1- The storm is coming.

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We had been waiting almost a month for something to happen and the first time I'm totally alone omitting Bane, They ran ome quick errands; Maybe they were back by now?
I already knew This Was It.
This was new. It was night in the Duskwood Forest, close to the Grimrock Memorial we demanded be a pale brown granite plaque bench for Richy instead of our valiant efforts, they gave us that concession after another #IAmJake scale outcry dubbed #HonorTheDeadHonorTheLiving. It was something Jake could do since the FBI Presumed him dead in The Ironspliter mine fire.
Beside me stood Jake on my right, Dan on my left, Jessy behind me to the left, Dad and Nemo standing in front of Lilly and Hannah. Cleo crouched ferally in front of Alfie behind Thomas.
From behind us all I heard Bane let out an angry howl as a clap of thunder hit. Lightning struck and Alfie was there.
Just standing there in front of us pointing into the woods. Another howl just behind us. No one startled so this was a vision, Thank God and My lucky damn stars.
The storm hit and everything went black.

I sat upright and grabbed my phone '17:38' my clock told me as it unlocked, I called Dad he awnsered groggily
"Hey Rj, Greyson literally hung up on me where does he get off?" Dad bemoaned
"The Storm is about to hit Dad."
"I just woke up, I think everyone's still out." I could hear him typing on laptop keys "we were all in the woods, the storm hit and then Alfie was in front of us pointing at nothing. It stormed really hard then it all went black, like I can't know more yet." I blurted seeing Jake run into the room, They had gotten back!
"I'll get everything ready, The Winchesters can stay at the guest cabin, Nemo has his room here. I'll have a jet on standby, Cleo arrived this morning. See you soon Reaper. Love you."
"Love you too Dad" I hung up "Did he tell you?"
"He sent me a text, Nemo isn't back yet though." He pulled me to my feet, planting a long kiss on my lips "I'll have Lilly help me pack the SUV and Cleo's car."
I laid my head on his chest "Something happened with Greyson. He hung up on Dad, that's unlike Grey. We need to pack fast Someone's coming." I suddenly pushed off of him fleeing down the stairs to the camera monitor once there I yelled loud enough for them all to hear "Bring Everything you don't want to lose that isn't replaceable! Someone grab Nemo's stuff!"
"I'll get his stuff. He's told me what to grab if you ever said that." Jessy said trying to keep a smile on her face.
*Ding ding* the screen came to life as Dan sat down beside me.
"Who's damn truck is that?!" Dan rared realizing the driver was able to enter via remote.
The gate was always locked when the sunset, so to open it you'd need to use a remote with the programed number or the keypad entry which recorded who opened the gate. This morning Jake made it to lock all the time and self close 3 minutes after it opened.
I stared at the truck hard as it drove through the gate half crying half shouting "It's Richy's work truck! Get the damned medical kit!"
"What?" Jake asked
"Which duffle Reaper?" Lilly asked looking at my pile of duffle
"The one with the star of life Keychain on the D-ring!"
The engine roared closer but was starting to decelerate, the driver must know the road. The Driver Laid on the Horn and the alarm dinged for the camera again.
"It's Nemo and Grey!" Dan called
"I have the Extra towels! The red ones!" Jessy yelled running topping the lower level stairs.
Bane howled, full of Anger and Hate.
I ran out the door Jake catching up beside me. Good he was Fast too.
The truck came to a dead stop in front of the pathway to the house, flinging the door open Phil was covered in Blood.
"Phil!" Jake and I yelled.
"Reaper! Poke was stabbed! He didn't make it! He fucking died!" Phil grabbed me, hunched over and began crying on my shoulder
Jessy hugged the both of us crying "I'm so sorry Phil."
"Poke has to go somewhere." I repeated Alfies words
Greyson pulled up behind Nemo, Alfie flung Nemos passenger door open making Nemo scold him. Shadow, his Truck, It Was his baby, even more than Nautilus, his Home Truck. They were his and Toby's dream rides come true & only I was allowed to drive Him; I never did know why Nemo called This truck a Him, but I did it too with my Stroker Ace. Alfie ran to me speaking so fast he sounded like Donny from Wild Thornberries, wrapping me in a tight hug then dancing around chattering.
"Alfie please!" Mrs Winchester begged him to calm down a little "Reaper, I'm staying here for now. In Duskwood any how. Let's go in and Chat, dear" breaking Phil off of me, She spun us around. Why must she remind me of Mrs Doubtfire, just her personality.
"Those assholes just walked up and stabbed Poke!" Nemo yelled inside as Lilly escorted Alfie to the Lair, Cleo would talk on the phone with him for a while. No one spoke until Lilly got back, as her foot hit the top stair I snapped
"What assholes? Where were you?"
"They moved here a while ago, I don't know their names but we were visiting Richy at the Grimrock." Phil began crying again, Jessy comforted her brother.
"I was tracking down the Auroras memorial and found Phil, Poke, Alfie, Mister and missus W." Nemo said burning with fury. He had been fighting.
"Alfie started point up the trail and these two hooligans ran up and attacked the locksmiths son!" Mrs Winchester exclaimed in a huff
"Nemo and I returned the attack. Alan arrested them at the hospital." Grey smiled, he still had the moves.
"Jake we have to go." I whispered, he started grabbing bags to load the vehicles, Lilly followed suit as my phone strated singing superkid by Livingston
"Hey Thomas, they filled us in. We're tying up loose ends and heading to dad"
"Good. I'll make sure the funds are available for yours and who's team leader 2?" Thomas asked
"Yeah I figured that. The guys are a bit...Boozy" He chuckled
"I'm sorry Thomas. Nemo did get the guys that were messing with richys memorials. Grey helped him" I quipped.
The only one of us that was super close to Poke was Phil & shit Dan was too.
"Thomas I gotta go." I ended the call and called out for Dan. No reply. I went back to the trucks "Dan?" I asked sitting beside him on a broke tailgate.
"He was My friend too." He scooted away from me
"I should've told you what Alfie said but I didn't know this was his trip, if I'd have known I would have Dan" he stood walking into the house near the Lair not bothering to speak to me. "I'm sorry!" I screamed after him tears streaming down my face, Jake and Nemo came out with the last load as Lilly returned
"Rj?" Nemo called seeing me still sitting on the broken tailgate quietly crying. Jake dropped everything and ran to me
"Reaper, Babe what happened?" He begged me to tell him over and over
Finally I spoke wiping aways tears
"I knew Poke too and I hurt Dan now he won't talk to me." My lip quivered
The lower level door slammed shut and Alfie came into view "It'll be okay, I know it. Dan's just mad he knows Reap's his family, It'll be okay!" Alfie climbed into my lap, hugging me "No more tears Reap."

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