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Jotaro's thoughts,

The drive was long but unwinding. I felt the cooling breeze after the three hour drive and absolutely enjoyed the increasing lack of traffic as I drove.Reaching the hotel though is the most relieving . I park, observing the lot.I notice a distinct quietness, only six cars parked and I'm even happier that y/n rightfully thought that the tourism season has just ended.

I think it would be best to just rest today. It's already approaching lunch and the aroma of grilled fish dances around my nostrils. The receptionist checks me in and confirms that the lunch buffet is ready. The room is wonderful with a large spacious and most importantly with a balcony overlooking the beachview. Just as I had confirmed with the virtual room tour.Complimentary fruits that y/n would have begun snacking on are nicely displayed in a sisal basket that she would have insisted we take home.

After a cooling shower and changing to a simple slightly oversized white dress shirt and white linen trousers with some flip flops , I head to the lunch room .There are quite a few more people than I expected, a family of six in one corner who were in calm discussions, two white americans who were loudly conversing although based on the continuous fluctuations of their voices, it seems that they are constantly attempting to adjust their volumes.In the middle sat a older white man who was with his trophy wife, a black woman, considering their rings. The wife shamelessly stares at me. I feel queasy .

I head to the barbeque section , choosing lobster and the mouth watering barbequed mackerel that I had wafted earlier.They offered mashed potatoes and this thick gravy that seemed good enough so I smothered it around my food. Looking back , I discover a vacant seat away from the crowd and as soon as I sit down and only a few bites into my food, one of the Americans comes beside me.

First of all, who approaches someone in the middle of their lunch? Maybe in the pool or even whilst taking a walk but not when one is attempting to alleviate their hunger. Secondly, I absolutely hate that aside from my brooding nature, I also got my good looks from Sadao.

"Hi. I'm Mikayla and you are?" She enthusiastically questions. Now that she's closer, her voice seems the pitcher of the pair and her valley girl accent makes my teeth knaw.

"Jotaro."I hope I put enough 'stop talking to me' energy in my tone but rather than that , she pulls the chair opposite me.

"Oh how exotic, Are you Japanese?"


"What are you doing here?"

I answer honestly which leads to an unprompted Ted like talk on how beautiful Kenya is. She isn't wrong and I would have entertained her were I not only hungry but also tired from driving non-stop for three hours. My listless hums seem only to propel her loud mouth and despite the lovely made food, I keep gulping a bitter taste. After the end of another rant, she questions,

"And why are you here alone? I wouldn't have been able to travel alone." Her voice suggests faux concern.

"My wife was busy and I left her in Mombasa."I lie and I can see her eyes sharpen in disbelief and slight annoyance.

"Wife? Who is she then, can I see her?" She asks coyishly though I know she has begun a battle to figure out whether I'm lying . I know that I shouldn't prove her wrong but for a moment I imagine introducing y/n as my wife and the woman beside me seeing with jealousy at the absolute beauty she is so I willingly show her my homescreen of y/n sleeping alongside Samosa.

By now, the family of six quiet mummerings had all but dimmed to listen to our conversations and from the corner of my eye notice the teens silently chuckle at my uninvited guest's unmasked shock.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now