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Jotaro's Thoughts,

It's always a good time with Noriaki. I was happy that y/n and him were able to have fun with each other , so when Sunday came by and I had to wake her up to send Noriaki off , her soft pout hidden under the drowsiness of sleep said more than enough . Noriaki himself gave her a warm hug before leaving , promising that he'll keep in touch in spite of work . So we dropped him off and he whispered ;

"I don't know why exactly she's living with you but continue being a good friend to her , just like how you were during my hard times."

The megaphone announced that the train was soon to depart , and he shouted much to the annoyance of everyone taking an 8:00 am train ,

"I'll be seeing you soooonnn! Give Samosa my pets!"

Y/n laughed and to my shock shouted back,

"Bye Noriaki, I'll miss you."

As we're walking back to the now desolate parking area, I say;

"What should we have for dinner?"

"We haven't even had breakfast yet." She snorts out while typing down for her favourite radio channel.

"Yeah but that's easy , toasted eggs and bread with tea."

"What if I wanted to have coffee today?"She cheekily questions

"I'd tell you to suffer in silence as you drink your tea."

" 'Suffer in silence' Who is this person teaching you these Kenyan phrases?" She laughs out, eyes wide from being fully awake.

"Who knows?"I responded with a smirk.

I haven't been cooking as much ever since y/n moved in so I've been thinking of making some pumpkin based pastries despite being in the middle of the dry season . She says that she's not a fan of savoury pumpkin and butternut meals but she loves it in chapati and desserts. We can start with pumpkin cinnamon rolls then based on how hellish the work week has been I can make a different dessert every week.

"Um Jotaro , can I ask you a question?"she asks, whilst looking at me adorably.

"What is it ?" I reply hoping I softened my gravely voice.

"Are you aro/ace?"

Why this now? Was it because I've never brought someone home?

"No, what would make you think that?" I respond , though the shakiness gives away my uneasiness.For what? I don't know.

"I've never seen you interested in anyone , it just confuses me since you're well liked. Now that I'm thinking about it , I've never seen you with anyone."she brings out, eyebrows scrunched to the middle.

"I have had partners but to be honest , they weren't fulfillling .Why the sudden interest in my love life? Are you finding yourself attracted to me?" I smugly question . My insides however , were swirling of panic and the butterflies in my stomach flapped in hope.

"You are a very attractive guy Jotaro . I think you are well aware of that." She responds whilst overlooking the Nyali bridge we are passing through. I'm glad she couldn't see me. I've never heard her call me attractive so I smiled widely.

The empty roads cut my driving time to half and we were soon walking into the apartment . Samosa immediately lapped around me and I carried her up in greeting.

Y/n heads back to bed , saying she's slightly drowsy and I prepare tea. The morning is a bit slow so I enjoyed sitting out on the balcony overlooking the blue ocean . After a while, I realise that the sun is directly overhead and I need to get on with lunch and dinner. I prepare the chicken and potato wedges for the oven and as I put them in , y/n walks out with her baggy shirt and a yawn.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now