Love Eternal

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Denkai swallowed fiercely the lump of dIsbelief that now appropriated his torrent form. His reflexes engaged in a contained looping. A dark flow of straining muscles conducting their viral steed. Bracing in strength garnered by the will of the vampire that now became human.

Angelina smiled at him, displacing the well-mannered balance of kindness and strife that assembled its fortress within the shine of her eyes.

Walking forward, she gazed into Denkais off set shyness. Summoning the lapsed spacial void that neglected the rule of their now beckoning encounter.

"Are you ok"?

Denkai was not ok.

His stomach grumbled, his flesh tensed, his gaze consuming the tainted overture of colors that had been swelled into a violent distortion. For now, they were scratching in an assembly of a dark unison. The acrewing of an apparent wholeness rippled by the embrace of their suitors smile. Mimicking what a vampire's eyes would radically see. Reversed now into that plague of humanity.

For the secession of training thoughts to mirror now that quiet ingesting. The infiltration of reality to a humans 5 senses. A chrysalises effect fell as scales by fiery eyes.

Dancing to the tomb of a canonical endowment.

Their tones lifting the guided stance of a now muscular body. In quaint preparation, it's firmness stood erect and foreboding.

Denkai stood starring at the gentle quietness of Angelina's beauty.

Suddenly frozen in a benign sculpture void of all temptations.

For he wanted to touch her.

To face the perfumed guidance of her physicality in a gentle unrobing. Uprooted from her feared longing. Tried and tempered to know her lips in a casual embrace. To entwine like spider webs, her hands in the palm of his own. This distant dwarfing of what humans call love. The matched luminous wonder of moonlit moments. Turned to silk weaved ambiance drawn and dispelled. Worn by the night in all her beauty. Now gently intact by tears that had faltered and hardened their ocean's grasp.

For she was the deliberate isolation of death by grace.
Extending her fury by swollen eyes. Now in hope standing beside the footsteps of the devil.

His will human for a battered bloodshed. Repreaved to normalcy in the depth of an unknown comfort.

By God's love. Now atoning in mercy towards Denkais shadow. Opening the door of his heartbeat.

Where Angelina now could see the vampire king.

His throne cracked black and weary. Expelled to the depths of a preserved innocense. Fashioned by the lips that speak of the cruelty of the damned.

Now the message of hope standing in flesh as a blanket disguised by bluish eyes

one with the newness in love eternal.

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