|[Chapter 9]| (Lengthy)

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Content Warning: Things similar to hallucinations, Exorcism

My head was feeling a little foggy after the whole fiasco a few minutes ago, which I thought was due to the stress. I don't usually get stressed on missions, though. I'm actually quite calm and collected, so me feeling this odd wouldn't really make much sense.

The further I walked, the weirder I felt. It kept feeling like something or someone was trying to... I dunno, talk to me, maybe?

I tried to ignore it, but it kept getting more and more prominent, to the point where I really did start hearing things.

"A n o m a l y . . ."


I was certainly not expecting that.

It was very faint, and this wasn't the first time I've heard things that weren't there, so I didn't think much of it and just hoped it would stop sometime soon.

I was nearing the apartment building as the voice continued to grow louder and louder. I was beginning to lose my cool at this point, but I didn't show it around the people outside observing me.

"D i e  f o r  t h e  L o r d ."

"D i e  f o r  t h e  L o r d ."

"D i e  f o r  t h e  L o r d ."

My response to that:

'shut the fuck up already.'

I was running now. I couldn't take the voice in my head much longer. It sounded familiar... It sounded like that crazy nun from earlier, that super tall one.

Sister Who is a pretty easy name to remember, honestly.

Its voice went silent after my response, and it stayed silent for the rest of the day. Heading into my apartment, I changed out of my clothes as quickly as possible, not wanting to stay in nasty, bloody clothes for very long. I took a shower, put on some fresh clothes, and didn't even bother to eat anything. In fact, I went straight to bed to take a nap in hopes of clearing my thoughts.

However, that nap wasn't necessarily the best.

I couldn't even go to sleep because it felt like if I let my guard down, I was bound to fall victim to something dangerous.

And that was when a knife from the kitchen made its way into my room and came rushing at me. My eyes were still open, but my back was turned. I just count myself lucky that it landed less than an inch away from my skull.

I shot up and looked around frantically, only to realize no one was in my room. I turned around and saw the knife embedded in my pillow and I grabbed my gun from under the mattress, stepping out of my bed carefully and holding my gun up.


It came at me again, this time actually getting me and slicing across my bicep. I inhaled sharply at the sudden pain, looking around once more to see who in the world was throwing this knife at me. I saw the blade impaled in the wall and thought for a moment...

Yeah, there's no one in my room. And if there is, then they either have invisible powers or they are a master escape artist.

"G i v e  i n  t o  y o u r  s i n s ."
"G i v e  y o u r s e l f  t o  m e ."

I made a run for it, because at this point, I pretty much knew one thing:

This ain't normal. Not for me, at least.

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