|[Chapter 5]|

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As I rode on my motorcycle back home, I couldn't seem to get the frown off my face. I was salty and irritated by that fiasco earlier. I just couldn't believe I ran into other mercenaries that were on their mission, and my mission clashed with theirs. Or, theirs clashed with mine. Whatever the case, it sucked ass.

After parking my motorcycle behind the dumpsters once more, I hurriedly ran into the apartment building, stomped up the stairs until I reached my door, 309.

I gritted my teeth and groaned when I grabbed my communicator out of my back pocket.

Me: Mission failed. There was an interference in the mission that disallowed me from continuing.

Boss: What do you mean "interference"? I set up the mission to where there'd be no interruptions. What would be getting in the way so much to the point where you need to abandon the mission anyway?

Me: There were other mercenaries. Or at least they looked like some. It was two guys, one shirtless and one who was pretty short. They had guns and seemed to be moving with purpose, like they had a mission, too. Their mission interfered with mine and they already took out a bunch of agents before I got there. I heard more gunshots when they continued through the building, and I had already lost the mission to them.

Boss: Why didn't you just shoot them? I'm sure they shot at you, too.

Me: Yes, but it stopped when I hid around a corner. We were all confused, enough to where we had to ask each other a few questions before they left. They weren't hostile and I wasn't interested in shooting down people who weren't a threat.

Boss: They were a threat, Keez. They opened fire on you, they were hostile. That means you had a means to shoot them and kill them. Nothing was morally wrong. So I will ask again: Why didn't you shoot them? They were interfering with your mission, you should've dealt with it.

I sat there and paused for a minute. I had realized that what I did didn't really have much of a reason, or a good one for that matter.

I sighed and typed back.

Me: I didn't feel it was necessary sir. They would've taken out the people you were targeting anyway. I don't see it as much of a loss.

Boss: Well you should see it as a loss on your end, not because you missed your opportunity to finish the job and failed the mission, but you also lost your paycheck this week.

Boss: I'll give you another job the next time I see one available, or if I need you to take care of some personal business for me. In the meantime, think about what you did. I don't mean it in a 'Because I'm your father' way, but I really do want you to weigh out your priorities and values next time.

Boss [offline]: Until then, out.

I groaned out of frustration and wanted to throw my communicator out the window or at a wall. I mentally kicked myself for not getting my priorities straight. Now I had to pay the price for it by not even getting paid in the first place.

Next time, I will have to keep my eye on the prize.

No more mishaps.
No more mistakes.

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