|[Chapter 3]|

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I felt like something was missing, something that would usually be with me but it wasn't. Not this time. I was going a bit crazy since I knew it was something that I'd have with me at all times, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Whatever it was, it'd have to wait. I needed to get to my location quick.

I looked at my communicator in its holster on the top left of my motorbike's interface, reviewing the message my boss sent me that had the coordinates. I then looked at the digital map on the interface itself and looked at the coordinates.

I was getting closer very quickly, which was great because usually my missions were much further out than I'd hope.

I arrived at the stereotypical A.A.H.W. building in no time, but parked my motorcycle a good bit away from it so that it wouldn't be obvious that there was someone else here.

However, when I found my spot, I noticed that there was a truck there. It looked like one of the trucks the Agency used, so I had to look somewhere else. I groaned at the sight and continued. I really wanted to get this mission over with.

When I finally found a spot to park my motorbike, I took my helmet off, grabbed my communicator and jammed it in my back right pocket and slung my AK-47 over my shoulder so that it could be in my hands.

There was something off about the building once I arrived, however.

There were no guards at the perimeter. Which was strange because there should be security outside every single building the Agency owns.

I also looked at the bottom floors that had windows on them.

There were splatters of blood on the inside.

To a civilian, this would've been terrifying to see and they'd turn around immediately, maybe wetting their pants in the process. However, being a mercenary and medic who has seen blood and some guts, I didn't flinch.

But I stayed cautious, though, because no security outside the building along with blood splatters on the windows meant that someone else took out these Agents before I did.



I opened the front doors since I had enough confidence that there would barely be anyone alive on the first floor, and to my unsurprise, I was right.

However, the sight was horrendous.

Blood was everywhere, splattered on the floor, walls, and even the ceiling. Some parts of the hall looked flooded with red, but that was because blood had gotten onto some of the beam lights on the ceiling, changing the light's color.

Some Agents' guts were spilled out of their body, or sliced open from the inside. The entire place reeked and I was only on the first floor. The stench was bad, and although I had encountered it many times, never was it this bad.

'Whoever had done this was heartless as hell.'

I covered my nose and mouth as I treaded through the halls of corpses, checking the corners before continuing, until I came across an elevator.

Since I had to focus on the five upper floors out of the 13 they had, I pressed floor eight and waited. The smell thankfully went away as the elevator got higher in the building, but the closer I got, the more I could hear what sounded like banging, but it was like a small, quick bang.

bang... bang... bang bang...

Bang... Bang Bang Bang...


Hm, that sounded like gunshots.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who came to crash the party.


Well, look at me adding another chapter weeks later. ADHD go brr-

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