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"Zara! Wake up!" She finally opened her eyes to see a worried Archer. She was sweating, her breathing was fast. She knew she had a nightmare again. "Drink." He gave her a glass of water, then he brushed her hair back.

"Did you dream of that night?" He asked her. She didn't answer, but he already know the answer. He hugged her to his chest and brushed her hair. "I am sorry." He whispered over and over.

She drifted back to sleep.

In the morning, she woke up and a smell that made her hungry. She opened her eyes and saw the tray of food with a Rose and Archer watching her. "Good morning, brought you breakfast." They ate together.

They kept being a real couple for a month. They went on numerous dates. Her mother was so happy to see her happy.

Grace finally get hospitalized. She didn't let her daughter know but Liam. He would visit her every day.

When her mother left the house, she told Zara she was going on a trip for two months with her friends before she comes back.

Zara believed her. She thought her mother was finally living her best life.

One day Archer asked her about what her mother was hiding and he got mad when she told him she didn't know. He thought she was lying. He left that night for her friend's bar. He invited Hannah over to his section, and Bryce saw them. He called Zara and told her, but she didn't believe him.

She had to see for herself. And she did. Hannah was sitting on his lap. And when Zara walked in on them. He didn't flinch. He looked away.

She knew finally his plan; he wanted to know what her mother was hiding... he never ever wanted to be forced in this relationship and to put affection in a forced marriage was a lie... he did it to hurt her only.

That night she left the house without saying goodbye to anyone... she left and stayed at her mother's house.

Brooke found her, Bryce called her immediately.

"You told me to live... I shouldn't have trusted him..." Zara started. "He did all this just to know what my mother was hiding..." a tear run down her cheek.

That night, she cried her eyes out. Brooke tried to comfort her, but she couldn't. She felt the reason for her friend's situation.

In the morning, Liam called her and asked her to come to some location. She tried to decline, but he said it was urgent and about her mother.

She rushed inside the hospital. Liam was talking to a doctor... when he saw her, he gestured for her to come.
"She is the daughter." Liam told the doctor, who switched attention to her.

"It's your mother's last days. The cancer spread through her body and we can't do anything anymore... we are just giving her pain killers to help ease her pain." He stated.

"Cancer? When... she was on a trip..." Zara stuttered, Brooke was shocked. She tried to hold her friend, but she collapsed with her. "We have diagnosed her with stage four for the last couple of months. We tried to slow the progress, but it didn't work for her-"

"My mother was okay... when...!" Zara saw her mother on the bed as they moved her to another room. "Mom..." she whispered.

"I am so sorry, she didn't want you to know... she hid it and I think you want to say goodbye to her. That's why I had to tell you." Liam explained.

"You knew... she is my mother! I shouldn't have waste my time and stay the fu* beside her... you had no right to keep it a secret!" She shouted at Liam and pushed him away. "Stay the f* away from us... you and your f* family." She told him before she followed her mother.

Brooke stayed by her side, Zara was thankful. She needed her presence.
Brooke even called Bryce over and told him the story. He tried to comfort his friend too, but she was devastated. No one could help her, no one could do anything for her... they were watching her mother die.

Zara slept, holding her mother's hand. She didn't go home to change for days; she didn't answer any call... she didn't want to leave for a second. Not even for eating.

She woke up to the sound of the beeping the machine was giving.

Doctors rushed in and tried doing CPR. They even shocked her a couple of times. Zara was looking at her mother from the corner. When the doctor announced the death time. She falls to the ground. She didn't have the power to stand up anymore. Her mother left the world without saying goodbye.

When they took her outside the room, Zara stayed on the ground. She felt she lost the world. The nurse tried to speak to her, but she was in shock. She didn't reply. She stared at the floor. "What should we do?" The nurse asked.

Brooke walked in and saw the bed was empty. She knew her friend's mother had just died. "Zara!" She called her friend. "We need to prepare for the funeral... don't let your mother wait in coldness..." Brooke tried to make her think about another thing and she succeeded. "You are right." Zara said and went with her.

When they finally arranged everything, and it was time to bury her mother. She didn't see who was there to consult her or help she only knows her friends are beside her. She said her last goodbye to her mother... her tears were flowing freely.

Her eyes were burning, Brooks's family tried to assure her, Bryce was her wall to lean on. When everything was done. Bryce and Brooke walked her to the car. She had no energy left in her body.

Archer stepped in front of her. His whole family was behind him, looking at her with sorrow. Zara stopped and glanced at him.

He saw her red lid, her bloody eyes from crying. He didn't know her mother was sick until later. She regrets everything he did.

"Let's go home," he told her. She looked at Brooke. "did you do what I told you?" She asked her friend.

Brooke took out the papers with a velvet box. "Mr. Mays please sign these paper and send them back, I don't think you will have trouble as she returned everything from the day she met you... we also returned the ring, we didn't ask for anything just your signature on these papers, please." Brooke explained. Archer looked at the divorce papers. "no, I don't want to divorce you-"

"I wish I never knew you or your family... now that you knew what my mother's terrible blackmail was... never come across my way ever again." She said. He saw the emotionless in her eyes.

Liam tried to speak, but she gave him a roll of eyes. She passed his family with an emotionless face. She didn't glance at them... she was done.

She went home and laid on her mother's bed. She cried her eyes out and drifted to sleep.


What do you think so far? tell me in the comments  >.<

till next chapter 


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