|[Chapter 4]|

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Keez's (protagonist's) lines may end in ".!" if she's "shouting." This is because she is a quiet, almost monotoned individual.

The gunshots were drawing near as I stepped further into the hall. I held up my AK at the ready, poised to open fire whenever needed. I stealthily walked closer to the shots, making sure I didn't run into anyone (or anything for that matter) undesirable.

The blood and bodies still scattered the walls, but it wasn't as bad as the first floor. I was able to walk through without having to cover my face this time.

I got very close to the shots now, and I heard groans and screams coming from around the corner.

I took a deep breath and swiftly turned the corner while hugging against the wall. I was expecting there to be a large group of grunts, due to the absolute massacre downstairs, but I only saw two grunts instead. Because I opened fire immediately without realizing I missed a ton due to there only being two grunts, the duo realized they were being shot at and ended up grazing my shoulder.

If I'd known it was only a duo and not a whole ass group, I would've used my Glock for cryin' out loud.

I clutched my shoulder due to the intense pain, but it only lasted momentarily before I recovered. High pain tolerance for the win.

"Damn it.! You guys aren't Agents, are you..." I said out of frustration. These guys just had to get in my way, hm?

"You're the one who's getting in our way, dumbass," said one of them, but I couldn't tell who. His voice sounded a bit raspy, like he had been smoking for a while. That's when I realized there was smoke in the air.

That shit just annoys me.

"You're taking out all of my targets, dumbass," I shot back.

"Your targets? What...?" The confusion in his voice was evident.

"Yeah, that's right. You're ruining my mission and I'm trying to get paid. I don't know what y'all are here for but it certainly ain't as important as this-"

"You're ruining our mission, too!" shouted the other one. "You're not on our agenda right now, so I suggest that you best get your ass outta here before our friend finds you, and he won't be talking the way we are right now. Leave and you might live to see another day. Go home."

His tone sounded serious, like it was some sort of warning. I wanted to argue back and ask who their friend was and why they considered him so dangerous, but I heard their footsteps pound out of the room.

I heard more gunshots along the way and knew I had lost this one. I've never had a mission where it interfered with someone else's. It bothered me to a great deal as I headed back to the elevator, and it bothered me even more when I remembered what I forgot to bring with me:

My music player. Damn...

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