|[Chapter 11]|

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There's no way.

There's no freakin' way.

I couldn't really think for a moment because of how much I was thinking. My mind went to ten scenarios of what could happen within the next ten seconds. This guy could possibly throw another random axe from his back and chop my head off clean from my neck, he could take any gun and shoot me 5 times in the skull with my blood and brain fluid going everywhere, he could come charging down this hall at full speed and tackle me to the ground, eventually pounding my bones into my body, he-

I heard the sound of fabrics rustling against each other, a small metallic clicking following it. It snapped me out of my daze and I immediately withdrew my handgun, aiming right at the man at the end of the hall. The lights flickered slightly, the buzzing of the beams going in and out.

My eyes were trained on the man clad in black. His red goggles hid his eyes, as well as his mask hiding the rest of his face, so his expression was impossible to make out.

Both of our guns pointed at each other like high noon.

My finger twitched on the trigger.

I didn't get it.

Why wasn't I shooting him? He wasn't shooting at me just yet, I had the chance right here.

Wait a minute.

Why wasn't he shooting?

This was... Odd. Hank J. Wimbleton doesn't care about a grunt's life. He went on killing sprees for fun, he raided AAHW buildings within a span of two hours by himself. Or maybe that was just a rumor.

It was getting more and more tense by the second, our guns still aiming at each other. He just stared. He didn't speak. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

I couldn't take it any longer.

"Leave. You're in my way," I said sternly with the boldest tone I could muster. My heart was pounding, no doubt, but I would never let anyone see my true feelings in moments like this.

Wimbleton did not move, nor did he react in any way. He just stared, possibly unblinkingly, but I don't know.

I spoke again, "Please. Leave. You are interfering with my mission. I don't want to have to shoot you."

I knew this guy usually had a group follow him around, I didn't know who exactly, but I didn't want to get an even bigger target on my back if I took out their most important asset. Plus, not only would I be seen as the next biggest threat in Nevada for being able to kill Hank Wimbleton, but I would probably end up with the same fate as he does, like having an entire agency literally built on your very existence.

I didn't move at this point. I just didn't know what would provoke him and what wouldn't.

Finally, as my arms began to grow tired, after what seemed like hours of standing in the same pose in the same place... I heard a deep, gruff, almost metallic-sounding voice come from the end.

"Ten seconds."

It sent chills down my spine. No, not for those reasons, but for the very obvious reasons that the man of no words just spoke in a very threatening manner. My stupid self decided to inquire.

"...W-What do you-"

Ew, I stuttered??? What the hell-

"Ten seconds to leave."

"I- What does that-"




Oh shit, this was definitely not a countdown for New Year's, I knew that.

My heart immediately picked up the pace and I ran out of that area as quick as possible. I could still hear him counting, even when I was far away. Or maybe that was my own head trying to fool me.

Whatever the case, I wasted no time getting out of that building. I knew that, once again, my mission belonged to someone else now, and that I basically failed it. Again.

I jumped on my motorcycle and sped off. I didn't know if that guy was still watching and was planning on giving me false hope before killing me as I tried to escape. That probably wasn't his style, but I still didn't want to take my time with him.

"How am I even ALIVE?!" I said to myself as I rode back to my apartment. That still didn't make sense to me, how he didn't shoot once I came into his view. There's no way this guy actually spared me. Maybe there's something more to it, something that he was ordered not to do.

Well, whatever the case, that was weird and... Honestly, scary. I didn't feel tons scared, but it was pretty up there with that whole nun ghost fiasco.

Once I got back to my building, I raced into the elevator, waited anxiously until it arrived to my floor, and struggled with the key to my door before opening it and finally making it inside.

I washed up, put on fresh clothes, skipped dinner, and went straight to the bed before groaning and getting back out of it to text my boss about what happened tonight.

I didn't even care about what he'd say to me afterward. I simply sent a few messages, put the device on my nightstand, and went into a nice, deep sleep.

I dreamed of nothing.


Me [offline]: hank j wimbton ruined my fking mision and idc if u pay me or nt im tired and im goinng 2 bed gn

Boss: Keez, if you're high, I advise you don't text me while you're in this state.

Me [offline]: stfu im not high im tired can u read

Boss: We'll... Discuss this tomorrow. Get some rest, Keez.

Me [offline]: yeah gn cya 2morrow g


Finally wrote the bitchass Hank into the story. Sorry this was a slow-burn or whatever you call it. Is slow-burn just for lemons or-

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