The Break Out

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Warning! This chapter contains heavy violence. :D

November 2nd, 11:00 PM

Gobbet- A piece or lump of flesh, food, or other matter.

I had paced back and forth in my bedroom until it was late enough to head out. When those police taken me in, they had me for two hours. In the meantime, Skid had stayed with Kevin and called Lila. He explained everything to her and she immediately started freaking out. After realizing the time, I grabbed a knife from my kitchen drawer and stared at it. I turned it left and right, staring at my reflection as the dim yellow-ish light of my kitchen  danced back and forth. If there is a Hell, I'm going there after this. 

Making my way to my door, I made sure the knife was hidden under my shirt. I opened the door and stepped out, standing on the steps and taking in the cold winter air. The night was freezing and icy and the moon was full. It shone a bright pale white that lit up the entire town and turned the snow into a sparkly blanket over the ground. I took the first step off of my front steps and started heading towards the police station. When I arrived, I peered into the glass doors that led inside. Nobody seemed to be at the front desk, so I took that as my chance. Quietly, I nudged the doors open and threw my hood over my head, walking towards the mortuary in complete silence. My ugg boots silenced my footsteps, thankfully. Once I got to the mortuary in the back of the station, I snuck inside and took a look around. Bob was nowhere in sight. He wasn't in any cold lockers or on the autopsy table. Where was he? He was still alive, maybe he's in a jail cell. I ambled over to the other side of the station where they kept the temporary prisoners. Usually they held them there until they were proven completely guilty, then they took them to the county jail or to the prison. In Bob's case, probably the psych ward or a mental hospital; an insane asylum. I had to hurry. Carefully, I quickened my pace and held onto my knife, finally arriving at the cells. Peering down the long hall of cells, I examined what I was dealing with. Two bandits with pillow cases over their heads joked together in one cell to the left. To the right was a large man in a flower shirt trying to unlock his cell from the inside with a bobby pin. The whole hall was lit with one junky hanging light that flickered four times in a row every minute or so. It lit the hall up in a dim, yellow-orange luster. I held my breath, terrified that one of them may give me away, and I began my saunter down the hall. I tried to be calm to make it easier; keep myself from shaking. But alas, I kept shaking. As I walked down the hall, any prisoner who was awake suddenly fell silent and turned their heads towards me. I gritted my teeth, praying that none of them started shouting. I scanned each cell as I walked past them, finally making it to the end of the hall. And sure enough, at the very end, in front of an empty cell, was Bob. He was slouched over, shirtless, picking bullets out of his chest and stomach and shoulders. I peered in with a relieved gasp, slightly smirking at how happy I was to see him alive. I wrapped my hand around the cold grey cell bars and pressed my face to them. "Bob..!" I whispered loudly. He turned around, quickly smiling a large smile at me and running up to the cell bars. He grabbed them and pressed his face to the bars as well, causing our foreheads to collide. "Y/N!" He said quietly, "Why the hell are you here? How'd you get in here?"  I kept my forehead on his and smiled, a few tears forming in my eyes. "Why am I here? Bob are you stupid? I came here to get you out of here. I can't just let you rot here until they take you to an actual prison and you end up beaten to death!" I grabbed his hand through the bars. "Y/N, I didn't know you really cared this much. After everything I put you through. Nearly attacking you, stalking you, breaking into your house. I murdered people, hurt your friend. I put you through so much fear, and then killed your boss. I belong here. I deserve to rot away. Y/N you should just go, yet you are so kind that you decide to get me out? I don't understand." He said. I just chuckled quietly. "Bob I don't understand either. I should really just let you go to the prison and rot there. You've eaten people, you've killed people. You're an awful person. And yet, you showed me kindness and love. The sort of kindness and love that I've begged for from people for so long. I can't help but let my heart decide what happens to you. And right now, I've decided to get you out of here before they prove you guilty and send you off. Now come on," I said, opening his cell, "Let's go before I change my mind. Because I will." Bob smiled softly at me and stepped out of the cell and stood next to me. "If anythin' happens, I don't have my knife." He warned. I laughed. "You don't need your knife, Bob. I've got one." I smirked, pulling up my shirt to reveal the knife that was tucked into my pants. I was absolutely terrified, but I kept a strong face for Bob. I never knew this day would come. The day that I break a murderer out of jail because I'm in love with him.. But there's a first time for everything. 

