12- Jake / Reaper~ The Labyrinth

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<Author's note: This chapter is going to be split in half. The first half being Jake's perspective the Second being Reaper's as usual. Jake's perspective will be in boldface....let us begin>

This couldn't be happening. How could I have been so half witted not to listen to her for half of a damned second.
No foolish, Ol sentimental, too smart for his own good Jake pressured the only damn person I've ever been able to count on, the only person that was my heart and soul, My literal everything into visiting Home. It was Rowena's idea, then it became mine and Jessy's.
Its all My fault, I put Reaper and my little sister in Danger.
Shit I put our friends in danger too.
I cleared the den and rejoined Hannah in the hall.

"All Clear." Hannah whispered
"I'm going to check the back room." Dan said breezing by me.

"I'll let the dogs in." Hannah said moving towards the door opening it a foul smelling dog like creature roared into the room with Bane hot on its tail.

"Get em Bane!" I yelled at Reaper's giant black dog, Bane bite the things tail making it crash into a curio cabinet.
"Hannah Run!" I screamed at my sister, as she ran out the door a brunette woman about Reapers height maybe an inch taller grabbed Hannah putting a rag over her mouth. My sister passed out.
"Rea-" was app I got out of my mouth before a hand clasped over it, Hemlock leapt on to it taking us all to the floor as my world went dark.

I had lost time, I knew it.
I couldn't see but I could hear, they were taking us somewhere. They were driving to fast for its condition and surely not knowing it. Reaper was really the only person besides Nemo who did anything over 40mph on their long road.
I could hear Hannah whimpering, Begging me to get up, help her.
I could hear another engine, it was close. I concentrated, it wasn't Stroker or Nautilus. Static filled the space; Her sweet voice, another female voice threatened her with "Or Else."
'Yeah that never goes over well with Reaper' I thought, the van shook violently taking a hit from behind. 'See, told you.'

I lost some time again. The van had stopped moving, I could feel hands on me as Dan spoke "Oh dude, no." He checked my pulse. Yep still there "Come on Hannah."

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