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Third-person Narration

One year ago

Y/n's graduation.

"Yo,Y/n we are actually here . And I kept telling you, C's get degrees."Patience mutters excitedly in their chair. Unlike their usual flamboyance, their wear a tailored all black three piece suit covered by her navy blue graduation cap alongside their family crest , a gold plated lion as a pin cushion.Underneath their graduation hat, neat, medium sized cornrows with no extensions and one inch heeled black loafers.

"Yeah yeah, but that doesn't make valedictorian And you got first honours , the furthest from a C." Y/n softly replies with a smile.

"Ok Miss soon to be Valedictorian." They respond. Though Patience continues to speak, their words seem distant as Y/n looks on to her mother, grandmother and surprisingly , Jotaro who was able to come. Rhoda waved at her which she timidly wave back

She seemed radiant. Teeth whitened and she refused to eat any breakfast for the perfect graduation photo whilst holding her valedictorian and first honours certificate. Her makeup was flawless, she actually got one of the few makeup artists who were willing to go more natural and her hair, in their natural coils alongside some kinky extensions framed her face beautifully. Moreover with the stunning form fitting evening gown and the gold necklace and bracelet that her mom bought as a graduation gift, she felt like the belle of the ball.

Soon the auditorium was hushed to a slight murmur and a dramatic spotlighted entrance introduced the principal who congratulated the graduates and thanked their supporters for joining an auspicious occasion.

"Now we will be giving the certificates in alphabetical order and they will be taking a picture with their professors."

After Patience and Y/n took their pictures , Patience being petty enough to stand farther than the rest from the professors with the claim that the woman was a witch and Y/n caring less , the moment finally came to present the valedictorian.

"And now may I present the Valedictorian for this class of 20XX, this student has shown the most initiative, growth and not only academically successful but their contributions to their community has been largely recognised. We are proud to claim them as an alumni for this university. Please welcome to the stage. Ms Michelle Chebet"

She couldn't hear the claps, nor be able to see the looks of shock from anyone who expected it to be her, Patience looked over to her in what she could assume as pity and those who expected it to be her, cast a side eye filled with shock. Looking over at her family, her mom's face barely scrunched , yet her grandmother seemed almost tearful for her sake. Jotaro seemed a bit confused and once he tried to look at her , she quickly forced herself to only glance at the podium .

She willed herself to not cry, not only would it be embarrassing but also her flawless makeup needed to remain perfect. Michelle had a perfectly prepared speech to give for not once did she stutter or claim shock she got it. And after taking a picture, she gave one unreadable glance at y/n and nothing more. Her body seemed to drag her through the remaining motions of the day. She smiled for the pictures as expected and thanked everyone who congratulated her for first honours.

It was time for the family picture and Jotaro helped her wait in the long queue

"You did well." He said mutely as they waited their turn in the line.

"Thank you. I appreciated it." She calmly responded.

He didn't know how to respond to the practice sentence she was spewing to anyone who would congratulate her and really didn't think that being blunt would be useful within these moments.

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