9- This is War.

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We looked around the Library, it had grown quite a bit since I was last here.
Everything was more organized by Faction and species, Lore and legendLegends, Recipes, languages. He had worked hard on this and it showed.
He smiled proudly "I told you I just had to show you this, Isn't it glorious?"
"It is! I remember how your uncle kept it, so haphazardly but he could find us anything we needed, and so could you even if I didn't understand the system." I mused amazed at the library
"I'd like to digitally archive all these for you, Damien." Jake said
"I've started but...I'm Not grand with computers, I'd appreciate the help." Damien blinked surprised
I had put my left hand on Jake's chest, I tilted my head at Damien's expression "I told you she said yes." Jake chuckled
"No, no it's not that. I congratulated her when she got in. It's the ring." He said shakily
"It was my mom's, Damien isn't it pretty?" I showed him the ring, he took my hand and inspected the ring closely making a 'ch ch ch' sound

Dan walked over saying "All Good over here?"
I nodded, Jake shrugged.
Finally Damien looked into my face, I saw his coal black eyes shimmer with a little orange then they were his Normal coal colored eyes he whispered "You never told me your Mom was of hunter blood."
"It's not a big deal, Dad has Grimm blood. I have both, can we talk about your blood line, Luciferian?"
"I didn't mean it like that Reaper, Its just very enlightening."

Before I could ask him more I heard footsteps, instinctively stepping in front of Jake.

"We're right here!" Nemo called entering the library sounding very cheerful.
Jake playfully squeezed my hip, I giggled
"Hey guys!" Jessy sang

"Looks like we're all here now Damien...." I paused waiting for him to start, he didn't so I said "It's your library."

"Oh! Please make yourselves comfortable." Damien waited until we all found chairs or a couch space.
Jake and I took a old couch, Dan sat in an arm chair and on a loveseat Nemo and Jessy cuddled up.
Damoen stood in the middle of our small sorta circle "So you're all aware that a lot of Legends and Fairytales are true but distorted..."

"Distorted and Sugar coated, some warped beyond belief." I snorted

"Exactly, Reaper. What you don't know is the Monster world has its own Fairytales, tales of caution to avoid hunters or Grimms & The Grimms and Hunters have their own that regular folk don't know, plus the real fairytale or folktale."
The lights in the library flickered as Damien paused then he asked nervously "Maybe I should let you explain the Curse first?"
"Noooo. You're telling it just fine, I'll explain the curse last....It'll make more sense."

Dan sighed "Dude, Damien."
Damien turned to face Dan, Dan continued "We trust you enough to have come here, I feel like we all need to be here but damn it I want to know why, so we're all cool....buds even just chill."

Damien's face showed some relief we he turned back, Pacing he continued
"One Legend out of millions between Monsters, Wessen, Grimms and Hunters. That Legend is the Legend of the Arkanian Knights. There's no remaining text left after the Notre Dame fire so, bare with me.
Long, Long ago before our great great great granfathers mothers had been born there was a Council of Moderators that worked to bring what was called the Great Peace. Hunters worked as a police force over Monsters while The Grimms having a unique hereditary gift of sight they policed the Wessen, as they could see the woge. The knights were like the supreme court, except to be an Arkanian Knight you had to be born into it, but the original council had Both Grimm Lines, Wessen, The First Monsters, a Divine Entity, Humans and a Wolf representing animal kind. Well no ones quite sure what happened but one night many knights were mysteriously slaughtered, their children and childrens children too. A few were able to escape and disappear into the night. Over time other Knights that had escaped fell, Bloodlines eradicated whenever they were located. According to legend they were all wiped out but Here we all sit as proof.
Now no matter which faction you hear the tale from details vary but they all end in a prophetic statement; It was believed to be Originally found in a Knights Heirs journal and then a vampires diary but if you string all of them together it says The Pheonix Shall rise, Death shall come, the guard will fall and The Knights will return Once again. "

Not All Who Wander: A Duskwood FanficWhere stories live. Discover now