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The events of that night play over and over in my mind. Every little crisp detail that I can remember, from the cold wind biting my nose, to the foul oder of rotting food, and the shadows cloaking every building. Those deadly shadows. Standing silent, just watching, waiting to pounce. I don't trust shadows, they can hide terrible secrets in their depths, so intrenched that no one can grasp. And as soon as you reach in there, they'll suck you in and consume you.

It's been almost a month since that guy saved me in the alley and no matter how much I replay the scene in my head, I can't see his face. Who was he? And why would he bother helping me, my heart races as I recall the few details I can remember about him, the way he smelt, the way he stood, the way he spoke, though his voice was slightly husky and his words slurred, I could detect an Australian accent. Not a local then, probably just visiting, so there'd be no point going back there to try and find him, to say thank you. Not that I would do that anyway, there's absolutely no way you would get me going back to that place. In fact I haven't gone anywhere in the past few weeks, I've barely left the hotel. Too afraid of what kind of creatures could be lurking around every corner. I don't like this. I feel trapped. Normally I love to go out and explore, take in as much of the atmosphere and the culture of the city as I can, before moving again.
But here I am, sat on my laptop doing nothing but watching the re-runs of The Walking Dead.
I didn't tell my mum about what happened either, I didn't see the point in stressing her out, she has enough on her plate from work as it is. I could imagine her face as I describe what had happened, her eyelids would widen and her pupils would be nothing more than a tiny dot, lip twitching as her face curdles into a state of horror. She would never let me out of her sight again, tell me that I shouldn't have stayed out so late and I should have come back straight away. But what scared me was that I know she'd blame herself. Start saying that she should spend more time with me, that she should not have left me alone. She would get distracted from work, and I don't want that, I know it's the only thing that keeps her mind off... back then.

Though I hadn't told her, like mums do, I think she has noticed that something's wrong. She has asked me about it on a few occasions but each time I just brush it off, saying something like 'I'm tired' or 'a character in my favourite series has just died'. I can tell that she doesn't buy it but she leaves it alone. I like that about my mum, she doesn't pester me about things. She makes a point of saying, 'Young women should learn how to be independent,' and I tend to agree with her. I like the freedom, making my own decisions.

Mum swings opens the door and quickly steps into our hotel room, letting it shut behind her as she walks over to the kitchenette, her arms carrying bags full of groceries. She flashes a warm smile over to me in greeting as I take out my earphones and place my laptop to the side, 'That was quick," I say, I uncross my legs and walk over to help her unpack. "Ive been gone for 3 hours, Scarlet," she scoffs, I shrug in response. "You know," she pauses, "I don't thinks it's very good for you to sit inside and watch movies all day, perhaps you'd enjoy a stroll down to the park this afternoon?" She looks at me with a curious expression. Park, outside. I instantly panic at the idea, no way, not by myself at least, "Are you coming?" I ask, warming to the idea of spending time with mum, "Im afraid I can't," she sighs, I thought so, "I've got a major event coming up and I need to organise all the paperwork for who's attending, I need to put in orders for the drinks and all the trophies..." She continues listing all the areas she's in charge of but I zone out. I know she works hard, but sometimes she works too hard. She needs to take a break, of all the wonderful cities we visit and she never gets to enjoy them. I can't remember the last time we actually did something together, like go out for a meal or for a game of bowling. Probably because it reminds her of the things we used do back home, with dad. She's trying to distance herself from the memory and I... "Scarlet?", the tone of mums voice snaps me out of my thoughts, shes looking at me expectantly, "Did you hear me?" I stare at her blankly and she lets out an exasperated sigh, "We're heading to Los Angeles on Tuesday." Oh... Los Angeles, Tuesday... That's only two days away, normally she has more notice than that, this event must be huge if she's needed over there so quickly. "What date is the show?" I ask, trying to create conversation, "24th August, I told you that." I swallow nervously and decide to not ask any more questions, though I was curious as to what this 'huge' event was for, a football match maybe? I start unpacking the bags of groceries and gently place a bunch of bananas on the countertop, "Oh! And I got you something from target," she says, leaning over one of the bags on the floor, she pulls out a white carrier bag with a bright red target on the side, "Firstly, close your eyes" she grins at me as she holds the gift behind her back, I do as instructed and hold out my hands, a smirk creeping across my face.
"Now I know you've been meaning to get it for a while, but I just thought... You know... Since you've turned into a hermit,"
"Hey!" I shout, and she laughs at my expression, "I'm not a hermit."
"Okay okay," she giggles, "Now close your eyes," once again I close them, and this time I feel something light placed in my hands. I open my eyes to see All Time Low's new album sitting in my palms.
"No way!" I gasp, looking up to mum with surprise, how could she possibly know that I wanted this? "Thank you so much! I've been wanting this for ages," I throw my arms around my mum and give her a hug, she pats me on the shoulder.
"Your welcome hun," laughing at my sudden show of affection. "Buts that not the only thing," I look at her confused, "These lovely young gentleman were standing at the front of the store earlier as I walked in, and insisted that I buy this new album, now normally I don't get pressured into buying things easily, but one of them had these adorable dimples and I..."
"Mum..." I groan, can she hear herself?
"Oh hush, no harm in admiring hey?" I roll my eyes, "They were really polite and said it would be perfect for a teenage daughter, which I happen to have," she smiles at me, "so I obliged." She hands over another CD. Solid white background with four guys on the front, all standing in a line, a blue cross sprayed across their torso.
"5 seconds of summer" I read out loud, I've heard of them, they co-wrote with Alex Gaskarth a few times, but I don't think I have any of their songs. "Oh yeah I recognise these guys," I make out with a smile, "a band Hannah listens to a lot."
"Well, listen to it and let me know what you think, you might like them. And if you do then I can buy you a huge poster for you to stick on your wall and I can take you to all their concerts..." she continues,
"Mum..." I complain again, sometimes the things she says. She grins at me as she unpacks the rest of the shopping. I doubt they'll really appeal to me, they're probably just another top 40 band, ill listen to it later. Quickly losing interest, I place it to the side and help out my mum with the rest of the groceries.

Deception (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now