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"Luke, do you copy?" I release the button in my hand and wait for a response, keeping my eyes locked on the end of the hotel corridor.
"Yep, over." He responds mischievously.
"Okay, I've just had visual on Ashton and Calum. I'm going to approach from the left side and take Ashton out first, he's unarmed and on his 4th life, as soon as I distract Calum, your going to need to make a run for it. Then meet me back at the elevator. Over." I wet my lips in anticipation as my lips start to curl into a smile, this is going to be a close call, I can't trust that Luke will leave the safety of his hideout, or that Ashton or Calum won't see me before I can take a clear shot. A cracked voice comes through on the radio.
"Okay, copy that."
I can feel my heart racing already as I pace back down the corridor.
"Wait for my signal." I whisper back over the two-way, slowly edging up to the corner of the wall.
I can still hear both boys carrying on in the hallway, trying to tempt Luke out of the laundry cupboard, and as I peak my head around I spot them giggling just outside the door.
"Comon, Lukey Lukey Lukey," Ashton stifles a laugh, I narrow my eyes at him, but he's angled the wrong way for an attack. I crouch down.
"Don't make me come in there..." Calum speaks, with his gun aimed at the door. I watch cautiously, Ash holds his position but continues to leave his gun by his side. Bad decision...
"We're not going to hurt you..." They coax. Holding my breath, I wait a long 4 or 5 seconds... Common Ashton, just a little more to the right... My finger tightens around the trigger... and he turns, NOW. Whipping my gun around the corner I take aim at Ashton's chest and fire. A loud siren wails from Ashton's suit.
"What the-?" He looks down at his suit in shock and I stumble to my feet, coming into full view of the boys in the corridor. Both their heads whip round to face my direction.
"Hey!!" Calum shouts with a small grin on his face. He takes off after me and leaves Ashton behind, who stands there still stunned by this surprise attack. I grab my walkie talkie and shout down it to Luke.
"NOW!!" I dart back around the corner just in time to catch Luke as he swings open the closet door and takes aim at Ashton. Not sticking around to find out what happens I giggle mischievously and sprint up the corridor with Calum hot on my heels.
I can hear him laughing.
"Hey you!" He shouts after me, I try not to laugh and continue my sprint up the hall, taking comfort in the fact that he can't shoot whilst running. I reach a cross section, swinging a right I just dodge the room service trolley that's sitting next to the wall. Looking back I watch Calum as he narrowly misses it too, grinning I lengthen my stride. I frantically try to map out in my head where about's the elevator is from here. At least another right? Then maybe a left...
Calum's fast, but not as nimble. Quickly I chuck a right into a short isle, then immediately turn left, re-entering the isle in which I just saved Luke from. Calum stumbles after me and I laugh between breaths. But what he lacks in nimbleness, he gains in speed. I stretch my legs as far as possible as he starts to catch up to me, air stinging my throat as I desperately try to stay ahead of him. I whip past numerous hotel doors, flying down the last stretch to the elevator, and I'm fast approaching another adjoining corridor when suddenly a huge weight slams into my side, knocking the breath out of me and sending me sprawling across the carpet floor.