As we began our walk down the hallway, a few prisoners cheered quietly for Bob, telling him to go on and get out. We sped our walking, trying to keep quiet. We were nearly at the door. So close.. Just as we reached the door, someone started yelling. "Hah! What are you doing?" It was a Happy Fella. They put a doll in jail? I guess this town does whatever it takes to keep their citizens safe. Bob and I turned to face the Happy Fella. "If you're going to break that fat tomato out, you might as well break us all out." He said loudly. He was shouting everything he said. He was going to give us away. Bob and I just stared in awe at the small doll. "I came here for him, Happy Fella. I don't know any of you guys. And besides, I have my reasons." I quietly stated, looking around the hall at the others. "Reason or no reason, get me OUT!" The doll screamed. He grabbed the bars and started shaking them violently, creating a loud, ear piercing clanking noise. "Happy Fella stop!" I said, walking over to his cell and kicking him through the bars. Bob walked up next to me and adjusted his sweater. He'd put it back on while we were walking down the hall. The doll went silent for a moment before slowly turning his head towards me. "Well, if you want to play this game, we can play this game. HELP! SOMEONE IS BREAKING OUT! QUICK! THEY'RE OUT OF THEIR CELL! POLICE!" Bob and I turned towards one another in shock as the sound of footsteps approached. We both gaped at the door, trembling as four cops burst in with their guns pointed at us. This is it. This is when I do something truly crazy. Good thing I'm always prepared. I reached down slowly, keeping my face turned towards Bob, and I grabbed a mask that I had hidden in my waist band. Slowly, I brought it up to my face and put it on. It was a little skeleton mask that only showed my eyes. 

TW: Violence :O

"HEY! Turn around!" The cops screamed, pointing their guns at me and Bob. How do I do this.. I need to devise a plan and quick! I put my hands up and glanced at Bob. He was staring down at me confused, probably trying to figure me out. Shit.. Let's do this. I got my plan. I turned around slowly with my hands in the air. "ON THE GROUND, NOW!" A cop screamed, pointing his gun down to the floor and then back up at me and Bob. Bob just stood there waiting for me to act. I slowly knelt to the floor and kept my hands raised. Two of the four cops walked over to me and Bob. One put Bob's arms behind his back, and the other reached for my mask. No, he's not getting it. Once his guard had dropped and he grabbed the mask, I didn't let him lift it. I grabbed my knife and stabbed it into his calf, sending a spurt of blood onto the floor as I pulled it out. I got up and punched him in the face, sending him to the floor and quickly sat on top of him, raising the knife and shoving it into his throat. He screamed as he choked on his own blood, grasping at my wrists to force me to pull it out; I only pushed deeper. I finally pulled it out and the other cops, who were at first in shock, began shooting at me. One hit me in my shoulder, but I kept going. I ran towards them and grabbed one's gun, pistol whipping him and then shooting him in the knee, quickly stabbing him in the chest when he knelt down to deal with the pain in his knee. The other one shot me in the leg, quickly putting me at a disadvantage and forcing me down. When Bob saw this, he broke out of his shocked state and broke free of the stunned cop's grasp. He turned around and swung, hitting the cop so hard that he bounced his head on the wall. Then, Bob quickly grabbed him and threw him on the ground, sitting on top of him and beating his face in with his fists until his skull cracked open, exploding with a nasty, lasagna textured mass of crimson gobbets and slimy, blood soaked fragments of bone. His eyeballs had popped out of his skull, and Bob grabbed one, tossing it into the air and catching it with his mouth, chewing it and gulping it down as he grabbed my knife from the ground and stabbed it into the last cop's stomach. He twisted the knife and then dragged it upwards with jagged movements and then jerked it up one last, harsh time. This forced the knife through the cop's throat and into his under chin, causing his tongue to flop out of his mouth with spews of blood and nasty, wet squelches of intestines plopping onto the floor. Carmine puddles soaked the jail floor and shone brightly in the dim light. Bob picked me up and ran for the door with that terrifyingly impressive signature smile. He had smiled all the way through the killing. This is it, he's free. He dashed down the street and into a back alley that led to a creepy old apartment. Bob stepped inside and set me down. It smelled of nothing but blood. Or maybe that was just me, because I was losing a whole lot with these two wounds. I eventually passed out. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was Bob grunting in pain from the pain of his own wounds as he quickly grabbed some medical supplies to help mine.  

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