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Jotaro's Thoughts.

"I was thinking about doing a staycation."

Y/n, who is literally attempting to shove all her pancakes down her oesophagus, looks up to me with scrunched eyebrows. After downing one alongside a huge gulp of scorching hot tea that has me cringing, she questions;

"Why would you plan this when I'm busy?"

"Because, I'm going on my own."

A pout forms a frown and her eyes glimmer with slight hurt and I'm realising that I should have worded it better.

"I didn't mean that I would have not loved you being with me but I'm feeling a lack of creativity around me. There are just some inklings that I would like to transform into tangible ideas that I can pursue."

The hurt surrounding her seems to dissipate . After widening her mouth to bite off half a large pancake and swallowing it , she encourages;

"You should have led with that. I thought you were growing tired of me."

"Who said I'm not tired of you?"I chuckle back and she jumps up to begin her ruthless back hitting. For someone who only does cardio, her strength is amazing.

"Anyways, what are you planning to do ?" She asks as she puts her dishes in the kitchen , smiling in thanks for breakfast.

"Don't know. I just want to sort the jumbling thoughts that are in my brain."

"You should, I've never seen you leave your bed undone till recently." she admits while wearing her shoes.

"I'll go tomorrow to spend a week in Malindi."

"I'm so jealous. Malindi is wonderful during this time." She groans out while picking up her handbag, a light brown, leather, one that matches the even lighter beige power suit.

"Should we drop Samosa off at Mom's house later?I may be really busy and I don't really want her getting depressed and feeling neglected.''She queries whilst cooing goodbyes at a comfortable Samosa who's ignoring her pitchy tone in favour of breakfast

"That's not a bad idea. I would have liked to go with her but I booked a hotel rather than an AirBnB" I informed.

"Okay, We'll drop her off tonight. Bye my white chocolate glazed doughnut."she teases with a mischievous smirk.

"You really are getting creative with these food nicknames. Bye my shea cocoa butter smelling chocolate queen."I reply with an innocent smile.

"EEEWWW" she exclaims as she shuts the door.

I begin cleaning the dishes and the house. It doesn't get as dirty as Samosa tends to play only within the surface of her pink carpet . At twelve I decide on making some Lahmacun. Seriously, I don't know how I would be able to survive without Middle Eastern cuisine. Like everything they make is just so flavourful. Though the time consuming process that is kneading usually dims the excitement to cook. And no, I will not be using the stand mixer because I feel like those really deescalate the flavour profile of foods. It's a weird thing I have. I can literally taste when a pastry is not made by hand. Call me pretentious but no matter how good the pastry is , nothing beats handmade.

Anyway as I am at the end of preparing the dough, Samosa, who noticeably hasn't been hovering over me despite removing the mincemeat that should have already thawed, appears from nowhere. I hadn't noticed this till I started staying home more often but between the time her mom bids her bye to one , she is nowhere around the house. It almost feels like a Secret Life of Pets situation and as much as I'd love to give her privacy , we live in the third storey of a five storey apartment. And she's a cat. But no matter how I try to inconspicuously follow her, she still catches me off guard and finds an even more mysterious way to dexterously evade me. Why would she even hide? What could she even be hiding? She's two months old so I know kittens are physically impossible. Maybe she became besties with some chill neighbour.Or what if it's a burglar who has befriended her so that she can easily let him in . Samosa is a smart cat and knows how to open doors with ease unless locked so that's not out of the question.

A Deadbeat's Journal(Jotarokujo x blackreader)Where stories live. Discover now