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Jotaro's POV.

Leaving Samosa is almost equally as painful as leaving Y/n and I mean it because I'm her favourite. When Mom Faith invited me for dinner, I sensed that she knew something because as much as she cares about me, she cares more about her daughter's well-being. And I was right.

"So, How've you been coping alone now that y/n is gone?" Mom Faith asks while cutting through her plate of lasagna.

"It's been sad, I can't lie. I call her every day but I guess having a housemate as chaotic as she is bound to fill a hole when she's gone." I calmly reply though honestly, I keep reviewing my sentences like an editing app.

"I mean it should be, your girlfriend is gone." Grandma Rhoda adds with a knowing chuckle. Well, at least we aren't beating around the bush and honestly, It's a hefty weight lifted off my chest.

"That was fast. Y/n did anticipate this but honestly, I still underestimated how quickly you'd find out." I chuckle back. The less they think I'm phased, the better.

"I mean, walking around with matching rings is definitely a mark," Grandma replies with a smirk whilst pointing at my koi. At this point, I'm avoiding heavy eye contact with Mom Faith who's staring me down with the most expressionless face I've seen. Do I look like that when other people are around me?

"So what are your intentions with y/n?"She questions. Isn't that a tough one? Well definitely saying that I want to marry her within the year would turn her neutral face to a scowl in an instant. My intrusive thoughts want me to say a dirty joke but that will end with thrashing from them.

"I want to be with her for as long as she'll let me," I say while looking at her. She likes assertiveness, this would make her see that I'm serious.

She nods with a small smile. Jackpot.

"I'd ask that we keep this conversation between us. I don't want y/n think I'm prying too much into her business." She requests. It seems fair, considering she's been a bit of a peeping tom throughout y/n's life. Plus I'm grateful she did not request more information.

"Though I am very happy she ended up with you. She needs someone to keep her happy and you may be what she was missing." She ends with a wider smile, her tone now much more softer despite its seeming monotony. What a surprise, it seems my charms have even been able to win her over and I simply nod in response. After serving French vanilla and a wonderfully made salted caramel cake made by Grandma, we head to the backyard and talk.

I was genuinely enjoying my time listening to Granny's to the point that I never realised how late it was. And when they insisted on me staying, I decided that my cold, loveless home would be better than their warm, jovial household. Besides, I need to put some things in order like turning the house into either an Airbnb or simply placing a caretaker.

* * *

The house is very lonely. Even as I gave the real estate agent, courtesy of Mom Faith, the house keys, he could tell that I didn't want to be there anymore. I see the couch and remember countless Netflix marathons. The kitchen shared multiple times we'd cook beside one another. Colourful ceramic pots, throw blankets, and artwork littered around the area after she saw the apartment for the first time and described it as 'the place where all life dies' seemed even less saturated. It would be best if I let a travel agent handle the AirBnB business.

The yacht is decently sized. At first, I thought buying such a large yacht was useless but after staying in it for a few days, I realise now that the seller wasn't trying to get a cash grab. The kitchen faced the ocean, but to be fair almost all parts of the yacht now face the ocean and come fully equipped with an oven, cooker, and microwave plus a booth on the wall on the side that could comfortably have a sleeping Y/n. The bedroom too has a wide window that sees the ocean and the bed that comes alongside it can comfortably sleep, me, y/n, and Samosa. Though the room is a tight fit and only has a 24-inch smart TV, It's better as you have access to a shower and toilet.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now