The Devil Doesn't Die

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Anger a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

"YOU ARE UNDER ARREST, Y/N L/N!" Screamed the law. My head was ringing, I was drunk. My hands were covered in blood and my eyes seemed to see everything with a coat of fog. 

"Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law." Said the woman cop. She held me tightly and shoved me into the cop car. I'd been busted.. and it wasn't looking good for me.  As we drove to the nearest police station, I looked out the window and sat to ponder every single thing I'd done up to this point. Let's see.. I'd had a poor childhood, failed to get a job, moved next door to my childhood friend, Lila. I spent my life leaching off of her money for rent and food every month, met a serial murderer slash cannibal.. Fell in love with that cannibal, screwed him, then fell out of love with him and killed him. But in times like this I just wish things turned out differently with him. Bob was so sweet and protective, but he was also terrifying. Introduced me to some cult and made me realize just how horrible I was as a human. I broke him out of prison, went into hiding for a while. God.. now I'm here in a cop car because I killed and ate my parents like some sick fuck. 

An hour had gone by and I suddenly zoned back in. We had made it back into the town I'd moved out of. Driving by Lila's house, she played with Skid and Pump. Looks like they were having fun together. Halloween was only some time ago.. But they still had up spooky decorations. Lila paused her play and looked over at the cop car with a confused glare. Her beautiful eyes met mine, and I felt almost sick. I needed out of here but.. How? How do I get out of this?!

When we arrived at the station, I was met with two familiar cops. Jack and John. "Now, I didn't think we'd ever see you back here, Y/N. Especially not for this reason." John grumbled, lighting a cigarette. "I didn't think I'd have to see you again, either, pig." I snarled at him as my finger was pressed into ink and then smashed against a paper. "Yeah, yeah, well. C'mon. I'm sure you'll be happy here anyways, all your little play mates are still here." John had grabbed my arm as hard as he could and tossed me into a cell. "We'll be back for interrogation in a few hours." Jack stated, checking his watch. He looked at John and they nodded at one another. I felt a small sense of dread as they walked away and left me in the cell.

"So, you finally got caught?" Asked a big guy. He had short black hair. I knew this guy. I think his name was, "Frank?" "That's me. I heard about your antics with that devil guy." "Oh," I mumbled, "I'm not proud of what I've done. I'd rather just sit here and rot in this dumbass cell" Frank gave me a long look, as if he was sizing me up. He looked almost angry, if not just disappointed. I darted my eyes to the cell floor. "So then I guess you wouldn't be happy to know someone's already planned to get you out?" Frank raised a brow and pulled a cigarette out of nowhere. He lit it with a match and puffed on it for a while. "Someone's coming to get me out? Who?! Is it Lila??" My questions continued to spew, like how long will I wait and so on. Frank just giggled. "He'll be here soon. Just you wait." He...? My mind began to race. Who was.. He?

I sat in my cell, slumped up against the wall. That dumbass doll was in there... for some reason. He kept laughing and making jokes, telling me I wouldn't be in this mess if I would've just let him out in the beginning. I growled angrily under my breath as that stupid little doll banged on his cell bars. "So, last time you were here, Y/N?" Frank mentioned. He said nothing further. "What about it?" I asked. "Your giant fight with the cops, saving Bob, getting outta here the way you did...... You were totally badass." He complimented. I just shook my head and focused my eyes on the glimmering shine of those god awful orange florescent lights flickering and gleaming on the rustic walls and cell bars. I sighed. This is so embarrassing being locked up like this. 

"Y/N, L/N, we're going to be taking you in for questioning. We expect the truth and no hostility. Anything you say can and will be used against you." Jack said, unlocking my cell and yanking me out. He cuffed me and mumbled back to John. 

"For our first question," John asked, puffing his cigarette as I shuffled in my interrogation seat, "Where is Bob." My heart sank. Of course they'd wanna know about that. "I don't know." I said. "Bullshit." John hissed, "Where is Bob Velseb." I bit my lip. Fine, they want the truth, I'll tell them. "I killed him in defense." John and Jack looked surprised. "Wait-Wait-Wait..... You killed Bob?" John said. He was utterly shocked. I just nodded my head. "Hm..Alright." The two cops stepped out of the room for a moment. I could see them speaking outside. This can't be good..

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