Thirty Six

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I squint in the glow of the mid morning sun as I stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the cab to arrive. In my hands is the small slip of paper that John gave me yesterday, with the address that I'm supposed to be meeting him at.
People move past, dressed in clothes suitable for the warm weather. Shorts, sandals, designer glasses and hats. I also picked something a little nicer, seen as ill be making an impression, a forest green silk blouse, to go over my ripped black jeans. Not typical summer wear, but I can deal with the heat. I come from Australia.
A yellow cab slows down as it approaches the hotel. Kellin offered to drive me up there, but I refused. He's got more important things to focus on today, but not only that, I just felt like going on my own. I need some space at the moment.
Clutching the piece of paper, I jump into the cab and sit down, instantly welcomed by the smell of aged leather seats and a hint of citrus from the air freshener.
"Where'ya headin ma'am?"
I pass him the piece of paper, and he reads it quickly, then nods.
"Not a problem."
And he pulls away.

I don't know why I decided to do this today. I don't exactly know John that well, but when I told Kellin about it, he seemed to trust him. I guess I'd be stupid to say no to something like this, from what I can tell John Feldman is quite a well known name in the industry, who would pass up the opportunity to join a writing session with him?
That's why I'm so curious.
Why would he ask me? I'm not a musician, or a writer.
But, as annoying as he may be, it might lead to something more long term. I could set myself up with a job, not have to follow mum around the globe, plus, keep in closer contact with Kellin.
This could be what I've waited for.
I drift off as the traffic swims by outside. Joggers making use of the morning sun, tourists taking pictures in front of the palm trees, in the far distance I can just make out the little white letters of the Hollywood sign.
It distracts me from my thoughts for a little while as I rest my head against the warm glass, and I close my eyes.

It takes roughly 20 minutes for the taxi to pull up outside the destination. Just like John said. But I don't realise we've arrived until the driver leans over and taps me on the shoulder. I blink open my eyes.
"Your destination ma'am." I sit myself up in the cracked leather seat and rub my eyes, then squint through the window to look outside.
I freeze.
The morning sun glows on the white marble exterior of the 3 story house, its perfectly cut lawn, its iron bar fence.
"No, no this is not where I asked you to take me." I say, panicked. The driver picks up the piece of paper and reads out the address.
"Is this not the address you have written here?" I can do nothing but stare at the house.
The conniving little bastard. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. What was I thinking?
I let out a long breath and rub my head.
"Is everything okay ma'am?"
No, everything is not okay. I've just been tricked into coming back to the one place I probably should be avoiding right now, by a smiling little blond git with a huge appetite problem.
I rub my sweaty palms against my jeans.
What am I supposed to do? I can't go in. What if Michael's in there.
I stare at the house.

Oh common, it can't be that bad. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe this will give me the opportunity to talk to him, to apologise?
Grow some balls.
I take a deep breath, and pull out the money for the taxi.
"Keep the change."

I step out and close the door behind me.
The house suddenly seems a whole lot more intimidating than what it did inside the taxi. Looming above me in all its expensive glory. I make my way up the path, hiding my hands behind my back, and stop in front of the door.
I ring the intercom with a shaky finger.
What did Feldy say the password was again?
"Y'ello? Who is it?" Ashton's cheery voice comes through on the speaker.
"Um, tutu?"
There's a pause, and slowly the mobile camera swivels to me.
I smile innocently.
"Oh boy, alright give me a sec." And it shuts off. I stand patiently outside the door.
Suddenly it opens to reveal Ashton in a pair of bordies and a blue towel wrapped around his neck.
He passes a worried but gentle look over me, "what are you doing here?"
I blink quickly and try not to stare at his torso.
"Um, John invited me to a writing session. If I'd known it was going to be you guys..."
"Hey, no, it's okay, come in." I step over the threshold of the house. Inside it smells clean, not like it did last time I was here, like alcohol and stale food, although Ashton has the lingering scent of chlorine.
His ashy blond hair curls softly on front of his eyes, and he smiles.
"John told us we'd be expecting a guest today, though he failed to mention your name."
"I'm not surprised." I mutter, the sneaky bastard. "Where is he?"
"Out the back."
He leads me out onto the veranda and a pool comes into view, there, up to his waist in the water, is Feldy, holding a ukulele and strumming to a song. He sees me and throws his hands up into the air.
"Ah! Scarlet, you made it!" I pull my mouth tight in annoyance.
"So I did, lucky you wrote the address down, or I would have gotten lost." I say bitterly.
It doesn't phase him though, the fact that I'm annoyed only seems to fuel his enthusiasm. He laughs and wades across the pool.
"Hey! What's Scar doing here?" Luke calls as he throws a beach ball to Calum. "Not, that I'm not glad that she's here," he stammers, blue eyes darting to me nervously, "I'm just, I'm just surprised, that's all. Hi Scar." He gives me a shy wave, just before landing a blow to the face with the brightly coloured ball. Calum laughs at his shot, and I admit, I let out a little chuckle as well.
"She'll be joining our writing session today, I thought we could do with a fresh set of ideas, plus she needs the experience."
Ashton gives me a strange look, but says nothing.
"Would you like a drink? We have some Coronas in the fridge?" Calum asks.
I shy away, "Um, no, thanks." The last time I touched alcohol, I ended up blacking out and loosing a whole night. I look around nervously for Michael, but I don't spot him. Ashton leads me over to a lounge chair and sits down beside me.
"Is everything alright?" He asks, low enough so the others can't hear.
I nod and avoid looking at him, "yeah, fine."

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