5- I think I fucked up The Right Way

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This was the White Forest, all the trees barks were varying degrees of white and silver, a thick fog hung in the woods.
"Reaper!" Toby hollered
Nope not awnsering. Screw the Crocotta.
"Forget the Crocotta" Uncle Frank's kneeled with me on some soft moss. "Let go Reddingsboswachter. Stop the loop. Get advantage." He took my hand like he did when I was young "I've got Chip, Now let go. We can only find Dale if you let go."
Let go let go let it go, deep breath
Two deep breaths. My arms felt incredibly heavy and numbed but it didn't have any affect on me using them. I felt the heavy mortal surface pressure, then there wasn't any pressure, I let it all go.
"No. You win Tobias. I cave." I sat on the ground unwilling to play his game anymore.
Taking a knee I waited until Toby came out of the woods, we sized each other up; Too much time had passed.with each new detail I noticed he took a long stride forward closer to Me. He Was muscular but thin, He was roughly 5'11" , his samdy blonde hair matched what dad's once was, he stood a step from me, his dark ocean blue eyes with flecks of dark green and copper flecks.
"TOBY!" I hugged him tightly as he lifted me into a off ground hug
"Toby my God have you been here this whole time?!?!" I cried without Tears, impossible in Hybrid Dream world I assumed.
"More or less. Time is different here. It's been almost two months with you here now."

"Freaky. He must have me chained with my arms above my head."

"He does." Toby agreed.

"So now that I let go...?"

"We can break free." Toby sat on the ground I gave him a hard look "What's wrong?"

"We need to know my Firends are close. I need Jake.... and Dan here. I need Dad."

"There's been a little boy following you all around every night, Same little boy you had with you before, Maybe he can help?"

"Alfie!" I exclaimed "Anyway of knowing when? My watch is dead here." I laughed.

"Soon, Darkness hates the boy, more child is oblivious to all the tramua around him but YOU vanishing he wears like a security blanket, every time he couldn't stop your loop he's come back more angry."

"Fuck. Where does he come in? Show me!" I jumped up feeling the tramua I knew was coming, Toby felt he wasn't going to make it through this he thought he exploited all his tramua years ago.

I coldly stared coldly at My twin "Take me there."

Toby stood, he walked up the path topping a hill with a path curve at the top "He comes by here every time."
I ran ahead focusing my thoughts on Alfie, humming "One, Two Reaper"

I sat cross legged concentrating harder
"Alf. It's Reap. Alf are you there?"
I heard what I could've mistaken for a flute then a frog in the distance. Toby heard it too mentioning frogs weren't native to this dream.
"Reap? Reap?" Alfie cried walking up the path he looked so small, so hurt, so alone. I ran to him hitting the ground before him on my knees
"I beat the puzzle Alf!" he hugged me wiping his tears away "I can come back now! Very, very soon."

"Jake cries every day lots, he doesn't think I can hear him but I do. Dan hears him a lot too. Bane looks for you everywhere we go. Reap where are you? Hattie is angry, Nemo said if I saw you to tell you to get your assets home." He half smiled giving me the low down, I could see Jake in my mind. Broken, alone, Blaming himself. I had to focus. "Reap, Jake's been driving your truck all night, are we coming to get you?"

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