you end up with several injuries or hurt in some lethal way, you will last longer than any regular human would. Shot to a vital organ? You'll be fine for at least two days until you reach help. Even if you've lost a lot of blood. Why do you think I lived through the injuries I sustained last Halloween and when we broke out of that jail?" Bob grabbed me and walked to the couch, sitting down and holding me close. "Bob," I wondered aloud, "Are we... A couple?" My voice trailed off into a soft squeak as he grabbed onto my hand. Silence fell upon us for a moment before he kissed me and said: "Why not? Let's be a couple."  I smiled with a very soft and relieved smile, kissing his lips and turning away. "Have you eaten today?" I asked with that dumb smile stuck on my face. Bob smiled, of course, and nodded his head. "Had me a burger this morning. Special meat, you know?" He winked. His little wink had reminded me.. Today I should try it. I should try living the way I want. But how? I've always been so sweet and calm. I've always been the neighborhood kind lady. How do I do this? "Start small." Bob said. His head was tilted and his eyes were dead set on mine. "What?" I panicked, quickly removing my gaze from his and directing my eyes at anything else in the room. "You've got that blank stare plastered on your face. Usually means you're lost in thought. You want to know how to do it, huh? How to kill, be a bad guy..? Start small. Go after an easy target and get the job done. After the first one is done, the rest will be a breeze." His raspy voice seemed to echo in my ears as I took this all in. Looks like We'll be starting small tonight...


9:30 PM


It was around 9 that night when we decided to go out and get this done. Bob had lectured me long before we went out. He gave me a small list of things to remember and set me off on my own, following only a few feet behind to watch over me. His list of reminders were:

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