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The little red pick sits weightlessly in my hand. And I twirl it curiously.
Staring at all the little scratches on it, the only evidence of the previous owner.
"How...?" I whisper at the pick. How did I catch you? You just landed right in my hand. I stare at it in awe and shake my head disbelievingly. My luck has been incredible these past few days. Meeting Jack, getting tickets to the concert, catching this pick?! It's crazy... This is the most I've probably smiled in years, and I mean that. Looking up at the ceiling, I let my head rest against the wall. This whole week has just been great, and I'm so thankful to whatever hand of fate had a play in this, because it's made my year.

We're still in Baltimore.
A day after the All Time Low concert. Everyone's been running around like mad hatters today, anxiously exchanging conversations and rushed phone calls. And by everyone, I mean literally the whole crew behind the band. I've tried to stay away from it all but it's hard when they keep coming up and asking stupid questions.
'Have you spoken to Garry?' Um, who the hell is Garry?
'Where were you at about 7 o'clock this morning?' Why do you care?
'What time did you leave last night?'
I sigh and look down at my shoes. Why is everyone so stressed out? It's not like anything major has happened, as far as I'm aware. We're just sat in a venue like usual. Setting up gear and running around after everyone else. No ones bothered to fill me in, and I'm not really worried to be honest. It's none of my business. Nothing around here is my business. I'm useless. They don't even let me set up the bands instruments when I offer. It's like they think I've got no clue about what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing, I've done this a thousand times before, but they just cast me to the side like a worthless lump of wood. I take in a deep breath and let it out irritably.
Whatever. Instead I twirl the pick around in my hand and smile again. That concert was amazing, and I can still feel the ache in my feet from standing up the whole night. Just another reminder that it was real.

I peel my attention away from the little red pick as someone storms around the corner, chatting loudly and anxiously to someone on the phone.
"Well have you checked the local restaurants? Pizza parlours! Check the pizza parlours..."
What the...? I frown at the short man as he whips past where I'm sat on the floor in the hallway.
"Yes, and he said he hasn't seen him," the man continues. Seen who? I begin to feel slightly intrigued.
"Yep, I will..." Standing up and stretching my cramped legs, I cautiously follow him down the hallway. Maybe this guy can help explain why I've been banished from the dressing room the whole day.
"I know that, but I found the phone earlier in his hotel room," he continues down the hall way at a brisk pace, forcing me to lengthen my stride. He rubs his neck frustratingly and turns a corner. Where's he going? Keeping a safe distance I stalk him through the corridors and towards another door way.
"That's not what I'm worried about! What I'm worried about is that we have a show in less than an hour and he's still not here!" The man says irritably, walking up to the door and swinging it open. Shit, this is the dressing room. He disappears inside and I follow him across tentatively, knowing I'm not aloud in here today. They didn't tell me why...
I can hear a few voices, so I peak my head around the door carefully and into the large room. I'm surprised to see is filled with crew and security, my eyes widen slightly. Maybe I shouldn't have followed this guy.
But as I look around more, I start to take in some familiar faces. The bands main security guard to the left (I've seen him around them a lot), the publicist to the back, a few others from the crew. Then I spot my mum in the corner, her face plastered with a look of worry. Uh oh, I think, this can't be good. Right in the middle though, I spot the band, loosely encircled by an arrangement of about 5 security guards, and a number of people questioning them. They look annoyed, maybe even a little exhausted. Though not of tiredness. What is going on in here?
I decide to walk over to my mum.
"Hey," I greet, and I look up at her expectantly. Though as I wait a few seconds for a reply, I start to doubt she even heard me. "Hey," I say again, this time a little louder. She jumps slightly and looks down at me with shock.
"Oh sorry honey I didn't see you come up," She sighs and returns her attention to the crowd in the centre of the room. "Have you had any luck?" She asks, barely looking at me. I stare at her confused.
"Luck with what?" I ask, and she looks down at me with concern and surprise.
"Don't you know?" She asks quietly. Lifting her hand to play with the collar of her shirt.
"Um, no..." I slouch agitatedly, surely I wouldn't have just asked that if I knew. But before she can answer the man on the phone storms over to interrupt.
"Continue with preparations as usual," he says, "but don't let anyone in just yet, I've just spoken to Gary and he's not had any word of him but he's confident we can continue on without him," he says in a rushed manner. Hah, Garry.
"Okay no problem, ill let everyone know right away," she replies, I stare at the two of them frustratingly. Is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?
"Sorry sweetie I've got to go, if you need anything you know who to ask," she tells me quickly.
"Yeah alright," I sigh, slightly annoyed. She rushes off without another word and I'm left alone again in the crowded room. I stare around at the group of people. There's got to be someone here that can fill me in. My eyes travel around the sea of faces, then finally settle on the three boys in the centre. I pick out Luke, wearing a beanie, and I see Calum slightly behind him. Then I spot Ashton, towards the front and talking with Luke, where's Michael? Pushing myself through the crowd I decide to walk over, though I hang back hesitantly in case they're talking about something important. Ashton spots me almost straight away and beckons me over with his hand.
"Hey," He greets, as I squeeze through security.
"Hey," I say quietly, smiling lightly up at Luke and Ashton. I pull my hands into my jumper.
"Are you okay?" He asks immediately.
"Yeah I'm fine," I reply, taking in a hesitant breath "what's going on in here? Everyone's been running around like headless chickens." My joke falls flat, and no one smiles.
"Michael's missing," Ashton sighs, and a stab of panic hits my chest. What does he mean missing? He's gone?! I look up at Ash for an explanation, and I'm taken aback as I examine his expression, he looks more agitated than worried. I frown at him.
"What do you mean he's missing?! You don't seem that upset." I watch as he exchanges a knowing look with Luke before returning his gaze to me.
"Of course we're upset," Calum joins in, coming to stand next to Luke. I look at the 3 of them cautiously, examining their body language. I feel like there's an elephant in the room, yet I can't see it. They share quick, troubled glances but say no more, I speak.
"Well, do you have any clue where he could be?" I probe anxiously. They look at each other again and this time Ashton speaks.
"We have no idea," He replies innocently, I'm acutely aware of Luke shuffling uncomfortably. "They've looked everywhere over town but haven't found a trace of him, and he left his phone behind," Luke looks down at his feet as Ashton continues. I stare at him curiously, he brings his gaze back up, drawing in a breath. Calum looks at him sharply and he pauses.
"When did you last see him?" I ask, starting to feel concerned, though I'm confused as to why. I have no interest in Michael, why should I care if he's decided to wander off?
"About 9:30 last night, we went out for a drink with..." He pauses, "some friends," he rubs the bandana on his forehead thoughtfully, "he said he was going out for some fresh air, we haven't seen him since." He looks at Luke sheepishly. What is he hiding? Luke just bites his lip ring and readjusts his beanie, and Ash throws me a worrying glance. I sigh exhaustedly. Well so much for that, if they know anything, they obviously aren't going to tell me.
"Okay well, I'm going to go help set up on stage in case he decides to show up." I tell them in a dismissive tone, like I'm not concerned about Michael's disappearance at all. "Ill talk to you guys later."
They all say their good byes and I head for the exit, feeling 3 pairs of eyes boring into my back as I disappear from sight. Whatever is going on in this band, they can deal with it alone. Though as I walk down the lonely halls towards the stage, my thoughts drift back to Michael. Where the hell is he? What if he's lost? Injured? I shake my head worriedly. Why should I care? He's not my friend. The only time I've ever spoken to him is when he was accusing me of god knows what. No, I have to leave this alone.
It's none of my business.

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