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After a couple of days, Bryce came to Zara with a folder. He put it in front of her, "whatever you see in this folder, promise me... you won't act crazy, you'll think first." Bryce insisted on promising him before she open the folder.

No one was at her house, she just got back from college... her last few days to graduate.

She opened the folder; she saw a lot of papers about her father.

Brian Mulder.

His court sessions, his criminal records. It was a total mess. She started taking notes.

After a couple of hours, she finished with half of the folder. "Bryce... " Zara looked at him.

"Where did you get these?" She asked him. She put her notebook on the table and waited for him to answer.
"My brother is... um..." Bryce gazed around, trying to find a good way to say it. "He is a private investigator." He finished.

Zara continued working through the papers.
She found out her father was undercover. He went to prison when they frame him for stealing money, but it was a plan. He had to figure out who is the leader of a gang was.

His name was Rat, nothing was known about him other than a tattoo on every servile. There was not much about Rat in the folder.

She went through the internet to find who is he, but she found nothing other than why he was named Rat. He was named Rat due to his way of treating his enemy. He finds their weakness and hit them with it. Whether it was a sibling, a wife, a parent or a child... he would kill, or hurt.

Zara was shocked. That's the reason they had to leave. He shouldn't know her father's weakness.

Zara sighed, closing her laptop. Bryce was cooking. She had to rest a bit. She laid down and slept on the sofa.

She felt arms carrying her, before she felt the soft covers. She continued to sleep,

After a couple hours, she woke up to shouting sounds. She saw Archer and Bryce fighting. She tried to stop them, but she was too small to do it. So she jumped right between them, shouting. And she got hit in the face when she yelled in pain. Both of them stopped looking at Zara with worried eyes.

"What are you doing?" She yelled at them. Her cheek was throbbing. She had to rub it to ease the pain. "I saw him sleeping with you!" He yelled.

Bryce rolled his eyes and glanced at Zara, "you were sleeping on the couch so I brought you to bed and I fell asleep." He explained to her.

"I don't need explanation from you Bryce, I need explanation from Archer... we are done, you said you'll help, and that's it... we aren't going back together. We are divorced, so whoever I want, I can date." She told Archer, looking straight into his eyes.

"I said I was sorry-"

"And next thing you do is play me and go back to Hannah. Save it, I don't need your help... in fact, I don't want to see you ever again. You remind me of my miserable months." Zara waited for him to leave. Archer was shocked... she changed a lot. She is fighting back. But he wants her to be his. He wants his wife back.

"It's not over Zara." He said before leaving. She went to her room and swallowed her tears back. She would not cry over him... he doesn't deserve her.

Bryce brought a pack of ice and put it on her face. He sighed, hugging her. She knew he can read her like an open book. He knew she was going to cry.

She sobbed in his arms. He patted her back and told her it's going to be okay.

On her graduation day, she didn't feel like going. She wanted her mother to see her, to cheer for her when she walk to get her degree.

"Where are you?" Brooke yelled through the phone. "In bed." Zara replied boredly. Brooke cut the call immediately.

After half an hour, the door to her house was about to fall from all the banging. "I am coming!" Zara yelled, opening the door.

Brooke gasped when she saw her in her pj. She dragged her to the room and undressed her.

Bryce and Daxton were worried. They only heard yelling coming from the room.
After an hour, Brooke opened the door and walk out. She waited for Zara to walk out, but she didn't.

"Don't make me drag you out!"

Zara walked out willingly. She didn't want to fight Brooke anymore.
She was wearing a white dress that reached her knees. She had heels, and she let her hair down with light makeup.

"Wow" Daxton smiled. He offered his hand to walk with Zara.

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