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Third person narration;

It was a cool spring when y/n followed the winds to Japan . She had managed to score a semester of learning Japanese through a joint exchange program established by Strathmore and Tokyo Art Institute. However, she never expected it to be so , so socially crucifying. She had never viewed Japan with rose - tinted glasses (considering the fact that she has visited the country twice) but the micro aggression and xenophobia, dulled the experience even further . People who become acquainted with her just so that they could say that they are friends with a gaijin but never made plans with her, never bothered to speak to her after an interaction or would completely ignore her when she called out ignorant remarks made about her.

So she became the angry, black girl to them . The loner . She wasn't used to being objectified like these , being the apple of her mom's eye and generally being praised for her assertiveness and ego so she got whatever she wanted , she couldn't fathom that people here did not view her for who she had worked so hard to be ; a law student at the best performing university in Kenya. This was the first harsh response she got from a world that wasn't falling at her feet and she hated it.

Thus ,she locked herself in the small dorm apartment , either going out to only exercise and take meals. She buried herself in Japanese grammar , ate Hiragana for breakfast, exhaled Katakana and dreamt Kanji . By the time the dreaded exchange program had ended , she had earned a distinction in level 3 Japanese and as she stared at the certificate and medal of honor , a cold drain of sadness washed over her. She didn't know why.

Before leaving , she spent a few days at the Kujo household as requested by Holly. Holly was warmer than the encroaching summer heat joyfully showing Jotaro and Mr Kujo her accomplishments . She made her tasty hot meals and cool drinks . She took her out to the amusement parks around the city that y/n would have never seen had she not remarked that she never went out during her exchange program but most importantly she justified y/n's ego by parroting her accomplishments just like her mom would.

On the last day, Jotaro took y/n out to a summer festival , the first time in a while they had been alone since she came to visit. She only played the games that she would have not been able to enjoy in a Kenyan fair and wore a simple yellow orange Yukata that had many staring and requesting photos . Jotaro was no better, though wearing a simple navy blue yukata, all he got was stares as the scorn he wore told enough about his disposition.

As the sky turned dark and they sat on a bench in a hill overlooking the festivities below and the starry sky above , Jotaro asked;

"Did you have fun?"

"I had fun , though the staring and pictures were irritating.''She honestly responded.

"I mean about your exchange program . Aside from you being able to speak Japanese semi fluently, did you enjoy your time here?" He posed again as he stared down at her.

"No, I hated it ." She responded with a scowl on her face.

"Next time when you come with your mom, I'll make it more enjoyable." He softly replied.

And as the fireworks erupted ,y/n said;

"I'll hold you onto that."

March 1 20XX,

Noriaki asked if I could take him around Mombasa and since he was sponsoring it I willingly agreed . We started the day off at my favourite cafe then I took him to Fort Jesus where he started crying , to the shock of the other tourists , when viewing the areas where slaves were placed before sold. It was largely embarrassing but awfully sweet for him to empathise with our colonial history .

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now