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6 April 20XX,

Nowadays, I only go to work for free catering and talking to Kate and Mary. We are practically besties to the point that the only thing I don't know about them is whether they use pads or tampons. But as Jotaro is coming home two days from now I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm leaving. I want to see more and understand more about the world I live in. I have traveled many times before but I have only seen the beautiful and sometimes touristy side of the world. Sort of like the PR video of the world if we were to show aliens what life on earth is like. Moreover, I spent my entire life licking myself that I couldn't notice how vast the world is. How a small change in environment can completely shift the perspective of anyone who is alive.

I think discovering that would also mean discovering myself. Ms. Khadija agreed, or more so screeched in agreement. She gleefully explained how proud she was that I'm finally beginning to have a three-dimensional perspective of the world. I liked how she illustrated it. But I feel like I'm moving too fast. I don't even know what I can do as a lawyer who studied in Kenya abroad. Where will I even get a job? I mean the check from Joestar Enterprises is quite sturdy but my contract was for three months and I will quite easily go broke afterward if I decide to move out with those savings. Also, mom is definitely not going to help me leave. Without seeing her face, I already know her frown would slightly etch. Though she may seem complete especially after promising to stop infantilizing me, I know she'll barely lift a finger to help me even get my visa.

I even forgot about the visa issue. The Kenyan passport is almost as useful as a rock when it comes to visa applications. Unless I pull astronomically long strings, I may have to wait a year to even go to one place for a few months. It's madness really. Like why is our passport so useless at doing what it's expected to do? I can feel my patriotism washing away as I remember the queues to even get a chance to apply for a visa. I would give anything to have Jojo's Japanese passport. He's living in la vida loca with how easy it is for him to move around. God, don't I hate the consequences of colonialism?

Maybe I can ask Patience. Their family is notoriously connected so I know visa applications are an easy breeze for them. Yeah, I will, I'll promise them a date at Tamarind if they are successful. I know they have a taste for the finer things in life.

What am I even thinking? What will I even tell Jotaro? I've suddenly decided to leave home. I know he'll be sad, we created a home together for Christ's sake we even have a pet together. But maybe he may also want to move on. Either way, I need to leave before we grow comfortable with one another and we neglect the concept of growth and change before I decide to marry the guy, have two wonderful kids, and be a stay-at-home mom with a law degree who does pilates five times a week. Look it sounds wonderful already but I mean this is why I need to get out of here. I'm pondering a future with a man who has shown me the slightest interest. I haven't even kissed someone outside a truth-or-dare game....wow, I really am inexperienced.

Jotaro will understand. When we weren't close, he always emphasized my close-minded nature. Now though, that we have something in the vacuum, something despite remaining unnamed remains so tangible I can lick the sweetness, its going to be challenging to let it go, to only hope that absence will make the heart grow fonder and perhaps my airy castles of what could be of our relationship will become solid.

Well enough pondering. I better call Patience or this will just turn to never-ending daydreams.

Third-Person Narration.

Y/n thought best to cook Jotaro something light as the road trip would leave him slightly weary, So a Japanese curry and rice would definitely be a soothing dinner. Just as she shuts the lid of the already-made dinner, Jotaro opens the door.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now