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March 8 20XX,

I don't remember the last time I had a crush and even then the feelings sprouted on the need of being socially acceptable. Sure , the guy was somewhat attractive and had some charm but I never felt anything other than a slight fascination largely because I could not think of being seen interacting with someone who could barely keep up with my lingo. I talked and walked with the brightest of the bunch , was acquainted enough with my law professors and had an academic rivalry with the only person I have ever truly envied. He could barely keep up with the workload and simply said he would be starting a small photo freelancing gig because law wasn't his passion.

How could I be seen walking with a lost cause ? Now I regret it . Maybe I shouldn't have suppressed my romantic feelings cause I feel like it's all bursting out for Jotaro, It's ridiculous. The one person who picked me up at my weakest and is always willing to lend a helping hand. I mean five year old me would be shivering at the thought of liking this guy. He wasn't exactly my anti-thesis but he had somewhat adapted to not seeing everything as a competition to win. Alway level-headed and observant even when in intensely strenuous situations. He is mature and I'm still coping from the turbulence of my early years in my mid twenties. It's pathetic.

My eyes glances at the door whenever I hear him open the front door .I'm always willing to listen about his day and its ups and downs though I do get distracted by Adam's apple as he talks in rapt detail. I find myself singing whenever I decide to cook something for him or thinking about his wide smile( that I hope is only reserved for me)when he sees I've cooked some of his favourite dishes.

As I write this , I realise that I've turned to a doting, 50s, housewife .Sure I don't cook and clean as much as I used to and Jotaro is quick to relieve me from doing any household chores as of late, but still I and Samosa patiently wait for him and he gives me an allowance now. I need to get back on the field because my musings of a life shared with him are nothing but false dreams, right?

I'm not stupid, I know that something has shifted despite not being able to pinpoint when exactly it did . We've shared more moments in the past three months than we have in our entire lifetime so something was bound to change .And unless I'm wrong but Jotaro is much more chivalrous than he was . It's not like he hasn't behaved like a gentleman to him , his mom taught him better, but he does so much for me now.

I don't want to bring it up and I won't be discussing this with anyone. Jotaro could also have become more giving because of my changing behaviour . I genuinely like him but if my infatuation falls to genuine love, I may have to let him know and calmly accept whatever rejection awaits me.

Third person narration.

Jotaro fell ill. The consistent deep sea diving during the extremities of the Mombasa weather has made his common cold grow increasingly worrisome. He tried getting up in the morning ,but couldn't and decided to fall asleep again . Y/n , who had returned from her jog , noticed that his sliders were still in the rack, and when going to the door , found him sleeping . She called out to him and the lack of response prompted her to check his forehead temperature.

"Jesus Jojo, Your temperature is soaring. Why didn't you call out for me" She asked, eyes widening as she withdrew her hand.

"I didn't think it would get this serious. Just call the guys and tell them I won't be able to make it today." He raspily responded . He was barely able to open his eyes purely due to fatigue and felt as though he was in Antarctica despite it being 32℃ . Yn moved fast, calling both Atieno and a doctor as she assumed he had Malaria. After the calls , she immediately went to prepare millet porridge and served it in record time.

"Jojo, sit up, I prepared porridge for you."She cooed, setting the tray down on the bed drawer.He slowly sat up and Y/n fed him a spoonful.

"I can feed myself , I'm not a child."he raspily said as he attempted to take the bowl.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now