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Third-Person Narration.

When y/n broke the news down to her mother, there was an eerie silence that took over. It was as though a jinn had just passed by. Granny Rhoda looked at her daughter, her face an odd mixture between an agape mouth and pleading eyes. Y/n, despite her fidgeting feet, remained stiff, looking straight at her mother well aware that any sign of wavering could lead to her rethinking her already well-thought-out decision.

"Do you need my blessing ?" Faith monotonously questions after sipping her afternoon tea.

"Please, Mom." Y/n unflinchingly replied.

"You have my blessing. Do you need my help with anything? My connections aren't as good but at least I can make the visa process less daunting."

"Faith, you can't be serious. This isn't her asking to have more independence. This is her moving away from home for a year. She's still a child, the breasts and degree should not fool you ." Grandma Rhoda responds with a mix of their mother tongue and English in quick-fire, brows etched so tightly they look like they'll turn to a unibrow and fly away from her face.

"Mama, this is my child. I'm begging you, don't tell me what to do. If this is her decision then why should I refute it? Moreover the last time I took your advice I never saw my only child for almost a month. Life is for the living, let her choose her life decisions." She responds calmly.

"Y/n why are you doing this to us? Do you need a holiday? I'll pay. But a whole year away is crazy to think of. Your dad would have never approved you know ." Granny pleads.

"Mom really?" Faith irritatedly remarks while shaking her head.

"I barely knew the man, listen, mama, I know you are scared for me, but cocooning me to the same place will not aid in my recovery. Can't you see I've become less selfish, I've made more friends? Seen new perspectives in life and I'm enjoying my life for once? I mean even Jotaro and I get along so well now when a few months ago, aside from the time we spend with Mom Holly, and Grandpa Joseph we would have barely acknowledged one another. And this all happened because I began to live with him ." I blurt out. Another silence stretches. Granny seems defeated, Faith looks more interested in eating the rest of her chocolate cake whilst looking into the backyard.

And it is too beautiful of a backyard to argue in. One look and you'd understand that y/n lived in a lap of luxury. The shimmering, freeform, blue pool sat at the centre of the backyard and it was adorned with rose bushes well tended. A stony footpath led to the elevated back porch of the house and long palm trees surrounded the fenced area. A paradise on earth. It's honestly a surprise why the retired brat insisted on moving out.

"OK, baby, I'm sorry. I understand your aims and I should be more accepting ."Granny resigns and drinks up her now lukewarm tea which she immediately gives way to be warmed.

"Thank you. And mom, the visa is already taken care of. Patience's dad knows a guy."Y/n warmly replies.

This kicks off another conversation related to moving and although Granny frown sits at the mention of housing plans, she says nothing. The conversations move as gently as the winds of the day and as the pool lights are switched on and despite insistence from her parents that she should stay for dinner, she refuses and they all escort her to the parking lot.

"Visit me more now that you are leaving okay? and leave Samosa here or at least tell Jotaro to bring her more often."Faith softly says.

"Sure Mom."

"I love you ."

"I love you too. Bye."

* * *

Y/n walks home to find Jotaro removing his promised dinner.

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