The Heart Of An Angel

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A soul of unspoken ruins malaise beneath the burdensome carcass of an inebriated subsiding darkness. Banishing heartbeats chastised by the academic glare of tutored emptiness. the steel wool persona of each student silently received bloodied fangs by the obsessive tones of a rusted school bell. It's anchor of pain cast reckoning, discharging into the morning air.

The school day had now begun.

Thoughts became unpressed in a foggy omnipotent haze. The unwinding cocoon like mirage of unbalanced
Fractions, Social studies, and practical science prevailed. Concocting the false network in the ever severed minds of a teenly rampaging.

Angelina had nothing to do with it.

She was smartly equipped. A cache of infinite qualities leading to the beauty of her sparkling eyes. Her definitive fire lashing outwards upon a serial glare. She scoffed at the moronic capacity of those that entertained such listlessness. They abhorred her. Leading to the guise of a faintly interested judgement within. A painted bravery that surged by the motion that all she would need is herself to cautiously abound.

And then she saw him...

A blonde disheveled mane laid scraggly, swaying gently to an even stride. Its soft waves gradually swooping upwards by a casual hand. Gently Faded blue eyes played darkly to the astonishing character of their mirror gleam. Their silent docility leading the female students to a medial drooling upon slick witted smiles.

His branded alibi shined by the stair of an outward impersonation of goodness. It's intensified masking the shadow self of a different
compassion. Adorned by the heart of a deadness sighing within.

The new student glared ceaselessly at Angelina's face. Her heartbeat summoned to the drumming of legions of blood flow now rising. It's crimson invitation painting darkly the insides of the cavity of its dark enchanting. Perspiration overthrew her body. The lapsing of reality shined as of a fierce nightfall. Silently within the unseen wounds of a desperate longing. She now became a coma of lost dreams and heartaches long forgotten. As dark passions ignited within her feeble trembling body. She now lingered at the intrusion of a secret longing. A longing infused in the rich skeletal decay of time forgotten. A heart twisted into shapelessness. Distressed of a barren darkness. Empty and seered of coldness. Grueling in the pursuit of all that was abandoned. Crafted in the rich sentiments of an extreme obliteration. The joining of a withered proposal. Septic and left unspoken. Given life to an altar dedicated to her eyes, her face, her shadow. Where the devil's son would kneel in bereavement of all he had ever known.

To be loved by the heart of an angel.


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