|[Chapter 13]| (Lengthy)

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Today was not going to be an action-packed, thrill-filled, bloodbath kind of day.

No. We all need a break sometimes.

Instead, it was going to be normal. Or as normal as Nevada gets, which is barely.

I wanted to make some nachos for myself tonight, maybe even some for my friend Linn if they wanted to come over tonight. She didn't care about the fact she wore adult braces, it seemed her stubborn attitude and British accent kept her from experiencing inconveniences with similar foods. I don't know how it's possible, and neither does she.

I looked in the fridge and sighed as I saw I lacked the needed contents to make the nachos, as well a few other much-needed things, so I shut the door and let out one more sigh before muttering a few things to myself.

"Of course, you just had forget to get the groceries yesterday. Mm... I'm a fool."

I went to the bathroom so I could shower and do my usual routine to keep up my hygiene, grabbed some clothes to iron, and put them on soon afterward. It was simply a grey tee with a white graphic of a pineapple, black ripped jeans, and black sneakers. I even grabbed my black hoodie, so you can imagine this looked kinda emo. I didn't really care though. I had to go to a grocery store, and public places were things I wanted to get in and out of quickly. So quick it was like I never even went inside in the first place.

As I was grabbing my keys, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked it and it was the Brit herself. I answered the call after it rang a few times.

"'Sup Linn," I started. My voice lacked emotion like usual. Not emotionless, no, but it was subtle.

Linn eagerly responded, "Aye, Keke. I need to ask you for a favor."

"Aaaand what would that be?"

"Could you lend me a few packs of your explodey bullets? I want to study 'em for reference as I might be coming up with a new product for my shop."

Linn owned a shop called "The XP Factory", which was dedicated to explosives and weapons of the sort. It was actually pretty successful and it was popular in the downtown area. It's even gained so much prestige that there haven't been any real crimes committed there since it's been well-respected and well-maintained. I'm sure her business, despite being small, was the only one that hasn't been broken into or damaged in any way on the strip it's located on.

Even though Linn was a close friend and great entrepreneur, they weren't going to be doing anything with my stuff.

"Sorry, Linn, but I dunno 'bout you using my invention as reference for anything that's going to be sold to the public. It's a custom-made weapon that only those in my incredibly small circle can use. You're one of them, sure, but those people ain't."

I started walking toward the door and open it slightly, but checking to make sure there wasn't anyone at my door or in the hallway. It was a habit I developed after a... very unfortunate event in the past.

I walked through seeing the coast was clear, and began making my way to the somehow working elevator, hearing an audible sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Oh, c'mon, please? It's just gonna give me some ideas and it won't be the exact same thing as what you made, man," said Linn in a pleading tone. It was almost like I could hear her pouting over the phone. I rolled my eyes, walking down the hallway as quick as possible. I reached the elevator in no time.

"Linn." I said sternly. "No is no. I suggest you listen to that." I didn't have the time nor energy for any back-and-forth with her, Linn was just one of those people that absolutely drained me during a debate for some reason. There have been plenty of times where I've just given up and let her win an argument just so I could stop wasting my saliva.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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