7- Monster On Your Back

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I just needed a while, Jess understood as she held Nemo telling him Toby wasn't in pain any more.
Hattie walked around and sat beside me, running her hand through my hair "Cher, you take all the time you need. Icky jus' tellin us it figured out how most of you are connected, Now you get you closure." She reached over and rubbed Nemos short straight hair "Dan you walk Ol' Hattie to Joey's won't you?"

"I'd be my pleasure as always Hattie" Dan took her hand escorting her from the room, Dad touched both Nemo's and my head saying he loved us before following Dan.
After a couple minutes Jessy sighed softly "Reaper? Is it wrong to ask what we're going to do with Toby now?"
I sat up wiping my eyes "No, it's perfectly okay Jess; There's a couple options A Hunter's Burial, Buried on the property or we can bury him in an old cemetery plot."
"I think he'd want a Hunter's Funeral." Nemo said into the mattress
"Me too knee knee, Isn't like that type of burial ensures no hauntings" I laughed weakly
"Knee Knee?" Jess giggled
"It's a Name we use for Nemo in the woods, We all had One."
"Toby was Tee Bees" Nemo added
"What was yours, Reaper?" Jake asked
Jake laughed "Cause a Reaper is Death"
"Exactly. If you don't mind babe can you get the Fitzgeralds and Trubel, Tell them and make Dad we're giving Toby a Hunter's Burial."
"Of course, I'll be right back I promise" He said kissing my head.
After Jake shut the cottage door I looked at Jess and said coldly "What Happened"
"What?" Nemo looked deep into my eyes
"When Jess threatened Damien, she was coming to tell us something, it had upset her..." Jessy looked tobthe floor
"It's Phil. He didn't open the bar tonight, well the passed Two days. I called the hotel and Mrs Winchester said Phil went to the Cabin the last time she saw him. He likes going there on weekends sometimes so she didn't think anything of it since the hotel was busier lately. I just have a bad feeling, like a pit in my stomach." I grabbed Jessy's hand and led her out of the cottage behind Nemo through a tunnel that connected their cellars.
Entering Dad's cellar I yelled
"Jake! Dad! Uncle's! Dan, Hannah, Lilly, Cleo! Damien!"
When they all entered the cellar I was sitting at Icarus' keyboard "kill your phone volumes" I said "3....2....l" I typed my code H82BU into ICARUS Triggering everyone in Icarus' Network all of Phil's information and a picture Jessy had of him.
"What's going on?" Uncle Frank asked
"Someone took Phil Hawkins a day or so before you found me."
"Can we get a Location?" Nemo asked checking a screen.
Jake had slid into a chair beside me, already furiously typing on his laptop.
I spun to face the group "Damien, Lilly, Dan you three look into any lore we have on Anything that feeds on dreams or uses dream prisons. Hannah, Nemo, Uncle Frank your on Phones. Jessy, Dad you help get the Hubters Burial ready. Cleo you do what you do best. Uncle Grey, I'm going to ask yall stay one more night and plan out where to start searching in Duskwood. I'm going to be The Monster on This Fuckers back, if they don't know we killed Darkness they won't be expecting me, so Babe....Make sure nobody telecommunicates that I'm back."

"Mass Hack a threatening Video with Icarus? My pleasure." Jake smiled

Nemo walked up to me "Hey Death." He held his fist up and I slammed him a fist bump.
"One for all!" Jessy hollered
"All for one" we yelled, setting off onto our Tasks.
Icarus pinged notifying me Phil's phone was at the Duskwood Cabin. The tracker he was to keep on him at all times was at Roger's Garage.
I pulled up a chat window starting a New group chat I added Damien to this one
*☠️ has made a Group Chat*

Damien: the fuck is going on here?
Dan: Yeah it ain't funny when they
Dad: Everything okay?
???: May have a lead on Phil
☠️: I need Hannah and Jessy to switch.
Jess your going to have to call Mr. Roger's
Jessy: Phil might be there?
☠️: Bingo or the other tracker he has.
Dan: Reaper did Cas act like she'd obey a command?
Jake looked at me and asked "Did she?"
"No way. She would've, They're all trained to Howl before attacking something we're fighting, Cas was always good about it. She was never that far out either."

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