4- They know us.

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After the Bonfire I needed a nap, Nemo and Dad were going to call Thomas while Jake called Hannah.
Grey, Dan and Cleo used the long rifles and pistols for some target practice while Lilly, Jessy and Alfie explored some trails on the property & chased chickens with Bane.
My Cabin was quiet although I could hear the targets being tinged and Bane's joyful barks.
Taking to my comfy but empty bed I snuggled into Jake's pillow.
Closing My eyes I fell soundly asleep.

The door creaked open then softly closed, waking me.
"Hey you.." Jake whispered sweetly crawling into bed beside me, kissing me twice
"Mmm Hi there.." I murmured
"It's noon, Dad wants to fire Icarus up." He cooed
"Oh alright" I sat up, Jake handed me a warm cup of coffee "Thanks babe"

"Phil called from Duskwood, The guys that messed with the memorials were all wanted for murder." He said brushing my long hair back "They're installing another bench for Poke by Richy's too..."

"Good, I'm glad they were all caught then."

"Then your Dad called Alan and ran their names again. Reaper, one of them was from Bayport; The one you and Dan put in his place. One was from Colville, he knew Jessy in kindergarten, the other was one of my childhood Bullies."

"They knew us?!?"

"We believe so."

"Aw hell. The one from Bayport was Kurt isn't it?"

"Kevin Kurt? yes."

"He was an asshole." I balled my fist remembered the blond chubby boy that constantly teased Toby and I as children, I smiled vainly as I recalled beating him bloody after subduing him with a Staff. It wasn't the only time "In third grade, Kurt just wouldn't stop pulling my hair or shoving Toby. One day I had enough when he shoved Toby into a curb breaking his nose, I broke Kurt's arm in three places."
I didn't take pride in the act but there was solace knowing Kevin Kurt never touched us again, but why was he in Duskwood?

"We'll find out my love." Jake reassured me, stealing a kiss as I stood up.
Reaching for his hand I pulled him to his feet "We need to figure this out. Dad's at his place waiting?" Putting my arms around Jake's neck I caught a whiff of.....myself. Thinking of when the last time I had showered was a day before we left Duskwood, Jake had taken one in Egypt but only because he had been vomited on not once but twice; Once by Lilly mid flight and once by me right after witnessing Lilly ralph all over her brother; Her airsickness proved my sympathetic vomiting was an actual thing.

"I'm sure things can wait a few minutes..." Jake whispered in my ear, I could feel his nose scrunch up.
Bane plodded in taking over the bed.

"I'll smell far better in tight quarters with poor air flow." I giggled walking into my master bath.
Taking our time but not quite dwadling we showered.

Not really caring at this point how long we took the bathroom filled with steam, lost in each other we hadn't heard the bathroom door open until Dan let out a blood curdling scream catching us together, tripping back out of the bathroom over or onto Bane who yelped.

"Why is it always me!" Dan screamed

Grabbing my towel Jake jumped out of the shower slamming the door as I yelled "Your the only one who won't knock!"

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