Help From the HatzGang

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November 3rd, 7:00 AM

(This is a super short chapter compared to the others!)

"STOP IT! PUT US DOWN!" Screamed a familiar voice. I woke up suddenly on an old red sofa. It was torn up, as if someone had used it to practice stabbing. Stuffing protruded out of its cushions. I looked around. The floor had blood splatter in a few places and the lights were all turned out. A TV played the local news and a door slammed shut. I jolted up, grabbing onto the back of the couch and peering over it. Bob walked in with his terrifying smile, carrying three boys. It was the Hatzgang. Lord, not these fuckers... I laid back down and stared at the ceiling, cringing at my pain. The Hell is the Hatzgang doing here?

"Listen to me now, kids. I need you to bring me any medical supplies possible." Bob hissed, gripping onto Roy's shoulders. They all stared at him. "What- Why should we do that? You KIDNAPPED us!" Shouted Robert. I grabbed my leg as pain shot through it, squeezing a grunt of frustration out of me. "I don't have what I need to help somebody. And you three, I can trust you. You know Y/N right?" Bob said. He was clearly annoyed, holding back from stabbing all of these kids and turning them into a meal. The Hatzgang nodded. Ross suddenly widened his eyes. "Wait, you need medical supplies for Y/N?" Bob wasn't wearing his costume, so, he slicked back his hair in annoyance. He pulled a bit of it. "Yes. Now I need you three to go and get me as much medical supplies as possible. Even if it's yours. I need it or else Y/N will die." Die? That's a bit over exaggerated. I mean surely I only suffered two-.....Bullet.....Wounds.......? 

I glanced down at my topless body. In my chest was a bullet hole. In my left hip, a bullet hole. My shoulder, bullet hole. In my leg, a bullet hole. My left arm had a bullet hole in it as well. Where did all of these come from? Wait..Now I remember. I was so blinded by the rush of adrenaline in killing those cops that I must not have realized I took more than two hits. I was covered in them. The front of my body looked like swiz cheese. That's why it hurts so much to move. And a few of them, I could clearly feel the bullet still wedged inside of my meat. After realizing how many wounds I had truly sustained, I was suddenly hyper aware of all of them. I couldn't ignore them now. I could feel them. I could feel the bullets stuck inside of me. I felt the blood trickle down my waist from a wound in my hip. I was in extreme pain. What the fuck... why'd I have to be aware of them? Suddenly I heard the door creak open and slam shut. Bob stomped over to me and grabbed my hand. "This is..My fault. I should have just went for another victim. And now look. I'm struggling to find medical supplies to help a girl I've fallen in love with. I should have just stabbed that girl but no. Instead, I developed a stupid soft spot. Why? I don't know.... DAMN IT" Bob growled angrily. He hit himself in the head. Bob is experiencing... A lot.. Of guilt right now.  I never thought I'd see it. "Should've stabbed me, huh?" I peeped, turning towards him. "I mean, being dead would be better than being alive but in excruciating pain, wouldn't it?" Bob pointed out, kissing my forehead. I giggled quietly. "I suppose so." A few moments later the Hatzgang burst in. It seemed Robert was the most compelled to help. Ross being the second most compelled. Roy seemed to almost not care. They ran into the kitchen area which was right next to the small living room, and set down a bag of medicines and bandages and other medical uses. I shut my eyes as Bob got up and thanked the kids, allowing that softer, dad-like spot in his heart to shine through. I smiled slightly as he came back and fixed me up. He popped bullets out of me like they were some sort of zits as the Hatzgang watched and helped him get the things he needed. Robert ran back and forth and brought him certain medicines that would help me heal faster and ease the pain. When Bob asked for the stitching supplies Roy hobbled over with his shoulders slouched in annoyance and grabbed it, quickly jogging back to Bob. It seemed Bob was losing his cool with Roy's attitude. Roy kept making snarky remarks and being a brat. He was constantly taking his time with grabbing things or handing things to Bob. When Bob was finally finished, Robert and Ross both crowded over to give me a hug. I didn't know what was so special about me, especially to these kids. I get that I'd talked to them a few times and bought them things, but I'd never done anything too special. I know I was the neighborhood nice lady, always welcoming people who moved in, buying things for the homeless, helping solve mysteries. I used to go around to everyone's houses on the holidays and offer them a whole bag of food. On Thanksgiving, I would always cook an extra turkey and take it to the family across the street who couldn't afford it. There was one Christmas that I bought gifts for the entire neighborhood, just one small thing. Every two Christmases I would invite the Hatzgang, Lila and Skid, Pump, Susie and their grandpa, and Juane over for gifts and a Christmas dinner. Halloween, I would usually walk around with a really big bag of candy and hand some out to everyone, including the neighbors who didn't go out. I was the neighborhood angel in a way. Most everyone loved me. And if they didn't I tried to get them to. I hate conflict, so I'm usually nice to everyone. Maybe that's why the Hatzgang hugged me and told me to get well. Maybe it's why they were so happy to help. Maybe I've made some new friends. Let's just hope they never find out that I kill someone. 

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