Twenty Five

73 5 1

I open my eyes groggily, blinking away the sleep. Light filters into the room, making me wonder what the time is. I'm about to roll over to grab my phone from the bedside table when I stop, realising I can hear voices.

"No, you didn't."
A male voice says insistently.
"Are you sure?" Another whispers.
"Yes, now eat this before it goes cold."

I remain frozen. Why the hell are there people in my room?
I think back, trying to remember what happened the night before.
I was at the club, with the band. Following Luke around all night trying to stop him from drinking too heavily. That's when I remember the piercing eyes staring at me from over the balcony. A shiver runs up my spine.
Michael had been missing for over 24 hours, and then like a figure stepping out of the shadows he turns up at the same club we were entertaining.
The image of him collapsing out the back of the building appears in my head, and then carrying him up to the apartment.
A tingle passes over my skin as I remember the way his arm fell around my shoulder.

Last night, I saw a side to him that I didn't realise existed, and quite frankly scares the living shit out of me. His eyes, he looked absolutely terrified, of what though I have no idea. He said he couldn't remember where he'd been. That he wandered into a train station and simply fell asleep.
Leaving practically a whole day unaccounted for.
As the events of last night start to resurface in my mind, I'm hit with the image of Michael convulsing on the couch. I cringe inwardly, momentarily thrown back into the moment. I felt so helpless. I tried shaking him, calling his name, the panic welling up in my throat. Ashton came threw the door and knew exactly what he needed. The odour of the whiskey seems to tickle my nostrils once again.
Michael's an alcoholic. I still can't believe it. He was having withdrawal symptoms. The shaking, the extremely high temperature and the jumpiness? He was going into shock.
That's when I realise, I fell asleep here. On Michael's couch. Adamant that I was to keep watch over him whilst he slept. A stab of guilt hits my stomach.
I pretend to be asleep, and listen as they talk.

"I'm not hungry."
Michael's voice replies.
"Yes you are, now eat." Ashton. "don't make me force feed you."
I breath slow and steady, trying to mimic the rise and fall of someone who is sleeping.
There's a pause.
"But what if they find out?"
There's a sigh.
"We'll just deny it, ignore it, whatever, Dave has got it covered-"
"But they have photographs Ashton! We can't hide from that, she can't hide from that."
I falter slightly.
"We can, and we will. You don't need to worry about it, so long as we all claim ignorance they can't do anything more. Now eat your food, you need to build your strength back up."
The conversation halts suddenly, and I hold my breath, a slight tingle passing over my skin.
"Are you sure?" Michael asks again, lower this time, like it hurts.
Ashton just lets out a breath. I loose track of the conversation after that, too busy thinking over what has just been said. Photographs? I can't help but wonder. Is this about where he's been for the last day?
When I come too, I realise they've stopped talking again.
"Michael," Ashton speaks.
No response. Quiet stretches through the room.
Then there's a sigh, and the sound of a plate being put down on a table.
"Go have a shower, we need to leave soon."
There's another long pause, before I hear the rustling of someone moving then the closing of a door.

My heart thuds heavily in my chest, to the point I'm sure it must be audible to anyone in the room.
What on earth were they talking about? What are they trying to hide from?
Then footsteps approach.
"You can wake up now, he's in the shower."
Ashton sounds nearby, a hint of amusement in his voice.
I blink open my eyes and cautiously lift my head, spotting him walking over to the kitchen. I pass a glance at Michael's bedroom, but there's no sign of him.
I take a breath and sit up, brushing the hair out of my eyes. I can feel the makeup smudged beneath my eyes, and am sure I must look terrible.
I look around the room, finally being able to take it in after only seeing it in darkness last night. It's a decent size, as big as an apartment. A modern kitchen located by the front door, accompanied by an empty mini bar, lounge stroke dining area in front of the large windows, currently covered by thin curtains. And two doors to the side, one is ajar, and I can see the bedroom inside, the other closed, which I can only assume is the bathroom.
The sound of water running comes from behind the door.

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