Parental Controls

377 12 4

Regret - Feel sad, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).

It'd been nearly a month since I'd fled from town. Shit felt like it was just going downhill. I couldn't get a job, my parents were on the verge of kicking me out, and i was constantly worried for my life. 

"Y/N! I Told you to get your ASS off that computer and COME HELP YOUR FATHER." MY mother made sure to emphasize every other word as she banged on my door. I just rolled my eyes. I was already upset enough having to live with my parents while being in my twenties, but now having to take on almost every single household chore and responsibility and being spoken to like i was still ten was just making shit worse. "Comin'." I said, and sighed. I picked up a bottle filled with bright green liquor and took a big gulp, shaking my head at the horrible, bitter taste. I stood up and walked out to help my father. 

"What's up?" I asked, shoving my hands in my jean pockets and standing beside my dad in the blistering cold. He was bundled up in a scarf and coat, while i wore jeans and a thin jacket. "I thought I told you to meet me out here nearly an hour ago, Y/N!" My dad grunted, picking up a large log and placing it on another. He swung an axe down and chopped it in two before taking a big whiff of the crisp winter air and looking back at me. He sniffed the air around me before giving me a pensive look. He stared at me like that for a moment as if he was trying to figure something out. "Y/N, tell me you have not been drinking." He muttered angrily. I suddenly stopped breathing. He smelt the alcohol on my breath... crap. I could feel my cheeks, they were warm; my eyes droopy and my stomach burning. I was nearly drunk. Gonna be a hell of a punishment for this...

A few hours later, after a hit to the face from my dad, a lecture from my mom, and a lot of back and forth screaming, I laid in my bed sobbing. I just wanted to be okay.. I just wanted to feel okay! DAMNIT! WHY CAN'T I BE OKAY!? I am so sick of being in this god awful house with these god awful people, being treated like a child! I should have taken Lila up on her offer and lived with her.. Why didn't I?? If my parents didn't exist, I would be a bit happier here... Yeah.. maybe I should get rid of them. But.. how do I kick my parents out of their own house??

"Y/N, come sit for dinner." My mother said, opening my door. Being snapped out of my weird brain dead state, I sighed and got up to go eat. Walking down the hallway, I felt a sense of dread I couldn't help but feel comfortable with; as if I'd felt this before. Something felt off about everything, like the lights were just a bit too bright and the house a bit too warm. My body trembled as I sat at the table. Something was wrong, yet everything was so right at the same time. Picking up the knife to cut a chunk of the steak my mother had served, I thought about the taste of human meat and how it tasted so similar. It left me with a pit in my stomach.. But not a bad pit. Almost a hungry pit. I gobbled up all my food and suffered severe tremors for a short bit. "Are you still hungry?" My mother asked. As usual, she didn't sound too impressed. She typically did make fun of my unhealthy eating habits. "No."  I said dryly. I didn't give her an expression when I said it. Soon after my mother finished her dinner, she walked away, leaving me and my father at the table. I placed my plate in the sink and begin to wash the dishes. "Y'know, Y/N, you really should get a job. Maybe you wouldn't have lost your house if you did just work like a normal adult." Spewed my dad. I gripped the knife I was cleaning just a little bit harder then, and put on a fake smile my father couldn't see. "Well, maybe if you had a little faith in me you'd realize I have been trying to get a job for fucking ever now, dad." As soon as I cursed, I knew I'd messed up. I heard the chair fall over due to how fast my dad stood up; his boots stomped on the hard wood floor as he marched towards me. Feeling something I'd only begun to feel when with that red bitch, I swung around and lunged towards my dad, forcing him to stop in his tracks. With a swift swing of my arm, I'd stabbed my father in his throat and begun to jerk the blade downward. It tore his throat open, ripped down to his collarbone. There was nearly no noise as he fell to the floor bleeding. Within only seconds my mother stormed in. "Now what is with all this ruckus?!" She froze when she rounded the corner and saw it.. The sight of me cutting into my father and placing pieces of him on the kitchen counter. "I'm still hungry, momma. I just wanted a little more meat." Those were the only words I was able to mumble as I stepped over my father's body and towards my mother, grasping her shoulder tightly. "Y-Y/N..." Mother couldn't speak.. And she never would again. After her stutter, I stabbed her in the stomach and dropped her down slowly. 

Later that night, I sat on the couch enjoying a nice juicy burger..

..Just like how Bob used to make 'em..

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