|[Chapter 2]|

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I put on my usual attire after getting out the shower:

Tied my locks into a ponytail, putting small white clips in them for decorative purposes. My black sleeveless crop top (with a crewneck), arm fishnets that I somehow came across on a mission once, black biker gloves, and a simple band choker. That was also luckily found on my mission. I wore cut sleeves from a grey shirt that fit around my elbows. This was for both fashion and so that my arms weren't completely bare. 

For clothing below the waist, I wore a black utility belt with loops on the sides, grey camouflage pants with grey kneepads, and heavy duty black boots with zips on the sides.

Hey, I liked to fight in style. If my enemies were to die, they'd at least die to a charming and badass grunt who knew how to dress.

I went over to my closet full of weapons, wondering which ones I should bring with me for my mission. I examined some, lifting them up and trying to imagine them being used in combat.

For my guns, I decided to grab an AK-47 and a Glock. Given that I was going to kill Agents that day, I didn't need to grab that many guns since I could just pick up the ones from their bodies. For my smaller weapons, I grabbed some throwing stars, two grenades that I designed, and a knife with a 9-inch blade. I wasn't as good with melee and automatic firearms as I was with hand guns and throwing weapons, but I was far from bad, so it wasn't too big a deal for me.

Once I put my small weapons in my utility belt and front pockets, Glock in my back pocket, and wrapped my AK around my shoulder, I headed out the door.

The apartment building I was in was old and abandoned, possibly me being the only one living there. I made sure my apartment was nice, though. I had came from worse, worse enough to where there wasn't even anything to come from, so I appreciated what I had and didn't take the time to judge it.

I exited the building and went to my motorcycle, which was hidden in behind the dumpsters so that it wouldn't be stolen. People nowadays were desperate for any type of transportation, as walking around in Nevada was incredibly dangerous. Once, I saw a person through my window who got shot in the head out of nowhere.

I took my motorcycle out of its hidden space, put on my helmet, and zoomed off to the building.


That's all I'll be writing for now. Hopefully I'll update soon, maybe tomorrow.
Thank you for reading so far if you made it to here!
[My first fanfic on Wattpad btw]

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