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It was a few days after I'd killed the man that I saw it. A news report played on the TV, distant static behind the voices rattled in my head as I woke up. I'd fallen asleep on the couch. When? I have no clue. When I rose from the couch I could see that Bob wasn't around. The house seemed quiet and empty, every single gust of winter wind outside had made the house creak and echo; as if the house was beginning to sway in the wind. I slowly got up, feeling unnerved by the emptiness of the house. On my kitchen table was a burger, clearly made by Bob. I rubbed my head, my ears ringing. I shook my head, looking up at the TV. 

"A young man has been reported as missing just as of three days ago. A sketch of the man has been placed on the screen now. Investigators suspect that this is the work of the missing criminal Bob Velseb. Bob was seen breaking out of the state prison with a small woman, she was reported to have been wearing a black jacket with thin white stripes. The woman was also wearing a mask that covered her face, so we have not yet been able to get a sketch. This is what the mask looked like." A drawing of me wearing my jacket and mask had been placed on the screen. My body seemed to almost erupt with anxiety as I realized we were now extremely wanted criminals. What was I doing? Throwing my life away to be a serial killer all for the likes of some guy. Some.. killer guy who seemed to know my every move. I sighed, standing up and walking over to the table, glancing down at the burger. A note and a rose were laid by it. The note said "I love you, Darlin'." I smiled, only for my smile to disappear shortly after. 

Night rolled around and I'd decided on what to do. I was going to flee this place, return to my parents house and not return. I may have loved him to an extent, I may have killed a man because of him, but I'm wanted by the police. It's better to flee while I'm an unknown suspect rather than stay here with a serial killer. I'm a sitting duck. I took a deep breath in and began packing my bags, collecting anything of importance. I tossed several things into the back of my car and into the trunk. Lila had come out of her house holding Skid. "Y/N? What's going on?" She asked sheepishly, walking into my yard. "I'm moving, Lila." I said, slamming the trunk shut, "I wasn't able to pay rent, so, I was evicted. If I'm not moved out by tomorrow I'll just be kicked out." Lila shook her head, sighing and patting Skid's head. "I understand, but you could have asked me to help you pay it. I wouldn't have minded." I felt bad for lying to Lila, but she couldn't know the truth. I shook my head. "No, Lila. It's alright. Little too late now anyway. But, I'll stay in touch." I gave Lila a hug and sat down in my car, turning the key and driving off.

I finally got out of the town when I'd stopped to check my gas. It was low, near empty.  I've got very little money on me right now, so I better make it count. I stopped off at a small gas station in the middle of nowhere and parked my car in front of a gas pump. Before getting out, I slumped back into the seat. God, what am I doing?  I sighed, getting out of the car and heading inside. "Hello?" I said, looking over the counter.  There was no answer. Something began to feel really off. My spine tingled with fear and curiosity as I called out for another form of life anywhere in the gas station. "Hello? You've got a customer!" I shouted. Just like before, there was no answer. It was then that the gas station started to give off this eerie feeling. There was a subtle drip in the back room, it sounded like a leaking faucet. It drove me almost insane as I stood in the center of the gas station. Eventually every single small sound seemed to be amplified. I shook my head, turning towards the back room. "Hey? Is anybody here? The sign says open!" I called out once more, slowly opening the door to the back room. That was when I saw it; an upside down corpse of a young man. He was butchered like cattle, meat hooks through his feet, dangling upside down with his innards spilled on the cold tile. I stepped back in horror, my stomach dropping to my toes and my heart pounding in my throat. I started hyperventilating, my whole body tingling with fear, shivers ran marathons up and down my spine as I heard a familiar sound coming from the body. Blood dripped from the corpse and onto the tile, splashing in a small pool of crimson. Drip....Drip.....Drip....

I darted out of the gas station and started my car. Well...I tried to start my car. Every turn of the key only caused the engine to flicker with life, teasing my escape as I panicked to get out of there. It was on the 7th try that I gave up and looked around me. I knew I had enough gas to start it, so why wasn't it starting? I jumped out of the car and ran around to the hood of it, looking through every little thing that I had no experience with. That was when I noticed it. It wasn't in the hood. It was my entire engine. The whole thing had been crushed, smashed, destroyed and demolished. I stared at my destroyed car, tears forming in my eyes. That was when I heard a familiar stomping coming from behind me. I turned around, seeing that stupid... familiar red sweater and mask. "Hey Darlin'. Thought you could escape me, huh?" Bob scraped his knife over the handheld sharpener. The hair on my body stood up like a frightened cat. He'd followed me? How?! I did the only thing I knew how to do and ran. 

I tore through the gas station, running into shelves and pushing off of them as a little extra leverage in my sprint. Bob followed close behind, eerily walking towards me. "You thought you could RUN Darlin'?!" He shouted, his voice raspy and croaky with a thick texan accent. Sweat poured down my face as I continued to run through the back door of the gas station and into the room with the corpse. I looked around, my heart pounding in my chest, my legs weak, my throat sore, and my body trembling. I looked around, spotting a crawl space above some metal shelves. I looked behind me, seeing Bob's silhouette nearing the door. I looked back at the crawl space and shook my head, jumping up on top of the shelves and climbing into the small space. It seemed to be some sort of cabinet for utility. I shut the small door and peeked through a crack, watching Bob come into the room with his knife in hand. "I gave you all the empathy I had, Y/N! I fed you, I helped you, I saved you, I pleased you! For fucks sake, Y/N, I LOVED you!" I covered my mouth as I listened to Bob shout, a slight crack in his voice as if he was nearing a break down. "But you decided to run off, to abandon me, leave me in the damn dust! But you can't run, Y/N! Not forever!" Bob growled. He turned around and that was when I took my chance. I jumped out of the cabinet and sprinted for the car, opening the door and grabbing my small hand gun. I hid it behind me as Bob approached with his knife, licking his lips with such animosity that he almost appeared more monster than human. I cocked the gun behind me, waiting for Bob to nearly lunge at me before I fired at him. I landed a shot straight to his chest, putting him in pure awe. "You got me into this mess!" I screamed, shooting him again. "You, YOU are the reason I'm on the run, the reason I've got to leave EVERYTHING behind and go back to my stupid abusive parents' house!" My voice was raspy and my screams were so violent that it almost sounded as if every word tore my throat to shreds. I fired another shot into Bob's chest. I shook my head and pulled the trigger again, only to get nothing. I'd run out of bullets. I suddenly got a lot more scared, only to look up and see tears in Bob's eyes. His knife had dropped to the ground and his hands were covering the wounds. He looked at me longingly for a moment before he fell flat on his back. I stood there for a second trying to take everything in. I took a deep breath, placing the gun in my car and turning around to find the gas station clerk's car keys. 

After stealing the gas station clerk's car keys, I took some of the cash from his wallet and loaded the stolen car with all of my belongings. I stole a few snacks and drinks and headed back on my way, watching Bob's body slowly get tinier the farther away I got.

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