Bloodily Ever After

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(Author's Note)

To everybody who has been engaged since the beginning and reading until now, thank you. This story has taken so much time and thought to write, and it's been a work in progress for an entire year. I am so proud of how far this story has come and I am remorseful to announce that this is the end. So, thank you everybody. I love all of my engaged readers so much. Now, enjoy everybody. -Jade <3

Bob and I walked back to my old house. Everything was as I'd left it. The only thing that had caught my eye, however, was the wilted roses left next to the 'I love you' note. It made my stomach drop a little bit as Bob grabbed them and through them away. "Bob," I said, "Do you want to start over?" Bob turned to me, knife and sharpener in hand. He seemed shocked. "Why would you ever want that?" He scraped the knife over the sharpener. "Well, do you know why I ended up in prison?" Bob shook his head gently and placed his knife and scraper back in the belt around his waist. I nodded slowly and glanced at the floor. "I killed my parents. Went as far as cutting them up, cooking bits of them, and eating them." Silence fell for a long while between me and Bob as he took that in. "All I'm hearing is that I taught you well." He uttered, coming closer to me. I shivered at the cooing of his raspy Texan voice and chuckled softly. "Right."

~One Year Later, On Halloween~

Bob and I had been back together for a year now. It was Halloween and I decided it was a good time to come out of hiding and go do some horrible things. So, Bob and I went out that night all dressed up. Him in his regular devil costume, and me; I wore all white with a fake halo headband. On my back were two tiny little angel wings. Me and Bob were polar opposites costume wise. I smiled at him as we walked hand in hand, locating a victim. We saw just the right guy. A young man who just so happened to work at the candy shop. I knew him quite well, however that wouldn't stop me.

Bob and I crept into the candy shop, ambushing Kevin. I leapt onto the counter while Bob walked around it. I opened my mouth wide and licked my teeth all around my jaw. Kevin whimpered with fear as I glared down at him with hunger. After planning my attack, I leapt down off the counter onto Kevin, sinking my teeth into his neck. The only thing heard next was a loud:


And with that, our beloved Kevin had stopped moving. Bob threw him over his shoulder and we both left, heading back home.

We enjoyed fresh meat that night, but there was something odd about Bob. He seemed almost too focused on me. It kinda creeped me out. But.. I paid it no mind. I smiled at him and bit into the human meat, chewing it slowly. Bob got up from the dinner table and walked into our bedroom, sauntering back into the dining room. "Bob? What are you-" I was cut off when I saw Bob knee down to one knee. My heart beat faster and my breathing picked up. This is.. This is actually happening??

"Y/N," Bob uttered, "Will you marry me, and be the Bonnie to my Clyde for all eternity?" I stared down at him, my gaze focused on the blood red ring he was offering me. After some thought, I smiled and stood up, helping him to his feet and hugging him.


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