Blast From The Past

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Waking up to the feel of Joey's arm wrapped around me as we're spooning in bed, I can tell by his heavy breathing that he's still sleeping. I lay still. "Morning babe." Says a groggily and sleepy Joe from behind me. "Hi, sleep well?" I ask him. The back of my shoulders are feathered with soft kisses. He slowly slides his fingers up and down my arm. I manage to turn onto my back, and I lock eyes with him. He leans closer to kiss me. For the next half hour, we are lost within each other.
My stomach rumbles loudly, and I ask Joe if it's okay if I go to get something to eat from his kitchen. "Make yourself at home honey." I tell him to stay where he is as I know he likes his sleep.
I look in his fridge to see what he's got in it for breakfast. Getting the ingredients out, I have decided to cook us some pancakes, bacon and eggs. "I thought I said for you to stay in bed, Mr?" I hear laughing. That's not Joe, I turn round from the stovetop to see Nikki sitting herself down on the stool at the breakfast bar. "Ooh, is it breakfast in bed for everyone K?!" I go to swat the dishcloth at her, whilst smirking. "I'm just doing some breakfast, want some? Think I've done too much." She walks round the island counter to inspect my cooking, I guess I'm notorious for burning things. I let her take over and follow her instructions. We were busy dancing along to the radio when we hear someone clapping behind us so we spin round to see Joey standing there watching us. He's put on a vest top and lounge pants. "The bathroom called me. Then I smelled the food so I came to see what was being cooked."
While we ate our breakfast, the three of us decide to head out into Boston for a few hours. Then Nikki goes to get ready whilst me and Joey have a make out session making us longer to get ready. I just want to make the most of this time with him before I have to go back home.
We end up staying out longer than planned and as soon as we get back to Joe's, it's time to get ready. We're going to meet his band mates for a coffee. Again, Nikki decides to stay in the apartment. I'm feeling really nervous about meeting the rest of the band. I'm more excited than anything though. I don't need to get changed, it's mostly just checking out my makeup and giving my hair a brush.
Me and Joe arrive at the diner early. We pick a booth in the corner away from prying eyes. Joe has already ordered our drinks and light snack. A tanned, dark haired guy who's muscular like a bodybuilder appears first. Joe introduces him as Danny. The three of us are chatting when the next two arrive. Looking at them, I can tell they're brothers and they introduce themselves as Jon and Jordan. I notice Jordan's dimples. Looking at Jordan and Joey, I imagine them two being the bands' heart throbs. Joey tells me there's another guy to come yet but he's probably on his way from filming. Everyone has gotten their orders and conversations are flowing very easily. I learn that Jon is a farmhouse fixer when he's not busy with the band. Jordan is kept busy with his family and his restaurant. Danny has his charity foundation that he started after his mum passed away from cancer which is really sweet.
"Joey has been talking nonstop about you for the last few months and it's really about time we met you. Seems like you can handle him, no problems. Just don't wake him up too early!" Jordan tells me, with a goofy smile on his face. Joe soon shoots in with how I like my sleep too, hahaha! That quietens them all. "Definitely a match made in heaven then, you two." Jon says. Joe turns to face me, kisses me and asks me how I'm doing. I hear hands being clapped and people greeting one another, Joe sits back into his seat and there I face my blast from the past. Donnie Wahlberg. Oh my gosh. Seriously? "Hey man, here's the woman in question that I want you to meet." Joe innocently breaks the sudden silence. Donnie holds out his hand, reluctantly, I quickly shake it and sit back down. My heart goes really fast. I let Joey and Donnie catch up and quietly, I try to get a grip of myself. "Good to see you, Katee. How are ya doing?" I look across to Donnie, he looks almost as shocked as I am at seeing him after all this time. "I'm fine thank you. You?" He keeps trying to make conversation but I try to focus my attention on Joe. I struggle to keep eye contact with him. All of the hurt, the pain, all of it comes hitting me, all at once. I start to stand up. "I just need to excuse myself to the ladies room." Joe slides out of the booth to let me out. He gently kisses me on the cheek while squeezing my hand before I leave. I head straight to the toilets. No looking back. I feel tears threatening to fall. Thankfully there's no one in here. Placing my hands on the sink, I try to take a few deep breaths. I close my eyes. The door opens. For some reason I don't open them or look upwards into the reflection of the mirror.
"Why won't you look at me?" Sighing quietly. I force myself to open my eyes. Donnie is stood behind me. His hazel coloured eyes baring into me. "I'm just trying to catch up with you." Even though I'm frozen to the spot, my hands shake. I try to hold onto the sink to still them and to give myself support. I manage to make eye contact with him. Perplexed. He still has the swagger that I remember. That's how I describe the look on his face right now. "It's too hard right now Donnie. I wasn't expecting you to be here. I didn't know you are in the same band as Joe. Please just leave me alone." He goes to touch my arm, but I shrug him off. "Why can't you even look at me?" He asks me. "I can't. It's too hard." He mumbles something incoherently. "Please just go, Donnie." He slams his hand against the cubicle wall. "Whatever. God help Joe." He mutters as he stomps away out of the bathroom. I run into the cubicle and cry. Once I calm myself down, I do my business and then wash my hands. Feeling much more calmer, I decide I need to join back with Joe and the others before they send a search party. I'll have to deal with my head and my heart later.
I sit back down and snuggle closer to Joe. He wraps his arm around my waist. I stay fairly quiet letting the guys chat amongst themselves. It is nice to see him enjoying being with his band mates. I can tell he's very close with them. It's not hard in the slightest to not look at Donnie. It hurts to look at him. I need to stay strong and not break down, again. I won't give him that power.
Danny, followed by Jon and Jordan are the first to leave. Then Donnie finally goes too. "Well, baby, they seem to like you just like I thought they would. Shall we head back to mine?" I nod, smile and grab my handbag. Joe takes hold of my hand and leads out to his car. "Katee, are you okay?" Asks Joe. I turn to face him, trying my hardest to muster up a smile. "I'm just tired. It really took it out of me, meeting the guys. Did you enjoy yourself?" His Bostonian accent heavily evident as he goes into a spiel about his time with his guys, which makes me smile and possibly melting slightly.
Literally as we're climbing out of the car, Joe's phone rings. He comes over to me, squeezing my hand gently and informs me that he needs to go to sort something out. I tell him to go and I'll be here when he gets back. I watch as he slowly strokes my cheek and leans in to softly place a kiss on my lips. "I'll be back asap baby. I love you, Katee." Then he quickly climbs back into his car and drives off. I make my way back inside to the apartment. As soon as I open the door, Nikki is standing there waiting to greet me. She takes one look at me, for some reason, the flood gates open and I feel her arms wrap around me.

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