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February 12 20XX,

The day had started off surprisingly calm.

Jotaro had no immediate work schedule and thought that we should go to the vet mom referred to . This was all the way in Nyali and we decided to take his cruiser since he can't fit into my Passo (what an orge) .

Samosa (the kitten's name) , is very fond of Jotaro and despite Jotaro attempting to hide how fond he is of the cat , he lets the clingy traitor follow him everywhere. Within four days , Samosa has practically pledged allegiance to the man , doesn't she know she's dealing with a biracial coloniser ? She simply nods her head to my direction whenever I call her but Jotaro says the first syllable of her name and she's leaping mountains to reach him.

Jotaro cannot hide the amusement he gets at seeing me constantly get ignored. He almost barked out in laughter when Samosa woke from her nap, on the first day I brought her home, mind you and despite me cooing her to come lie on my lap she made headway to Jotaro , a stranger at the time and let him adjust her on his lap . Today was no different , despite Jotaro driving ,she placed herself on his lap the entire time . My heart cannot continue to take such strenuous,emotional torture.

"Is this the place?"he asked whilst pointing at the homely, rectangular , white , concrete building, surrounded by beautiful palm trees beside the main highway with the simple, italic, blue inscribing 'Ochieng's Vet' beside the wooden door .

I bit back a sarcastic retort and agreed.

As soon as we alighted (Samosa being cradled by Jotaro) , the wooden door was open and out came Dr. Ochieng . She's a middle aged woman with a calm disposition and the less nosy of the church aunties hence the reason mom was quick to recommend her . Her short fro was tightly shrunk allowing her dark ,unblemished face to shine without the need of makeup. She stands at 160cm, relatively average for a Kenyan woman and has a smile so bright you'd think she's personally sponsored by colgate considering how white her teeth are . Her get up was simple, a brown shirt , covered by a mid length pristine white lab coat alongside moderately flared slacks and black loafers.

"Oh dear y/n , I saw a car parking and thought it was you , I've been expecting you ."she said , a wide smile adorning the greeting as she approached me with open arms.

"Hey aunt , I'm happy to hear that . I'm here with Jotaro," I replied hoping that I'm properly imitating the same vibe she's giving whilst hugging her back .

Based on her retained smile, I'd say mission accomplished . She looks over to Jotaro and says,

"Oh Jotaro, Diana told me all about you but she never mentioned how handsome you are . How y/n hasn't fallen in love with you yet is a surprise right?"she said heading over to him to give him a hug. That's simply because he's a prick and no one deserves me anyways.

Jotaro however , simply smiled and said with an ever growing smirk,

"It's actually because I've always been into doctors."

What a sleaze , and based on aunt's giggling she fell right in it . Jotaro usually has the social skills of a rock but he knows when to show out.

"And are they our client for today?"Aunt asked whilst softly brushing Samosa's fur.

"Yep , her name's Samosa and we'd just like her checked on and see the date she can get spayed.", I replied as aunt softly chuckled at the cat's name .

"Okay then , let's head in although I should warn you that her operation is going to wait for like 2 weeks . It's almost breeding season and everyone who was putting it off is now running to get their pets neutered." she said as we walked into the air conditioned reception which was a relief from the blazing 31℃ outside.

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