|[Chapter 10]|

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About four weeks have passed since the previous chapter's events.

It's been a long time since my last encounter with undesirable interruptions. Missions had been going smoothly, got paid my promised amount, continued to simultaneously live and survive another day in Nevada, etcetera.

Life wasn't the best, nah, but hey, I was used to it, and as long as it was working for me, well... I'd call it pretty good. Honestly, having some evil spirit hide inside your body, posses your surroundings and try to kill you every waking moment is enough to make you grateful for a few things.

I was able to keep up with hobbies such as weapon building and reading lengthy series of newly found favorite novels, as well as growing a small window sill garden after being urged by a close friend of mine to try it out. I know I've mentioned to multiple people that I don't want many friends or allies or don't find them important, but I was able to find myself a good handful of them that I'd consider exceptions.

And if you're wondering how I'm even gardening in Nevada, I'm pretty sure these aren't flowers I'm growing.

All in all, I've been doing well so far, and it seemed like my life was finally going to return to "normal," or at least as normal as it gets here.

That's what I thought.


New mission. New day. Boss wanted me to grab a specific item in one of the AAHW buildings, as it has apparently been getting passed around between leaders of organizational buildings, probably due to its high value. It's simply a document, but I've got no idea what it's about. That part was classified.

The main way I was supposed to attain this document was by reaching the very top floor of the building and taking out the head that ran the building. I knew it wasn't gonna be the highly talked about "black flame guy" due to how important he is, but this would still be a challenge.

And I like challenges. If I didn't, I wouldn't have any of my beautiful wanted posters now, would I? I'd end up just like that poor sheriff from a few years ago. Used to know him as an acquaintance, actually.

Whatever the case, I arrived to the building in my usual combat attire. You should know what it looks like, as I've described it in the past. I brought my usual AK-47, Glock 17 but custom-made for a silencer, two grenades, pack of ninja stars, and an 8-inch knife. I got there on my motorcycle at 6 PM on the dot. It was around the time when everything would die down some, giving me a better way of breaking in.

I was originally going to try and use a grappling hook after taking out the security guards around the perimeter, but they were all dead. This started to feel familiar, but then I saw cigarettes on the ground.

The ads have said it many times: 75% chance of instant death once you light it. If you have a family, don't make another mistake.

I shook my head and sighed before shooting the hook to the top of the building, letting it cling onto something sturdy before climbing. At least the security guard part was done already.


It didn't take me long to scale the wall, since I knew I'd get tired soon if I didn't speed up the pace. I didn't have a harness, so falling was definitely a probability, but it was one I was not willing to face.

After reaching the top of the building, I reached for my Glock again and was prepared to take out any guards up top.

Nobody on the roof.

'I don't need this to happen again. I really don't. I reeeeally don't.'

It felt like deja vu. Where were the alive people at? This wasn't creepy, but more annoying than anything. If I run into someone one more time...

I entered the stairwell, and bodies were strewn about on certain parts of the stairs. Blood splatters on walls and steps, bullet holes and scratches planted in the walls themselves. I carefully walked down the steps with quiet footsteps. They echoed slightly, but it wouldn't be noticeable enough. I was getting more and more agitated the further I went. This was too damn familiar.

Once I reached the top floor, I opened the door to the hallway. Seemed to be a floor that wasn't affected by the previously witnessed massacre.

I roamed the halls, looking for the specific room I had to enter to retrieve the document. It would be a steel door with the digits "15BE". As I continued to move through, I heard something in the distance.

It sounded like footsteps from multiple pairs of feet. They were faint, so I'd have time to either hide or prepare. The doors around me were locked and the footsteps drew near. It sounded like seven or eight men, and I wanted to save my bullets in my silenced gun, so I used my ninja stars instead.

Once the group of agents turned the corner, they all caught sight of a little something I left for them at my end of the hallway.

I dropped one of my stars to clatter on the ground before hiding behind a corner. Their footsteps came to a halt to examine where the noise came from.

I waited as I heard a few of them approach my way...

I jumped out and threw a star to the head of one them, the other two swung their axes, but it was a bit slow. Just a bit. I dodged one and grabbed their axe while using my free hand to stab them with another star. The third swung again once the others down the hall began to fire. The swing missed me, but cut one of my braided locks, which annoyed the hell out of me, so I decapitated him with the axe I took from the other.

The agents' aim is not the greatest, but they did graze my side. Using one of the agents as a meat shield, I reached for my AK and tried to one-hand it. My aim with automatics are not the best to begin with, let alone singlehandedly shooting them. I did manage to get a few though, leaving three alive.

They shot at me so much they ran out of ammo, but before they could flee--


All their heads flying off their bodies. My jaw almost dropped, and I was wondering if I was being haunted again. But then I saw the bloodied axe impaled in the wall at the end of the hall.

Heavy footsteps approached it, and the axe thrower came into view...

I froze.

He stopped in the middle of the hallway when he noticed my presence, staring right at me, into my soul.

He was tall, clad in black and red, wore a mask, and... red goggles that glinted in the dim light.

I dropped the body I was previously holding.

I knew good and well who this was. And I couldn't speak. I couldn't blink. I couldn't move.

It was him.

It was Hank J. Wimbleton.
Deadliest assassin in Nevqada.
Staring right. At. Me.


These are getting long wow-

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