13- Some Days...

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Tearing down our private road, white knuckling the steering wheel; I could see the Gate, Van, and tree pile had been cleared.

"Damien's parents didn't live that far away did they?" Dan mused

"Nope. We passed it when we first came here." I laughed

Jake turned on the CB as I took the shortcut, Squeezing the Mic he said clearly "Anyone Got Their ears on?"

Nemo's voice came through with a lot of interference "Who's calling?"

I flipped the channel and took the mic Squeezing it "Hang On Nautilus. Tell Stroker What am I looking at?"
I stopped the truck on the curve, I knew you couldn't hear a truck hear from any of our cabins until I rounded the curve totally.
Dan let Hemlock out, he howled charging into the woods. I could see footprints everywhere on the driveway.
"There's smoke over towards HQ. It's a clutserfuck. SHIT THERES THAT THING.." He stopped talking

"Nautilus, Take Alf to his Lair and Stay there."
There's was some static, someone else was trying to come back but something was messing up, I squeezed the mic, Taking Charge of the situation letting the anger coat my words like poison "Eyes on the Horizon. Hang On."
I through the truck in gear flipping the radio on. AC/DC Highway To Hell filled the cab I shot Jake a wink and stomped the gas. Jake cranked the volume. Topping the hill close to our cabin a ghoul ran out of the woods chasing after Stroker.
"Ghoul, six o'clock!" Dan yelled
I locked the brakes up and threw Stroker in reverse. The ghoul slammed into the back of my track. I back over him revving the engine and throwing him back in drive now chasing the injured ghoul.
I ran it the hell over stopping the truck in the car park. We jumped from the truck as a unit.
The ghoul I ran over was a goner. It's head splattered on the dirt.
Dan cocked his shotgun, "Reaper look." He said pointing to Dad's cabin.
The smoke seemed to be coming from there.

"Dad!" I screamed
The CB squaked inside the truck but it was unintelligible.
"Dan get Tom and then get them out." Jake barked "Reaper, let's get Nemo."

He didn't have to ask me twice, I grabbed his hand pulling him behind me. Cutting through the property I led us to Nemo's cabin and then the office.
We could see Jessy looking out a window, a ghoul waiting under the window. I pulled my .380 ACP out of its holster once again.
"Can you hit it from here?" Jake whispered
"Nope." I fired a shot that hit the dirt ten feet in front of the ghoul. "But I can bring it to us."
The ghoul had stood and was now sprinting at us. I took aim again widening my stance. 40 feet, 30 feet, 20 feet, 15 feet I dropped the hammer and fired the BodyGuard blasting the foul beasts head open.
Jake and I Marched to the Office door as Jessy ran out throwing her arms around both of us.

"That thing it chased Alfie and Nemo!" Jessy said hurriedly holding a Hollow steel staff tipped with silver.

"It's the Rawhead." Jake said
I let out a sharp whistle, I heard Hemlock and Bane howl.

"Jess. Wait in the office, if anything comes back grab the Machete out of the closet and take its head off." I hugged her and shoved her towards the office "Go Red I'll get the Captain."

I grabbed Jake's hand and we sauntered down the hill. I re-holstered my weapon and said to Jake "I have to get inside, and if I know Nemo all the doors are locked. Rawheads are like his Kryptonite they go after guilty feelings but prefer kids, this one's got Alfie and Nemo. We have to kill it."

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