|[Chapter 6]|

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Today was a new day, a day where maybe I won't screw things up as much as I did last time. I felt a bit better about it, but I couldn't help but blame myself for my idiocy at that time.

Now wasn't the time to dwell on the past, however.

Now was the time for me to check my communicator and get ready to make some money today.

I woke up at an early hour, around seven or so, and immediately went over to my device to see if I got any new notifications from my boss today. It's been a few days since he's given me anything to do. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I yawned and selected the DM from my boss.

Boss: Rise and shine, Keez. Hopefully, you'll be completing this mission I've assigned you successfully without any problems. It is a simple task that may not even involve any killing, but simply to neutralize a threat. You tend to have a way with words, you seem like you'll be able to get through to her.

Boss: You may have a target on your back due to all the wanted posters, and the main person who's been doing lots of bounty hunting recently is a nun who seems to go by a name that no one can remember. They've simply labeled her as "Sister Who", although, it will be easy to identify her, as she is the oldest nun of the church she resides in.

Boss: Here are the coordinates to the location.

[Insert photo of church, photo of nun, along with coordinates]

Boss: You should bring a weapon with you, of course. Sister Who is not a pure nun. Nobody in Nevada is pure, so expect her to be one of those religious freaks who believe they're doing the greater good when they're actually committing numerous war crimes. If she approaches you in any way hostile or suspicious, do not refrain from using your weapon. That is an order.

Boss [offline]: Out.


I decided to not go to this "church" in my usual combat attire, given that I may not need to get too physical in this situation, so I dressed more comfortably instead. It was simply a black hoodie, white tee, and blue jeans, along with black sneakers. The only thing that was the same was my hair. I made sure to bring my Glock 17, three grenades, and a pack of throwing stars. Most of these were in my pockets.

This place did not look like a church. First of all, it was located on the street in the downtown area of this city. It looked small, run down, and bootleg. I'm not a believer and don't plan on being one anytime soon, but this just ruined all chances of that ever happening.

I walked down the ominous sidewalk, people who were smoking or drinking looking at me with lazy, intoxicated eyes. I could feel stares from as far as the back of the alleyways I passed land on me. I didn't think about it, though. This was just a normal day in Nevada.

I walked into the church, expecting it to be pretty gross and decrepit. It was actually not that bad, but it was far from good. The walls were slightly peeling, some of the seats were dusty, and cobwebs were found in places they shouldn't have been in. But, like I said, I was expecting much worse.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I called out,as there was nobody at the altar nor in the rows of seats. It felt empty and strange.

"I came to seek someone of importance... A nun, Sister Who." I continued to speak as I walked around the dimly lit church. I began to walk to the back rooms before I heard a voice from behind me call out to me.

"You seek guidance?" A gentle, yet mysterious voice spoke. It was like a loud whisper that could send chills up even the strongest's spine.

I swiftly turned around to find a tall, possibly six or seven foot tall nun standing in the far corner of the room. She was smiling, but it seemed fake.

"The Lord has been looking for you, Anomaly."


Goodness gracious I was gone since November-

Welp, I'm refreshed, so maybe I'll update this quicker now that I've been inspired/motivated. :)

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