|[Chapter 7]|

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I've been scared before when I was younger, but I haven't really felt fear in a long while. Nothing was able to shake me up to where I'd feel like I was shivering, or like the day of my end was coming near or already arrived.

I didn't feel like I would die today.
But it certainly made me feel cold and odd.

The nun that stood behind me in the corner of the room would probably tower over me if she were closer to me. I turned around completely to face her and stood my ground. I held my hands behind my back in a way that made me look like I was standing idly by, but my Glock was in my back pocket. If I ever needed to use it at any given moment, I'd be able to pull it out without too much suspicion from anyone.

"I know who you are, Anomaly. The one who's been... getting in the way." The nun spoke slowly as she continued to stare at me. Almost unblinking. It was unnerving.

"Anomaly...? That's not another one of my aliases, is it?" I inquired, since I hadn't heard of that name yet. I've been known by a few things other than Keez, like "Mercenary with Morals" or "Mercynary". I hadn't checked on my recent wanted posters, so I was a bit out of the loop as to what I was being referred to nowadays.

The nun simply chuckled lowly, as if amused by how unsettled I was.

"It's an accurate name, let's just say that. You asked for Sister Who, and she is upon thee." She began to walk closer to me with long, slow strides. Her footsteps were silent, even when the floorboards were creaky due to old age and seeing better days.

I stayed put, but I did want to back up from this person as much as possible. There was just something awfully wrong about them.

"Are you here for a confession? Perhaps you seek forgiveness. Maybe you want to convert and you found me as a trusted source? I can assure you that this religion is worth believing in. Our Lord and Savior shall welcome thee with open arms... as long as thee is compliant."

The nun came even closer, enough to where she stopped only a few feet away from me. They were so tall, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was intimidating. Every second that passed amped up my heart rate and made me sweat a little.

"Look, I just want to make this simple, no trouble here. Are you planning on killing or capturing me? Because if so, you're making a very wrong move here." I spoke up, although my throat felt dry and it was low like usual.

She chuckled again and came closer to me this time, bending down to where her face was inches from mine. She was pale and a little wrinkled, but she looked like she wasn't even that old. They were not a normal grunt. They were... something else.

"Oh, dear Keez. You mustn't call the orders of the Lord wrong. You must think that not being a complete devil like everyone else in this cursed underworld makes you a savior."

Sister Who's face went from mysterious and grinning to unsettling and blank, like a creepy deadpan.

"Quit your practice, stop being a mercenary, stop trying to play the Lord's role in this world, and be what you were meant to be. Be the abomination every single grunt was born to be. Stop ruining the order of this world."

Her words became harsh and cold, a sharpness that was enough to pierce through skin itself. I could feel it. However, being the stubborn dumbass I am, I didn't listen.

"I'm not ruining anything, you're just getting wrapped up in a fantasy I can't even describe to you. I'm just doing my job, a very common job at that, so I won't stop working just because someone from a religion I don't even believe in is telling me I'm ruining God's plan or whatever. There are others out there like me, live with it."

I was about to turn around until I heard the sound of a shotgun cock its barrel (or chamber?). Aiming directly at me. I turned back around to find the nun holding me at gun point with a two-barrel shotgun aiming right between my eyes.

She had a look of pure hatred that was expressed in the form of a smile.

"The Lord has given strict orders, and as his most loyal and honorable servant, I do not question them."


ngl i might use this storyline and make an actual Madness animation from it.

lol I'm tired-

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