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February 5th 20XX,

At 7 I was up , dusting the crevices as I had cleaned the previous day, and by 8 I was running down to the beach, enjoying the salty smell of the Indian Ocean coupled with observing people slowly opened their wooden stalls and the beach cleaners attempt at sweeping the sand in the tarmac entrance . I only jogged to see the view to be honest, it's easily the most beautiful sight to see in the morning.

When I got back, I made breakfast for the both of us .The lazy snob woke up at nine to do absolutely nothing but thank me for breakfast and keeping the area clean. Just to be spiteful, I left him with one less mandazi than the usual 10 . As I begin washing my dishes I hear his baguette-like feet thumping about and I know the big ,not-so-friendly, giant is up and ready to do his gruesome weightlifting regiment today . I made a snide comment the other day on how his calves don't match his upper body and he decided to up the ante and increased leg day to two consecutive days in a row . He can't even let me have this one thing to bully him over .

Our conversations are short and today's was no different

"Mornin' "

"Good Morning Jotaro , I left the mahamri and mbaazi in the microwave so that it doesn't get cold. Your tea is in the white thermos, the other one stopped being useful so I bought another "


"Would you like anything for supper , lunch will be yesterday's leftovers"

"Chapati and Beans "


He should have chosen something easier to cook but I guess I turned to his little maid since he so graciously gave me a place to stay after all that happened ,therefore the least I can do is help around the house and be his personal maid and chef. He was never into Swahili and MIddle Eastern fusion cuisine so seeing him enjoy the meals I make proves just how great of a cook I am. Cooking everything from scratch took me five hours and by two I was done.

This is usually how my days go , except on Friday when I clean the apartment and on Saturday when it's laundry day my days are fairly mundane. Jotaro leaves the house at twelve and returns till seven when he sits in the dining area to eat his supper hence the reason why today I was in my best behavior , no rude commentary on anything he is doing.

I decided to pop the question that has been on my mind since last week, When he arrived , i set the table for him as he freshens up and i think he noticed my subtle irregularities because all he did was cock an eyebrow at me when i sat at his left but still played pretenses in spite him knowing that I hate being upfront.

"How've you been?"

"Good . How was work?"

"Interesting enough, I finally got the grant I was interested in."

"That's exciting . Congratulations , what's it about ?"

Now not only was he confused, he was straight up baffled at the sudden interest in his work

"Last time I checked , you didn't even think marine biologists were 'contributing anything to society' your words verbatim."

He said with a slight smirk , as though the words at the time brought him great amusement .

"I've had an epiphany,''I replied.

"And pray tell does that epiphany have to do with a fixation you have had as of late."

I hate that he always uses the phrase 'fixation' as though I am incapable of having long term interests, like I'm some sort of child.

"First of all , it's not a fixation , Its a solution to a problem that has been plaguing me ever since I moved in with you'

"Which is ?"

As of this point he's intrigued , this is the longest conversation I've had with him since moving in and I've never asked him for anything. I needed to sell this idea well.

"I'm lonely , Can I get a cat?" I pleaded.

"Have you been taking your meds regularly?"

"I have a timer just for it"

"Is your screen time above the recommended time ?"

"I've only been using my phone for two hours straight , with minor fluctuations."

"Do you regularly update your mom on your progress?

"Yes Jotaro , I've been doing everything perfectly. I read instead of watching netflix and I exercise regularly . Isn't that enough?"

"y/n what you are asking me is to allow you to have a pet and based on how you are eagerly talking about this, it seems that you already have a cat in mind."

"Not really, " I said softly . Jotaro simply scoffed at the comment , rising from his chair to wash his dishes.

"Thank you for the meal, Y/n . Give me a day to think about it ."

And the conversation ended at that. See this is why I've been calling him names "Give me a day to think about it" , please, I know him like the back of my hand ,he's going to say no, and then he'll give me the same tired remark "We can have this discussion after a few months have gone by" like he'd even willingly want me to bring up the topic.

As the meme goes, " Tough times never last, only tough people do."


First seen in tumblr 

Mahamri is a doughy deep fried bread that is airy. It can be eaten as a stand alone but ideally is eaten with something stuffed in it like mbaazi which are pigeon peas that are slowly boiled then fried with onions , seasonings and coconut cream . Jotaro is eating 10 cause he's a big boiiii

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