I lay winded for a few seconds, a sharp pain stabbing my side and I clench my teeth in agony. My legs and arms are in a tangled mess, and as I start regain some awareness, I feel something squirm beneath me.
"Ouch..." It groans.
Realising with a jolt what I'm lying on I clutch my ribs and roll off, collapsing on the floor next to him, and despite the pain, still not managing to hide a smile.
"God damn it Luke, we almost had them." I speak between breaths. He just groans in response, and rolls onto his side, I drop my head back to the floor and laugh, trying to catch my breath.
I'm still knocked to the floor when Calum jogs up to join us.
"You guys alright?" He asks concerned, coming to a stop. I lift my head to look at him and spare an amused glance at Luke.
"Yeah, we're fine," I laugh. Luke mumbles his opinion, but as he rolls over to face us, I see a glint of amusement in his barely open eyes. Suddenly we hear footsteps coming up the hall, and all three of us freeze and turn to look, expecting Dave their security guard, or maybe the hotel manager, but we sigh with relief when we see it's just Ashton.
"Hey what happened?!" His voice travels up the corridor. I bring myself into a sit.
"I crashed into Luke," I mumble around the pain in my ribs.
"You should've seen it!" Calum exclaims, and Ashton comes up to stand next to him, "she was running full pelt and Luke just came out of nowhere and BAMN!" He motions with his hands in and exaggerated manner.
"Yeah alright, it wasn't that bad," I chuckle in response, though still sitting on the floor next to me is the crippled Luke.
"You got me in the nuts!" Luke whines, and I have to cover my mouth to hide my sheer look of embarrassment.
"Oh my god! Are you serious?" I gasp with guilt, Calum bursts out laughing.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I direct at Luke, but Calum just continues to laugh, and I even notice Ashton trying to contain a giggle, I stare at them with wide eyes.
"It's okay, I'm fine," Luke laughs softly next to me. I stare at him a few more seconds just to make sure, but he smiles in forgiveness and I let it drop, chuckling softly I collapse back onto the floor.
"Okay lets call it in then, I've had enough laser tag for one night," Ashton speaks up where he stands next to Calum. I nod in agreement.
"Yeah, and someone check on Michael, he's been sulking all night." Calum murmurs, half to himself.
As if on cue, further up the hallway a door swings open, and we all turn to look just as Michael steps into view. I sit up and stare at him with a mixed feeling of dread and anxiety. Oh well look who's decided to come out...
He freezes in the entrance as he spots us, looking us over with his shaded green eyes.
"Hey man you okay?" Ashton breaks the unnerving silence. He stands there with a look on his face that sends shivers up my neck. And I'm still staring at him when his eyes catch mine and he immediately looks away.
"What's wro-"
"I'm going out." Michael cuts him off with a low, barely audible grunt.
Quickly, he steps out into the corridor, avoiding eye contact, and shuts the door behind him. The guys watch in a hushed silence and I stare after him as he retreats, slouching his shoulders and bowing his head. Finally he turns a corner and out of sight.
"Well, so much for that," Ashton sighs.
"Where's he going?" I ask quietly, still staring after where he disappeared.
"God knows," Ashton replies, and I here him come up behind me, "He does that almost every night..." That makes me frown. I look up at Ashton with a questioning expression but he just shrugs.
"Come on guys," he turns around to the rest of us as he heads for the hotel room, "Who's up for pizza?"
I linger where I am for a few moments as the boys cheer and make their way back in for the night. My thoughts drifting back to Michael. Why is he so secretive? He's been keeping to himself a lot over the last 48 hours, and has been making a point of avoiding me ever since we landed. The boys tried to coax him out earlier, for a game of laser tag, but from what I can tell he refused and decided he would rather lock himself away in the hotel room than come out and be social. That's when I got a soft knock and my door, and opened it to find Luke sheepishly standing outside.

I think I might have scared Michael slightly, when I woke up to find him inches in front of my face, he pretty much jumped out of his skin. I was absolutely terrified too, waking up to find these two glimmering eyes staring you right in the face, fuck... I was petrified. But as he backed up and withdrew into this state of shock and fear that quite honestly reflected my own, I felt sought of surprised. I mean, I've never seen him look so... vulnerable. This whole time I've been around him he's had this emotionless facade, staring straight through me with his mute, apathetic eyes. That was the first time I have seen a true emotion from him. But what the hell did he have to be afraid of? I was the one that woke up with someone staring at me inches from my face.
I sigh and look down.
He hid in the toilet for the rest of the flight.
"Hey Scar, you coming?" I'm dragged back from my thoughts at the sound of Luke's voice up ahead, and I see him pop his head out through the hotel door, "we're ordering pizza," he continues, cracking a shy smile.
"Um, yeah... sure." I reply nervously, quickly getting to my feet and following Luke into the hotel room, where the guys are already firing up the Xbox.
Whatever, if Michael wants to ignore me for the rest of the tour, so be it.

Well helloooo...
Bit of a shorter chapter but ohwell haha, I hope you enjoyed :D ive already written the next chapter and omg im so excited to post it!! Im not gonna give anything away cos I love it haha
Feedback on the last chapter was great! Thank you all you guys that commented! Seriously you all rock :D
Bit disappointed with the votes but ohwell, hopfully will improve this chapter
Please share this story to your friends or fellow fans :D I dont want this thing to loose momentum now its got 1000 reads... wait, have we celebrated that yet?
I couldnt even forsee this thing getting 100 reads let alone 1000!!!!
You guys rock, and to all my silent readers out there, yeah, I see you, hahah
And also I wanna get you guys involved in the story so... put in the comments section what part of the world or city your in, and hey if you wanna put in your name then you might just find yourself in a chapter! :P
Thanks guys!!

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